Buhos - Escales Fins al Cel - traduction des paroles en anglais

Escales Fins al Cel - Buhostraduction en anglais

Escales Fins al Cel
Ladders to Heaven
He perdut tantes tornades
I've lost so many tornadoes
Que ara ja no on són
That now I don't know where they are
Cavalcant sobre una estrofa
Riding on a stanza
Junts arribarem al pont
Together we'll reach the bridge
No hi ha cap cançó que soni millor
There is no song that sounds better
A cap racó del món
In any corner of the world
La partitura de la teva cintura vull seguir llegint
I want to keep reading the score of your waist
I poder encendre la flama sobre el pentagrama en el que embogim
And be able to light the flame on the staff on which we go crazy
Poc a poc el foc ens fa ballar per l'infern
Little by little the fire makes us dance through hell
I somiem que això nostre és etern
And we dream that this of ours is eternal
Poc a poc pugem escales fins al cel
Little by little we climb ladders to heaven
I a la nit li surten ales i volem, i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly, and we fly
I a la nit li surten ales i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly
I a la nit li surten ales i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly
Anem buscant les notes
We go looking for the notes
Ara fluix ara més fort
Now soft now louder
Al ritme que ens marca
To the rhythm marked by us
El batec del teu cor
The beat of your heart
I els silencis són
And the silences are
Sols per respirar
Only for breathing
I tornar a començar
And to start over
No hi ha cap orquestra
There is no orchestra
Ni cap nit de festa que pugui igualar
Nor any party night that can match
Aquesta melodia
This melody
Amb dolça harmonia que ara fem sonar
With sweet harmony that we now play
Poc a poc el foc ens fa ballar per l'infern
Little by little the fire makes us dance through hell
I somiem que això nostre és etern
And we dream that this of ours is eternal
Poc a poc pugem escales fins al cel
Little by little we climb ladders to heaven
I a la nit li surten ales i volem, i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly, and we fly
I a la nit li surten ales i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly
I a la nit li surten ales i volem
And at night it gets wings and we fly

Writer(s): Guillem Sole, Jaume Nin, David Marti Rosell, Joan Mas Blazquez, Antoni Blazquez Vidal

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