C Block - 以下範上 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C Block - 以下範上

As an underground party chasing dreams
As many party comrades as many fists are brandished
For freedom and respect
More and more hearts are being hit
As an underground party chasing dreams
As many party comrades as many fists are brandished
Let Me See That
Let Me See That
For freedom and respect
Whenever an ignorant people want to persuade you to give up
I unconsciously produce the resistance to fight him
His jealousy from the bottom of his heart turns me into a spring
Bounce back with comet-like force to send you back to Southeast Asia
和兄弟住地底下 一起燥一起罵
Live in the basement with your brothers, make noise and scold together
The music blasts you all day long like you live in Libya
但是說心裡話 只想再多暈幾下
But to tell you the truth, I just want to be a little more dizzy
描寫出 眼裡 現實中的波西米亞
Describe the Bohemia in my eyes and the reality
Even if I walk barefoot on broken glass
I am not willing to stay in place and sit on the ground and raise the price
別管地上地下 不是故意比劃
Don't worry about the ground or the underground, it's not deliberately compared
只是隨便一個MC TM不比你差
It's just that any MC TM is not worse than you
可以拿我們臨摹 偷歌詞做範本
Can copy us, steal lyrics as templates
But countless live shows you can never stand firm
The Molotov cocktail is a sign of war
預示新的時代 新的英雄誕生
Herding a new era, the birth of a new hero
The birth of a new hero
More new heroes are born
The southside is rising man
The southside is rising man
做個地下黨hero 面對強權絕對不低頭
As an underground hero, I will never bow to the powerful
想把地下黨批鬥 我舉起拳頭 fight for my people
Want to fight the underground party, I raise my fist, fight for my people
作為地下黨hero 面對強權絕對不低頭
As an underground hero, I will never bow to the powerful
想把地下黨批鬥 我代表我的gang fight for my people
I represent my gang, fight for my people
依舊hustle n flow 哪怕在受傷之後
Still hustling and flowing even after being injured
依舊drop some dopeshit再喝酒吃肉
Still drop some dopeshit and then drink and eat meat
多少MC都想說realshit 但從沒real過
How many MCs want to say realshit but never real
我繼續站在他的對立面說我的real talk
I keep standing on the opposite side of him talking about my real talk
根紮得深 要扛起崛起的重任
Deep roots, to bear the heavy task of rising
讓麻木的靈魂 跟隨音樂的共振
Let the numbed soul follow the resonance of music
對強權的痛恨 在地下建城堡
Build a castle in the underground for the hatred of power
Sweat dripped on my face, that unyielding edge
不想掩飾鋒芒 而變得神色匆忙
I don't want to hide my sharp edges and become flustered
Force myself to be strong in the face of casualties
被千夫所指罵的我 名利牽掛的我
I'm pointed at by thousands of husbands, I'm famous and I'm concerned
只想回到那個夜晚 滿天繁星下的我
I just want to go back to that night, me under the starry sky
當你也被說中 心隱隱作痛
When you get hit too, you feel the sting
在這貧瘠土地播種 起警醒作用
Sow the seeds in this barren land, play a role in awakening
就是不信 王侯將相甯有種乎
Just don't believe that kings and princes have seeds?
為無價的自由發聲 必有勇夫
There must be brave men to speak up for priceless freedom
There must be brave men
為了活得坦蕩 而敢想敢唱
To live a free life and dare to think and sing
Start resisting tonight
Ei 做個地下黨的嘍嘍
Yo, be a little follower of the underground party
源自街頭的抵抗 fuck the popo
The resistance from the street, fuck the popo
Ei 要當個地下黨的頭頭
Yo, to be the boss of the underground party
Have to wait patiently for the fruit of victory to ripen
Ei 做個地下黨的嘍嘍
Yo, be a little follower of the underground party
源自街頭的抵抗 yuck the popo
The resistance from the street, yuck the popo
Ei 要當個地下黨的頭頭
Yo, to be the boss of the underground party
Patiently wait for the fruit of victory to ripen
Who can get the world in the palm of their hand of power
誰先掛 別奸詐 我一身了無牽掛
Who hangs up first, don't be a traitor, I'm innocent all my life
一路上遇很多高手 不斷交手
Met many masters along the way, constantly fighting each other
Living on the edge of a knife but hope beckons in front
If the will drifts away with time and breaks your faith
The devil's temptation will take your life
是虛驚一場 你不用拼了命想
It's a false alarm, you don't have to think about it desperately
要擺明立場 不靠下三濫的伎倆
Make a clear stand, don't rely on despicable tricks
Take root in wisdom and be an excavator
My team and I have absolute loyalty
繼續追著風箏 敲響新時代的鐘聲 旭日東昇
Keep chasing the kite, ring in the bell of a new era, sunrise
Let the hip-hop history of the world begin to record Chinese
打開定勝負的門 解救被困住的人
Open the door to determine the outcome and rescue the trapped
The boy has grown into a man, and now he is united
As more and more torches are lit in the streets and alleys
像龍燈 封印的靈魂浴火重生
Like a dragon lamp, a confined soul reborn in fire
Get ur handz up for 以下範上
Get ur handz up for Underdogs
With my brothers from the bottom up
Reality is the illusion in your mind
一直up down up down
Always up down up down
Get ur handz up for 以下範上
Get ur handz up for Underdogs
With my brothers from the bottom up
Reality is the illusion in your mind
一直up down up down
Always up down up down
Get ur handz up for 以下範上
Get ur handz up for Underdogs

Writer(s): cheng yu, liu cong, shi yi fan

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