C Block - 兵臨城下 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C Block - 兵臨城下

Siege of the City
把你頭都抬起來 別管擔子有多重
Lift your head up high, don't mind how heavy the burden is.
不問你從哪裡來 只問你打不打的中
Don't ask where you're from, just ask if you can hit the target.
我們只顧連夜趕路 而他們試圖下毒手
We only care about赶路 at night, while they try to poison our hands.
不想做墮落時代的產物 不只為養家糊口
Don't want to be a product of a fallen era, not just to support my family.
你儘管安居樂業 我這狼煙四起
You can live and work in peace, while my war rages.
想要幹掉對手 你得先瞭解自己
If you want to take down your opponent, you have to understand yourself first.
眼前小小成就根本沒發讓我沾沾自喜 就愛找刺激
The small achievements before my eyes aren't enough to make me complacent, I just love the thrill.
Most of those who fall have courage but no strategy.
而我們未雨綢繆 嫉惡如仇
And we plan ahead, hate evil, and seek revenge.
暗自調兵遣將 在四處招才納士
Secretly deploying troops and appointing generals, recruiting talent everywhere.
Like-minded brothers, we plan great things together.
當順勢而為 定當盡力而為
When the trend is in our favor, we will definitely do our best.
With full of passion and ambition, we don't ask what is the destiny of heaven.
All the way through the battlefields until the sunset in the desert.
I promise you ten miles of peach blossoms, let you search through the big waves.
玩點大的 玩點大的 兵臨城下了
Play big, play big, the siege of the city is here.
C-Block Key.L
C-Block Key.L
Ten years of studying in seclusion, secretly crossing the Chencang, while openly building the栈道.
The key to open a new era is forged on the streets.
玩點大的 玩點大的 玩就玩點炸的
Play big, play big, play explosively.
不休假 Go hard
No vacation, Go hard.
My brain is huge for this day.
Why do I fight? Because ambition is my drug.
不愛你的兵器 美人和駿馬
I don't love your weapons, beauties, and駿马.
I will take your country while you are still on sick leave.
My brothers get excited when they hear there's a fight.
My voice travels through the Changban slope, scaring you silly.
For my family and friends to live and work in peace,
We sharpen our big swords and the lights are on all night.
Then let's play big, since history has reached this page.
不用怕的 我的brother 給你我的一切
Don't be afraid, my brother, I will give you everything I have.
Hey, I've been ready for a long time.
I hate this corrupt official with too many watchdogs.
In this chaotic world, we are forced to grow up.
I will guard the last city tower for my brothers.
不想被謊言矇騙 被綁入宮殿
Don't want to be deceived by lies, to be imprisoned in a palace.
睡不著因為差點 被綁匪攻陷
Can't sleep because I was almost captured by kidnappers.
那就明知故犯 把江山瘋遍
Then let's do it knowingly, let's go crazy over the country.
My determination accompanies the arrows shot at your city gate.
玩點大的 玩點大的 兵臨城下了
Play big, play big, the siege of the city is here.
C-Block kungfu
C-Block kungfu
Ten years of studying in seclusion, secretly crossing the Chencang, while openly building the栈道.
The key to open a new era is forged on the streets.
玩點大的 玩點大的 玩就玩炸的
Play big, play big, play explosively.
不休假 Go hard
No vacation, Go hard.
My brain is huge for this day.
Why do I fight? Because ambition is my drug.
If I cross this moat, you will suffer.
My soldiers are about to break through your city gate.
殺紅了眼 上陣前像打了coke
My eyes are bloodshot, like I'm on coke before the battle.
Your team is vulnerable, like it was hastily assembled.
我料到你城裡的百姓 在水深火熱
I expect that the people in your city are in dire straits.
我照樣大刀闊斧 我任你居心叵測
I will still use my big sword, I will let you be sinister.
立軍令狀 保持真實是我軍風氣
Issuing military orders, staying true is our military style.
揚忠義 臨陣磨槍讓言辭更鋒利
Uphold loyalty, sharpen our words by sharpening our spears before the battle.
不想要一步步走向平庸 所以起義
Don't want to take a step toward mediocrity, so let's revolt.
我知道等著號角的聽眾 有好幾億
I know there are hundreds of millions of listeners waiting for the horn.
那就讓我們歃血為盟 成為體系
Then let us form an alliance, become a system.
用一場勝仗傳為佳話 留下英雄筆跡
Use a victory to pass down as a good story, leaving heroic marks.
在這時代想登天 也許一步不夠
In this era, to ascend to heaven, one step may not be enough.
讓想法變成實際 無法一蹴而就
Let's turn ideas into reality, it can't be done overnight.
別再忍氣吞聲 當我們目標一致
Don't hold your breath any longer, when our goals are一致.
那就拼這一次 就讓我來揮舞旗幟
Then let's fight this time, let me wave the flag.
玩點大的 玩點大的 兵臨城下了
Play big, play big, the siege of the city is here.
C-Block Damnshine
C-Block Damnshine
Ten years of studying in seclusion, secretly crossing the Chencang, while openly building the栈道.
The key to open a new era is forged on the streets.
玩點大的 玩點大的 玩就玩炸的
Play big, play big, play explosively.
不休假 Go hard
No vacation, Go hard.
My brain is huge for this day.
Why do I fight? Because ambition is my drug.
那就玩點大的 玩點大的 玩就玩炸的
Then let's play big, play big, play explosively.
不休假 Go hard
No vacation, Go hard.
Ten years of studying in seclusion, secretly crossing the Chencang, while openly building the栈道.
The key to open a new era is forged on the streets.
玩點大的 玩點大的 玩就玩炸的
Play big, play big, play explosively.
不休假 Go hard
No vacation, Go hard.

Writer(s): Cheng Yu

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