C Block - 女人花 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction C Block - 女人花

A Woman's Flower
她懷裡 兩個人相依為命
She's in her arms, two people depend on each other
可偏偏 說沒就沒了回應
But suddenly, there's no more response
The fragrance spreads in the air
Petals fall in front of the house
Ending 沒說的話就別說
Ending: Don't say anything you don't mean
而告別 是對過去的解脫
And goodbye is a release from the past
In a while, it won't be hard
The hands on the wall are moving
你愛她的溫柔 恨她的多愁
You love her gentleness and hate her sadness
Love her beauty and wish time would not take it away
Hate her weakness and once shouted at her
但你忘了女人如花 她美麗而脆弱
But you forgot that women are like flowers, beautiful and fragile
別讓花瓣墜落 為了愛她會做
Don't let the petals fall, for love she will do
愛你的女人別在乎 她曾和誰睡過
The woman who loves you, don't care who she slept with
她愛你所以眼淚多 所以會發瘋
She loves you, so she cries a lot, so she goes crazy
愛她就別輕易放手 愛像馬拉松
Love her and don't let go easily, love is like a marathon
對著手機屏發呆 只有回憶能讓她high
Staring at the phone screen, only memories can make her high
他幫她系好安全帶 她卻在安全感以外
He helps her fasten her seatbelt, but she's outside the safety zone
花朵從沒想過泥土會離開 (dont cry)
The flower never thought the soil would leave (don't cry)
Just waiting to wither or be transplanted next time
婚姻是枷鎖還是愛 而柴米油鹽離不開
Marriage is a shackle or love, and bread and butter are indispensable
當歲月靜悄悄的來 this is fuckin life
When the years come quietly this is fuckin life
如果你已失去 pleae dont cry
If you have lost pleae dont cry
相信總有一天 we gonna fly away
Believe one day we gonna fly away
女人花 女人花
A woman's flower, a woman's flower
A woman sways in the dust
Sways in the dust
Sways in the dust
Sways in the dust
Sways in the dust
The perfume on my body
Take off your last defense, dirty cotton quilt
淩亂房間裡透支體力 yeah
Exhausted in a messy room yeah
天亮之後失去聯繫 yeah
Lost contact after sunrise yeah
She's a little drunk
Nestled in the corner of the sofa
眼淚流很多 wu~
Crying a lot wu~
My baby lady my baby lady
My baby lady my baby lady
Everyone wants a flower that blooms only for him
Until you hurt her, you realize you still love her
再等等吧 卻等不到那紅色本本
Wait a little longer, but I can't wait for that red book
想安安穩穩 卻迷失在這紅塵滾滾
Want to live in peace, but lost in this endless dust
她陪你度過挫折 你說這還不夠
She got you through the setbacks, you said that's not enough
也為你承受波折 甚至放棄骨肉
She endured hardships for you, even giving up her own flesh and blood
你看不到她哽咽 苦水往肚裡吞
You can't see her choking, swallowing bitterness
愛像精心縫紉 穿過那根海底針
Love is like meticulous sewing, through the needle at the bottom of the sea
女人花 女人花
A woman's flower, a woman's flower
(搖曳在紅塵中) 為何綻放過後卻孤身一人 那凋零的花多像為你在哭的笨女人
(Sways in the dust) Why is the flower alone after it blooms, the withered flower is like a stupid woman crying for you
(搖曳在紅塵中) 為她花 money money money
(Sways in the dust) For her money money money
(搖曳在紅塵中) 時間會沖淡一切儘管很難忘 看最美的花朵它總向著陽光
(Sways in the dust) Time will wash away everything, though it's hard to forget, see the most beautiful flower always facing the sun
(搖曳在紅塵中) 為她賺 money money money
(Sways in the dust) Earn money money money for her
(搖曳在紅塵中) 為她花 money money money
(Sways in the dust) Spend money money money for her
(搖曳在紅塵中) 為她花 money money money
(Sways in the dust) Spend money money money for her
Staring at the phone screen
Only memories can make her high
He helps her fasten her seatbelt, but she's outside the safety zone
婚姻是枷鎖還是愛 而柴米油鹽離不開
Marriage is a shackle or love, and bread and butter are indispensable
當歲月靜悄悄的來 this is fuckin life
When the years come quietly this is fuckin life

Writer(s): 刘聪, 施逸凡, 盛宇

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