C Mirazo - 206 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais C Mirazo - 206

Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu non me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206
Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu non me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206
Vamos encollidos
We go huddled
Pero a tope neno
But full throttle babe
Como unha turbina
Like a turbine
Cheira a queroseno
Smells like kerosene
Control da madera
Wood control
Pasa de largo
It passes by
O picoleto queda
The cop stays
Con cara de parvo
With a silly face
Saleu na rotonda
He came out at the roundabout
Tirou cararriba
He pulled uphill
Apretou e saleulle
He squeezed and it came out
Toda a carbonilla
All the carbon
Se quere neno
If you want babe
Nin e dubai o pillan
They won't even catch him in Dubai
Tirando os percebes
Throwing barnacles
Pola ventanilla
Out the window
Acórdome cando
I remember when
Tiña dezaseis
I was sixteen
Fumando un biturbo
Smoking a biturbo
No 206
In the 206
Salindo de festa
Going out partying
Cos bolsillos cheos
With pockets full
Volvendo pa casa
Coming back home
Dous dias despois
Two days later
Cuarenta e oito
No maletero
In the trunk
Pa unha churrascada
For a barbecue
Que eramos seis
That we were six
Na depuradora
At the treatment plant
Acabando con todo neno
Ending with everything babe
Apuntábase hasta o recarei
Even the priest signed up
Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu non me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206
Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu non me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206
Apártame esa carrilana do medio
Get that go-kart out of the way
No 206 subeselle o xenio
The 206 gets angry
Si quería xogar
If you wanted to play
Vai levar o premio
You're going to get the prize
Pasarche porriba xa non ten remedio
Passing you by has no remedy
No Val da Amahia
In the Val da Amahia
Subindo o volumen
Turning up the volume
Sona cmirazo
Cmirazo sounds
Prendémolo lume
Set it on fire
Queríanme restar
They wanted to subtract me
Díxenlle que sume
I told him to add up
Que era leña verde
That it was green wood
Solo facía fume
It only made smoke
Leva rodas novas
It has new wheels
Amarrase ben
Hold on tight
Aínda que somos cinco
Even though we are five
Nas curvas de cobas
On the Cobas curves
Sona demasiado
It sounds too loud
Salen tódolos veciños a fora
All the neighbors come out
Dixo miña abuela
My grandmother said
Que sexa a última vez que tamos montando un escándalo
That it be the last time we're making a scandal
Que as 4 da mañan xa non son horas
That 4 in the morning is no longer time
Na marquesina
At the marquee
Cos faros do coche
With the car's headlights
A purpurina de Pontecesures
The glitter of Pontecesures
Na marquesina
At the marquee
Cos faros do coche
With the car's headlights
Salen derrapando
Skidding out
Os neniños de chave
The key kids
Por enriba da
Over the
Carpeta o seguro
Insurance folder
Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu no me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206
Onte fun de tramo
Yesterday I went to the stage
Cos nenos de chave
With the key kids
Sisalde a telleira
Sisalde the tile factory
Nun 206
In a 206
Damian apretaba
Damian was pushing it
Pasando por lamas
Going through mud
Íbamos a 200 meu
We were going 200 babe
Xa non o sei
I don't know anymore
Xulián derrapando
Julian skidding
Foise pa cuneta
He went to the ditch
Dixeron que volcou
They said he rolled over
Eu no me fixei
I didn't notice
Puxeron catro
They put four
Tiramos cararriba
We went uphill
Morremos na pista
We died on the track
Co 206
With the 206

Writer(s): Cristian Mirazo

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