Burzum - Daudi Baldrs - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Burzum - Daudi Baldrs

Daudi Baldrs
Daudi Baldrs
Þat er upphaf þessar søgo at Baldr inn góða dreymði drauma stóra ok
Thats the beginning of this søgo at Baldr inn good dreamed dreams big ok
Hættliga um líf sitt. En er hann sagði Ásunum draumana þá báru þeir
Dangerous for his life. But when he told The Aces the dreams, they carried
Saman ráð sín, ok var þat gert at beiða griða Baldri fyrir alls-konar
Together with his counsel, it was done to wait for the protection of Baldr for all sorts of things.
Háska, ok Frigg tók svardaga til þess at eira sky
Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok.
Ldu Baldri eldr ok vatn, járn ok alls-konar málmr, steinar, jørðin,
LDU Baldri eldr y water, iron y all kinds of metals, stones, Earth,
Viðirnir, sóttirnar, dýrin, fuglarnir, eitr, ormar. En er þetta var gert
The wood, the suckers, the animals, the birds, the poisons, the snakes. But this was done
Ok vitat, þá var þat skemtun Baldrs ok Ásanna at hann skyldi standa upp
OK vitat, then it was Baldr's mockery and the Aces that he should stand up
á þingum en allir aðrir skyldu sumir skjót
everyone else was shooting.
A á hann, sumir høggva til, sumir berja grjóti. En hvat sem at var gert,
Some hit him, some hit him. What was done,
Sakaði hann ekki, ok þótti þetta øllum mikill frami. En er þetta Loki
I didn't blame him, but it was a big deal. Is this the end
Laufeyjarson þá líkaði honum illa er Baldr sakaði ekki. Hann gekk til
Laufeyjarson then disliked him badly, which Baldr did not accuse. He walked to
Fensalar til Friggjar ok brá sér í konu
Fensalar til Friggjar ok broke up with a woman
Líki. Þá spyrr Frigg ef kona vissi hvat Æsir høfðusk at á þinginu.
Corpse. Frigg then asked if the woman knew what was the reason for her courteous behaviour in the assembly.
Hon sagði at allir skutu at Baldri, ok þat at hann sakaði ekki. Þá mælir
She said That Everyone shot at Baldr, ok that he did not blame. Then measures
′"Eigi munu vápn eða viðir granda Baldri. Eiða hefi ek þegit af øllum
"Neither weapons nor weapons shall touch Baldr. I have been silenced by beer.
'Þá sp
'Then sp
Yrr konan: "Hafa allir hlutir eiða unnit at eira Baldri?"
Yrr konan: "have all the things of Eiða been done at Eira Baldri?"
′Þá svarar Frigg: "Vex viðarteinungr einn fyrir vestan Valhøll. er
'Frigg then replies:" Vex viðarteinungr einn for vestn Valhøll. He is
Mistilteinn kallaðr. þótti mér ungr at krefja eiðsins."
Mistletoe is called. I thought he was too young to take the oath."
'Því næst hvarf konan á braut. En Loki tók mistiltein ok sleit
'Next, the woman disappeared into orbit. But Loki took mistiltein and slipped
Upp ok
Up ok
Gekk til þings. En Høðr stóð útarliga í mannhringinum því at hann var
Went to the Senate. He stood in the circle of men because he was
Blindr. Þá mælir Loki við hann:
Blindr. Then Loki speaks to him:
'"Hví skýtr þú ekki at Baldri?"
'"Why don't you shoot at Baldr?"
′Hann svarar: "Þvíat ek eigi hvar Baldr er, ok þat annat at ek em
'He replies: "Þvíat ek Eller where Baldr is, ok þat Annar at EK em
′Þá mælir Loki: "Gerð
'Then Loki recommends:" Act
U þó í líking annarra manna ok veit Baldri soemð
But in the likeness of other men, I know Baldr soemð
Sem aðrir menn. Ek mun vísa þér til hvar hann stendr. Skjót at honum
Like other men. I will direct you to where he stands. Shoot him
Vendi þessum."
Turn this one over."
'Høðr tók mistiltein ok skaut at Baldri at tilvísun Loka. Flaug
'Høðr took mistiltein and shot at Baldri at the reference lock. Flaug
Skotit í gøgnum hann ok fell hann dauðr til jarðar, ok hefir þat mest
Shot him in the eye, and he fell dead to the ground, and he had the most
óhapp verit unnit með goðum ok mønnum. Þá er Baldr var fallinn þá
bad luck befell the gods. Then Baldr had fallen
Fellusk øllum Ásum orðtøk ok svá hendr at taka til
Fellusk øllum Ásum ordtøk ok svá hendr at taka til
Hans, ok hverr til annars, ok váru allir með einum hug til þess er
All of them, all of them, all of them with one mind.
Unnit hafði verkit. En engi mátti hefna, þar var svá mikill griðastaðr.
Unnit had ached. But no one could take revenge, there was such a great sanctuary.
En þá er Æsirnir freistuðu at mæla þá var hitt þó fyrr at grátrinn kom
But when the Æsir were tempted to speak, it was earlier that the weeping came
Upp svá at engi mátti øðrum segja með orðu
No one could say a word
Num frá sínum harmi. En Óðinn bar þeim mum verst þenna skaða sem hann
Let go of your sorrow. But he did the worst damage he could
Kunni mesta skyn hversu mikil aftaka ok missa Ásunum var í fráfalli
Did you know how much the loss of the Aces was in defection?
Baldrs. En er goðin vitkuðusk þá mælir Frigg ok spurði hverr væri með
Baldrs. But when the goddess was witty, Frigg spoke, and asked who he was with.
Ásum er eignask vildi allar ástir hennar ok
Asum's possessor wanted all her loves ok
Hylli ok vili hann ríða á Helveg ok freista ef hann fái fundit Baldr ok
He will ride to Hell, and he will be tempted if he finds Baldr.
Bjóða Helju útlausn ef hon vill láta fara Baldr heim í Ásgarð. En er
Offer Helja redemption if she will let Baldr go home to Asgard. But that one is
Nefndr Hermóðr inn hvati, sveinn Óðins, er til þeirar farar varð. Þá var
Named Hermóðr Inn hvati, Odin's sveinn, who became their father. Then there was
Tekinn Sleipnir, hestr Óðins, ok leidd
Captured Sleipnir, hestr Odins, ok led
R fram, ok steig Hermóðr á þann hest ok hleypti braut.
R went forward, and Hermóðr got on that horse, and set off.

Writer(s): Varg Vikernes

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