Buđenje - Krug Života - traduction des paroles en anglais

Krug Života - Buđenjetraduction en anglais

Krug Života
Circle of Life
Pogledaj, da li vidiš stvari kao ja
Look, do you see things like me
Ljudi žure se, a u istom krugu vrte se
People hurry, but they're spinning in the same circle
A krug života troši se
And the circle of life is wearing out
Svi žive brzo, a ljepota promakne
Everyone lives fast, and beauty passes by
Pogledaj, kako vrijeme može stat' na tren
Look, how time can stand still for a moment
I osjeti taj trenutak, čuvaj ga za nas
And feel that moment, keep it for us
Jer krug života troši se
Because the circle of life is wearing out
Sad smo tu, a sutra 'ko zna
We are here now, but who knows tomorrow
Želim da budemo zajedno, iako nisi spremna
I want us to be together, even if you're not ready
Želim sagraditi dom, da riječi postanu djela
I want to build a home, for words to become actions
Čovjek je stvoren za dvoje, i to je istina cijela
Man was created for two, and that's the whole truth
Mi možemo stvoriti život draga, dal' bi to htjela
We can create life, my darling, would you like that
Stvoriti anđela od nas
Create an angel from us
Pogledaj, da li vidiš stvari kao ja
Look, do you see things like me
I osjeti kako vrijeme može stat' na tren
And feel how time can stand still for a moment
Jer krug života troši se
Because the circle of life is wearing out
Sad smo tu, a sutra 'ko zna
We are here now, but who knows tomorrow
Želim da budemo zajedno, iako nisi spremna
I want us to be together, even if you're not ready
Želim sagraditi dom, da riječi postanu djela
I want to build a home, for words to become actions
Čovjek je stvoren za dvoje, i to je istina cijela
Man was created for two, and that's the whole truth
Mi možemo stvoriti život draga, dal' bi to htjela
We can create life, my darling, would you like that
Stvoriti anđela od nas
Create an angel from us

Writer(s): Marijo Luketa, Mario Huljev, Igor Ivanovic

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