C Mirazo - Tate Calao - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C Mirazo - Tate Calao

Tate Calao
Tate Calao
Nena dime que foi
Baby tell me what the hell is this
Que carallo queres
What the hell do you want
Chave de Carballo nena
Carballo's key baby
C Maldito
C Damn
Non temos pistola
We don't have a gun
Pero sonan os disparos
But gunshots are heard
Somos bos rapaces
We are good guys
Pero sempre nos liamos
But we always get into trouble
Levo o peto cheo
My pocket is full
Polo que necesitemos neno
For whatever we might need, man
Que carallo queres
What the hell do you want
Chave de Carballo
Carballo's key
Sempre vou pola veira
I always walk on the edge
Pa non meterme nun lio
In order not to get into trouble
Sachándolle na leira
Hoeing in the field
A que se me poña no medio
Until someone gets in my way
Chejan os problemas ó barreiro
Problems come to the mud
E miña vella ten unha escopeta
And my old lady has a shotgun
Jardada no baixo
A shot in the bass
Teño unha morea de cartos
I have a lot of money
No banco en suíza
In a Swiss bank
Non levo nada pa España
I take nothing to Spain
Tou cheo de cobiza
I'm full of greed
Pajo o xusto en Alemania
I only pay what I have to in Germany
Pa que no me crujan
So I don't get ripped off
E pa pajar un pouco menos
And to pay a little less
Vou ter outra filla
I'm going to have another daughter
Neno non sei nin do que falo
Baby, I don't even know what I'm talking about
Son un pouquiño aparvado
I'm a little slow
Xa mo dixo meu abuelo
My grandfather told me so
Que é mellor estar calado
That it's better to be quiet
Porque non vale de nada
Because it's no use
Pouco teñen os que falan
Those who talk have little
E solo con esta merda
And only with this bullshit
Non teño a boca pechada
My mouth isn't shut
E ahora dime nena que carallo foi
And now tell me, baby, what the hell was that
Tuven que deixalo impreso nunha polaroid
I had to get it down on a Polaroid
Porque xa no me acordaba si era vaca ou boi
Because I didn't remember if it was a cow or an ox
E solo me acordaba que era un aparvao
And all I could remember was that I was an idiot
De tanto disparo
From so many shots
De tanto fundilo faro
From turning the headlight on so much
De tanto poñer as largas
From turning on the high beams so much
Sigo vivo e abraiado
I'm still alive and amazed
De que teño demasiado
That I have too much
Véñenme podala viña
They come to prune my vineyard
Porque está todo pagado
Because it's all paid for
Non temos pistola
We don't have a gun
Pero sonan os disparos
But gunshots are heard
Somos bos rapaces
We are good guys
Pero sempre nos liamos
But we always get into trouble
Levo o peto cheo
My pocket is full
Polo que necesitemos neno
For whatever we might need, man
Que carallo queres
What the hell do you want
Chave de Carballo
Carballo's key
Non temos pistola
We don't have a gun
Pero sonan os disparos
But gunshots are heard
Teño a conta chea
My account is full
E xa teño todo pagado
And I already have everything paid for
Unha nena na casa
A girl in the house
Xa pronto seremos catro
Soon there will be four of us
Demasiado carto
Too much cash
Pa ser tan pouco mirazo
For being so little
Non temos pistola
We don't have a gun
Pero sonan os disparos
But gunshots are heard
Somos bos rapaces
We are good guys
Pero sempre nos liamos
But we always get into trouble
Levo o peto cheo
My pocket is full
Polo que necesitemos neno
For whatever we might need, man
Que carallo queres
What the hell do you want
Chave de Carballo
Carballo's key

Writer(s): Cristian Mirazo

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