C.R.O - Licor & $ex (Single) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C.R.O - Licor & $ex (Single)

Licor & $ex (Single)
Licor & $ex (Single)
Tan fino el canino empresario
So fine, the canine businessman
Cambiando niveles de varios
Changing levels of various
Se meten vine con mis warrios
They get in, I come with my warriors
Problemas pendientes del barrio
Pending neighborhood problems
La primera cita inventada
The first date invented
Mi gente descifra miradas
My people decipher gazes
Frustrado se nota en mi cara
Frustrated, it shows on my face
El tiempo me quita y no paga
Time takes away and does not pay
Fumo y navego en mi fragata
I smoke and sail on my frigate
Besos a marlboro me da esa gata
Marlboro kisses give me that cat
Dicen que su mierda es plata
They say his shit is silver
Solo veo imitación barata
I only see cheap imitation
Perdiéndome entre coordenadas
Getting lost in coordinates
Casándome con esa almohada
Marrying that pillow
Preguntas que no contestaba
Unanswered questions
3 que llegaba polis miraban
3 that the cops arrived and watched
Rompo el equilibrio controlo mi mente pero no mejoro,
I break the balance, I control my mind but I don't improve,
Estoy en mi sitio con grandes compito lo saben mis lobos,
I am in my place with great ones, my wolves know it,
Especie en peligro sigo como el h jugando por todo,
Endangered species, I remain like the h playing everywhere,
Estoy siguiendo mi instinto
I'm following my instinct
Malgastando el tiempo cambiando sus modos
Wasting time changing their ways
Todos piden lo mismo por mas de que aya nueva mierda
Everyone asks for the same thing even though there is new shit
Todos dicen lo mismo aunque estén pensando en otra mierda
Everyone says the same thing even though they are thinking about another shit
Todos buscan lo mismo aunque te camuflan otra mierda
Everyone is looking for the same thing even though they camouflage another shit
Camino con los mismos metido en la misma mierda
I walk with the same ones, involved in the same shit
Hi my love, este es my world
Hi my love, this is my world
Vendiendo drugs no tengo work
Selling drugs I have no work
Senti el temblor estamos ready
I felt the shaking, we are ready
By mi amor bitches and many
By my love, bitches and many
Smoking mery fucking sherif
Smoking mery fucking sherif
Al extremo como el puto tom penny
On the edge like the fucking tom penny
Dame esa money y ese buen sexo
Give me that money and that good sex
Con estos flexos en textos complexos
With these flexes in complex texts
Ya no me estreso... (no... no)
I'm not stressed anymore... (no... no)
Damelo todo no quiero lo restos
Give me everything, I don't want the leftovers
Lobas de joda se visten de moda
Fuck wolves dress in fashion
Se la comen toda cuando ven un dolar
They eat it all up when they see a dollar
Cuanto vales? lo que derrocho.
How much are you worth? What I waste.
Sea cuanto sea me parece poco
Whatever it is, I think it's little
Voy con mis locos... (voy con mis locos)
I go with my crazy... (I go with my crazy)
Dame esa bottle que yo la descorcho,
Give me that bottle that I uncork it,
Esa perra transpira y se tira a fumar con
That bitch sweats and throws herself to smoke with
Los yunkies sativa el cono que gira, el poli
The junkies sativa the cone that spins, the cop
Me mira esa resina dilata retinas vos veni,
Looks at me that resin dilates retinas you come on,
Proba este sabor todos quieren girar ese
Try this flavor everyone wants to spin that
Blunt marihuano el pequeño cabron es tan
Marijuana blunt the little kid is so
Joven y empina ese ron queria maria saliendo
Young and rushes that rum he wanted marijuana going out
De gira por que se tenia que ver con amigas
On tour because he had to meet with friends
Ella sonreia, cazaba la mia le invite uno rico que
She smiled, she hunted for mine, I invited her a delicious one that
Era pa' otra piba esa shorty me mira y me tienta
It was for another chick that shorty looks at me and tempts me
Con descaro le paso la cuenta ese fuego cincuenta/
Shamelessly I passed the bill that fire fifty/
Cincuenta y me invitar quemar esa mierda (y me
Fifty and invite me to burn that shit (and
Invita quemar esa mierda)
Invite me to burn that shit)
Other business class bitch
Other business class bitch

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