Buknas De Culiacan feat. Los 2 Primos - Asunto Pendiente (feat. Los 2 Primos) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Buknas De Culiacan feat. Los 2 Primos - Asunto Pendiente (feat. Los 2 Primos)

Asunto Pendiente (feat. Los 2 Primos)
Unresolved Issue (feat. Los 2 Primos)
Donde se a metido lo he andado buscando
Where did he go? I've been looking for him
No fue nada fácil poder encontrarlo
It was not easy to find him
La orden fue muy clara me la dio mi padre
The order was very clear, my father gave it to me
Me dijo lo busca dile quiero hablarle
He said, "Find him and tell him I want to talk to him"
Ahora que lo tengo aquí en cortito
Now that I have him here, up close
Voy a platicarle de unos asuntitos
I'm going to tell him about some issues
Lo sabemos bien usted es el culpable
We know very well that you are the culprit
Dame la razón que no este mi padre
Give me a reason why my father is not here
Primero que nada voy a saludarte
First of all, I'm going to greet you
Ahijado te estimo que gusto mirarte
Godson, I appreciate you, nice to see you
Dime lo que pasa te escucho molesto
Tell me what's wrong, you seem upset
No me estés culpando todo a sido un cuento
Don't blame me, it's all been a story
Debe de saber que yo y mi compadre
You should know that my friend and I
Desde chavalillos fuimos una y carne
Since we were kids, we were one and the same
Te exijo me expliques porque no se nada
I demand an explanation, because I don't know anything
No puedo creerlo sigues con lo mismo
I can't believe you're still on about the same thing
Quisiera trosarte con este cuernito
I'd like to cut you with this little horn
Pero antes de eso voy a comprobarle
But before that, I'm going to prove it to you
Estoy en lo cierto no he de equivocarme
I'm sure I'm right, I can't be wrong
Llamadas gravadas un testigo ay de esto
Recorded calls, there's a witness to this
Su mano derecha me a informado viejo
Your right-hand man has informed me, old man
Antes de matarlo haré una llamada
I'll make a call before I kill him
Fue parte del trato escupirle en su cara
It was part of the deal to spit in his face
Ya veo que es encerio no estabas jugando
I see you're serious, you weren't kidding
Te tengo rodeado por si intentas algo
I have you surrounded in case you try anything
Fue muy tentadora generosa oferta
It was a very tempting, generous offer
Por 5 millones todo esta a la venta
For 5 million, everything is for sale
Te doy un minuto pa que te retires
I'll give you a minute to leave
Nada personal y no te me aguites
Nothing personal, don't be upset
La vida es muy perra ya lo as comprobado
Life is a bitch, you've already seen it
Espero que entiendas mi querido ahijado
I hope you understand, my dear godson
A que padrinito me crees tan ingenio
Oh, godfather, do you think I'm that naive?
Tengo vigilados todo su terreno
I have your entire territory under surveillance
Tienen en la mira francotiradores
There are snipers watching you
A sus pistoleros toditos mis hombres
All of your gunmen, my men have them
Cállese el hocico y no conteste nada
Shut your mouth and don't answer
Se llego la hora mire me a la cara
The time has come, look me in the face
No se me resista no me de batalla
Don't resist, don't fight me
Vallase al infierno con toda su plaga.
Go to hell with all your plague.

Writer(s): Emiliano Facundo Giacobbe, Javier Fernando Entelman, Rodrigo Tellechea, Jorge Paul Ranni, Kevin Alexis Berot

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