C-Kan - Somos de Barrio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C-Kan - Somos de Barrio

Somos de Barrio
We Are From the Hood
En Jalisco existen ochocientas pandillas aproximadamente,
In Jalisco, there are approximately eight hundred gangs,
Hoy encendí el televisor miré mi rostro y el de otros homies,
Today I turned on the TV, I saw my face and that of other homies,
El reportaje del día,
The day's report,
El reportero decía,
The reporter said,
Jóvenes marginados, agrupaciones,
Marginalized youths, groups,
Pandillas de alto riesgo,
High-risk gangs,
Son o se hacen los ciegos,
They are or play blind,
Que saben ellos de crecer en barrios humildes,
What do they know about growing up in poor neighborhoods,
Que por tu aspecto te hagan sentir que no sirves,
That your appearance makes you feel worthless,
De esperar a que los contrarios bajen,
To wait for the rivals to come down,
O que te nieguen un buen empleo solo por los tatuajes,
Or to be denied a good job just because of the tattoos,
El homie se tatuó el nombre del hermano que lo mataron a los veinte,
The homie got a tattoo of the name of the brother who was killed at twenty,
Trabajador, decente,
Hardworking, decent,
Y el oficial que aspira perico y expresión agente,
And the officer who sniffs coke, with the expression of an agent,
Le llama delincuente,
Calls him a criminal,
La nena el padrastro quiso abusar,
The girl, her stepfather tried to abuse her,
Mamá la ignora autoridad,
Mom ignores authority,
Jaja ni pa que denunciar,
Haha, there is no point in reporting,
Otros quienes para dar una vida digna a la familia se hacen buen punto,
Others, in order to give a decent life to their families, do well for a while,
Después calos feos, haces cana, la familia se jodió y punto,
Then, ugly calluses, you do time, the family is screwed and that's it,
Unos mas que ni familia tienen,
Some more who don't even have a family,
Una familia te protege un barrio también,
A family protects you, a neighborhood also,
Te ayuda un barrio también,
A neighborhood helps you too,
Mi barrio, mis amistades de pequeño,
My neighborhood, my childhood friends,
Antes canicas y trompos hoy trompones y leños,
Before marbles and spinning tops, today punches and logs,
Me juzgan por la apariencia y los trajeados políticos a ojos de muchos pegan los mas grandes robos,
They judge me by my appearance, and the suited politicians, in the eyes of many, commit the biggest robberies,
Por favor humilde no bobo,
Please, humble, not dumb,
Delincuente yo delincuente el oficial que me persigue a diario,
Criminal me? The officer who chases me every day is a criminal,
Porque su barrio,
Because his neighborhood,
No es mas lujoso que el mío,
Is not more luxurious than mine,
Pero es la autoridad claro y yo,
But he is the authority, of course, and I,
Con coraje, sin gallo,
With courage, without a dime,
Ni dinero me tengo que quedar conforme,
Or money, I have to be satisfied,
Delincuentes pero con uniforme,
Criminals, but in uniform,
Lo que me tiene conforme,
What keeps me content,
Es que yo vivo del aplauso de la gente que paga tu salario,
Is that I live off the applause of the people who pay your salary,
Delincuente yo,
Criminal me,
Jaja delincuente nosotros somos de barrio.
Haha, you're the criminal, we are from the hood.
Nosotros somos de barrio,
We are from the hood,
Tu no viste lo que yo,
You didn't see what I did,
No viviste como yo,
You didn't live like me,
No creciste donde yo,
You didn't grow up where I did,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Tu no fuiste lo que yo,
You weren't what I was,
No aprendiste como yo,
You didn't learn like me,
No vienes de donde yo,
You don't come from where I do,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Caen los contrarios,
The rivals fall,
Sirenas cantan en el vecindario,
Sirens sing in the neighborhood,
Por aquí la muerte visita sin horario,
Around here, death visits without a schedule,
Somos de barrio.
We are from the hood.
El sistema señaló mi colonia pa donde me hago,
The system pointed to my neighborhood, where do I go,
Allí puro vago,
There, pure bums,
Tatuado sin trabajo y barrios,
Tattooed, unemployed and neighborhoods,
Loco sin descanso,
Crazy without rest,
Jefe haber dígame,
Boss, tell me,
Cuantos policías es que a usted lo persiguen,
How many police officers are chasing you,
Nada con su saco y corbata,
Nothing with your suit and tie,
Pero seguro usted es mas rata,
But surely you are more of a rat,
Que los perros de mi cuadra,
Than the dogs in my block,
Yo no estudié pero si me he dado cuenta,
I didn't study, but I have realized,
Que por una firma a todos nos da la vuelta,
That for a signature, everyone turns their backs on us,
Yo tengo que salir a la calle y rifármela,
I have to go out and earn it,
Acordándome de aquellos que ya estiraron la pata,
Remembering those who have already kicked the bucket,
Con plata,
With money,
Drogas o venganzas,
Drugs or revenge,
Así es las calles de la gente marginada,
That's the way the streets of the marginalized people are,
Pero de que historias ni memoria pa contarla,
But what stories, not even a memory to tell,
No viste lo que yo no me digas tus mamadas,
You didn't see what I saw, don't tell me your bullshit,
Arte poética revolucionaria,
Revolutionary poetic art,
La Cruz Blanca y la Cancha,
The White Cross and the Court,
Nosotros somos de barrio,
We are from the hood,
Tu no viste lo que yo,
You didn't see what I did,
No viviste como yo,
You didn't live like me,
No creciste donde yo,
You didn't grow up where I did,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Tu no fuiste lo que yo,
You weren't what I was,
No aprendiste como yo,
You didn't learn like me,
No vienes de donde yo,
You don't come from where I do,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Caen los contrarios,
The rivals fall,
Sirenas cantan en el vecindario,
Sirens sing in the neighborhood,
Por aquí la muerte visita sin horario,
Around here, death visits without a schedule,
Somos de barrio.
We are from the hood.
Bienvenido al terreno,
Welcome to the land,
De guerras con puños, truenos,
Of fist wars, thunder,
Donde nacen sueños,
Where dreams are born,
Malandros de pequeños,
Thugs since childhood,
Voy por mi leño,
I'm going for my log,
En el barrio que me enseñó,
In the neighborhood that taught me,
Que con un rosario y la fe del Señor,
That with a rosary and faith in the Lord,
No hay temor,
There is no fear,
Si de lejos la intención distingo,
If I can distinguish the intention from afar,
Las balas se llevaron al Enano y a Domingo,
The bullets took Enano and Domingo,
Mas yo le chingo,
But I keep going,
Voy por el sueño de muchos,
I'm going for the dream of many,
Y lucho,
And I fight,
Pa escucharme si un día me marcho,
To be heard if one day I leave,
Que me ven en la Cancha 98,
That they see me at the Court 98,
Yo de arriba los guacho,
From above, I watch over them,
Dando un gallo con el Poncho,
Giving a shout-out with Poncho,
Total Padrino,
Total Godfather,
Pa morir nacimos,
We were born to die,
Pero las cicatrices recuerdan de onde venimos,
But the scars remind us where we come from,
We hear,
Mas novenarios que serenatas,
More novenaries than serenades,
De que quieren que cante no nací forrado en plata,
What do they want me to sing about? I wasn't born wrapped in silver,
De vacacionar por mi vecindario,
To vacation in my neighborhood,
No viene de onde yo yo soy de barrio.
You don't come from where I do, I'm from the hood.
Nosotros somos de barrio,
We are from the hood,
Tu no viste lo que yo,
You didn't see what I did,
No viviste como yo,
You didn't live like me,
No creciste donde yo,
You didn't grow up where I did,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Tu no fuiste lo que yo,
You weren't what I was,
No aprendiste como yo,
You didn't learn like me,
No vienes de donde yo,
You don't come from where I do,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Caen los contrarios,
The rivals fall,
Sirenas cantan en el vecindario,
Sirens sing in the neighborhood,
Por aquí la muerte visita sin horario,
Around here, death visits without a schedule,
Somos de barrio.
We are from the hood.
Este es el remix,
This is the remix,
Guanatos, Guzmán,
Guanatos, Guzmán,
Togwy, C-Kan,
Togwy, C-Kan,
Da Players Town,
Da Players Town,
MTL Ridaz,
MTL Ridaz,
Somos de barrio,
We are from the hood,
Volumen dos,
Volume two,
El Boss.
El Boss.
Nosotros somos de barrio,
We are from the hood,
Tu no viste lo que yo,
You didn't see what I did,
No viviste como yo,
You didn't live like me,
No creciste donde yo,
You didn't grow up where I did,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Tu no fuiste lo que yo,
You weren't what I was,
No aprendiste como yo,
You didn't learn like me,
No vienes de donde yo,
You don't come from where I do,
Soy de barrio,
I'm from the hood,
Caen los contrarios,
The rivals fall,
Sirenas cantan en el vecindario,
Sirens sing in the neighborhood,
Por aquí la muerte visita sin horario,
Around here, death visits without a schedule,
Somos de barrio.
We are from the hood.

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