C-Kan feat. MC Davo - Round 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C-Kan feat. MC Davo - Round 2

Round 2
Round 2
Hubiera dado todo por no ser yo el peor error que cometiste,
I would have given anything not to be the worst mistake you ever made,
Pero el hubiera no existe .
But there's no such thing as "would have."
Si te tuviera aqui confesaria que pa' mi la mejor fuiste
If I had you here, I'd confess that you were the best for me,
Y el tuviera tampoco existe.
And "had" doesn't exist either.
Y aunque soñe volver para intentar recuperar lo que me diste,
And even though I dreamt of coming back to try and get back what you gave me,
Luego de eso te despediste,
After that, you said goodbye,
Se que no fue la mejor versión de mi la que ayer tu conociste
I know it wasn't the best version of me that you met yesterday,
Y eso me pone mas triste.
And that makes me even sadder.
Sabiendo que en ti tenia todo lo que un dia yo hubiera deseado tener,
Knowing that in you I had everything I ever wanted to have,
Perdi la manera de hacer que sonrieras como merecieras quisieras mujer
I lost the way to make you smile like you deserved, like you wanted, woman.
Pudiera siquiera encontrarte alla afuera de verte de nuevo aunque no quieras verme
I could at least find you out there, see you again, even if you don't want to see me,
Se de ti todo y encontrare el modo de verlo a la cara y contarselo a el.
I know everything about you and I'll find a way to look him in the face and tell him.
Si un dia la quieres ver llorar pregunta por mi
If one day you want to see her cry, ask about me,
Dile que te cuente la razon por la que fui el hombre que mas ella amo
Tell her to tell you why I was the man she loved the most,
Pero que al partir no era mi intencion el lastimar su corazon.
But that when I left, it wasn't my intention to hurt her heart.
Si quieres verla sonreir hablale de mi
If you want to see her smile, talk to her about me,
Ella te dira como fue que se le olvido
She'll tell you how she forgot
Todo aquello que eras tu cuando me conocio a mi
Everything you were when she met me,
Y ahora te aseguro que ni se acuerda de ti
And now I assure you that she doesn't even remember you.
Se que te duele aceptarlo pero perdiste esta vez
I know it hurts you to accept it, but you lost this time,
Reprobaste en un lugar donde yo acabo de sacar diez,
You failed in a place where I just got a ten,
Eso te pasa por creerte que tienes el mundo a tus pies
That's what happens when you think you have the world at your feet,
Ella es feliz y ahora la trato como la reina que es,
She is happy and now I treat her like the queen she is,
Descuida que lo que ella y yo sentimos va en su vida
Don't worry, what she and I feel is going on in her life,
Y sabes bien que cuando un amor juega mal pronto se olvida,
And you know well that when a love plays badly, it is soon forgotten,
Por ti ella no esta dolida,
She is not hurt because of you,
Mucho menos confundida,
Much less confused,
Es mas ni se acuerda de ti ahora soy yo el amor de su vida,
In fact, she doesn't even remember you, now I am the love of her life,
Quien la cuida y hace que todos sus dias tengan sentido
The one who takes care of her and makes all her days make sense,
Conmigo ella siente lo que contigo no habia sentido,
With me she feels what she hadn't felt with you,
No vengas de arrepentido despues de averle mentido
Don't come repentant after having lied to her,
Ya eres cosa del pasado por si no lo has entendido.
You are already a thing of the past, in case you haven't understood.
Si un dia la quieres ver llorar pregunta por mi
If one day you want to see her cry, ask about me,
Dile que te cuente la razon por la que fui el hombre que mas ella amo
Tell her to tell you why I was the man she loved the most,
Pero que al partir no era mi intencion el lastimar su corazon.
But that when I left, it wasn't my intention to hurt her heart.
Si quieres verla sonreir hablale de mi
If you want to see her smile, talk to her about me,
Ella te dira como fue que se le olvido
She'll tell you how she forgot
Todo aquello que eras tu cuando me conocio a mi
Everything you were when she met me,
Y ahora te aseguro que ni se acuerda de ti
And now I assure you that she doesn't even remember you.
Te entiendo ya no queda mas para decirte
I understand you, there is nothing left to tell you,
Saber perder es saber rendirte,
Knowing how to lose is knowing how to give up,
Mas no la culpes a ella si al escuchar de mi nombre su sonrisa se pone triste.
But don't blame her if when she hears my name, her smile turns sad.
Como te hago entender que no lo hago en mal plan
How do I make you understand that I'm not doing it in a bad way,
Ella ahora es mi mujer lo debes de aceptar o que
She is my woman now, you must accept it, or what?
Fuiste su novio pero eso fue tiempo atrás.
You were her boyfriend, but that was a long time ago.
Si un día la quieres ver llorar pregunta por mi
If one day you want to see her cry, ask about me,
Dile que te cuente la razon por la que fui el hombre que mas ella amo
Tell her to tell you why I was the man she loved the most,
Pero que al partir no era mi intencion el lastimar su corazon.
But that when I left, it wasn't my intention to hurt her heart.
Si quieres verla sonreir hablale de mi
If you want to see her smile, talk to her about me,
Ella te dira como fue que se le olvido
She'll tell you how she forgot
Todo aquello que eras tu cuando me conocio a mi
Everything you were when she met me,
Y ahora te aseguro que ni se acuerda de ti
And now I assure you that she doesn't even remember you.

C-Kan feat. MC Davo - Round 2 (feat. MC Davo) - Single
Round 2 (feat. MC Davo) - Single
date de sortie

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