C-Kan feat. Carolyn Rodriguez - Postdata - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C-Kan feat. Carolyn Rodriguez - Postdata

Hola perdón por tardar tanto en escribirte
Hi, I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you
El trabajo me ha dejado solo un poco tiempo libre
Work has left me with very little free time
Sabes Esta ciudad no es como la imagine
You know, this city is not what I imagined
Hay mucha gente mucha trafico y por consecuencia estrés
There are too many people, too much traffic, and too much stress
No dejo de pensar en ti espero tu también en mi
I can't stop thinking about you, I hope you're thinking about me too
Espero que aun uses el anillo que te di
I hope you're still wearing the ring I gave you
Yo se que nuestro amor podrá vencer las distancias
I know that our love can overcome the distance
Siempre ha salido adelante sin importar circunstancias
It has always persevered, no matter the circumstances
Pedí a Ernesto mi amigo que por favor te cuidara
I asked Ernesto, my friend, to take care of you
Que nada te pasara y que nada te faltara
To make sure nothing happened to you, and that you didn't want for anything
No sientas pena en pedirle lo que necesites
Don't be shy about asking him for anything you need
Gracias a dios que amigos como el existen
Thank God for friends like him
Pero cuéntame como esta todo por tus tierras
But tell me, how are things there in your part of the world?
Felicidades pronto terminas tu carrera
Congratulations, soon you will finish your degree
Extraño nuestra intimidad tus carisias tu cara
I miss our intimacy, your caresses, your face
Extraño a mi familia y extraño Guadalajara
I miss my family and I miss Guadalajara
Volveré pronto no sabes que feo se siente
I'll be back soon, you have no idea how awful it feels
Posdata: tu & yo por siempre
P.S.: You & Me, forever
Hola que gusto saber de ti
Hi, it's nice to hear from you
Pasaron casi 3 meses y sin escribir
It's been almost 3 months, and you haven't written
Sin saber de ti sin saber que había pasado
Not a word, not a sign of life
Si se te olvido lo nuestro o si había terminado
I wondered if you'd forgotten about us, or if it was over
Te lloraba cada noche gritando porque te fuiste
I cried for you every night, wondering why you'd left
Pero la vida sigue de que sirve vivir triste
But life goes on, and what good is it to be sad?
Después de tanto terminar creo que era obvio
After all this time, I think it was obvious
Hace apenas un mes que Ernesto es mi novio
It's been a month since Ernesto became my boyfriend
Tal como se lo pediste en todo me lo dio
Just like you asked him to, he gave me everything
Le pedí un beso y efectivamente no me lo negó
I asked him for a kiss, and he didn't refuse me
Me escucha cuando estoy triste sus palabras me dan alas
He listens to me when I'm sad, his words give me wings
Aunque tengo que admitir que en la cama no te iguala
Although, I have to admit, he's not as good in bed as you
No se lo que paso nunca me imagine con el
I don't know what happened, I never imagined myself with him
Me caía tan mal y el era tu mejor amigo
I disliked him so much, and he was your best friend
Nunca olvidare el tiempo que compartimos
I'll never forget the time we shared
Posdata: Gracias por todo lo que vivimos
P.S.: Thank you for everything we lived
Porque fue así porque desiste terminarme
Why did you give up on us? Why did you end it?
Acaso no me amabas tu prometiste esperarme
Didn't you love me? You promised to wait for me
Me hace pedazos la idea el tener que olvidarnos
It breaks my heart to think that we have to forget each other
Faltaba solo un mes para volver i casarnos
There was only a month to go before I came back and we got married
Buena suerte para ti y para Ernesto
Good luck to you and Ernesto
Dile a mi mejor amigo que ahora lo detesto
Tell my best friend that I hate him now
Si todo lo Asia por ti dime ahora por quien vivo
If you did everything for me, tell me now who will I live for?
Posdata: esta es la ultima carta que escribo
P.S.: This is the last letter I will write

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