CIMBA - Dream Kills Me - traduction des paroles en anglais

Dream Kills Me - CIMBAtraduction en anglais

Dream Kills Me
Dream Kills Me
見上げた空に 滲む朝焼けに
Looking up at the fading sunrise in the sky,
胸焦げるやけに 後悔はないのに
Chest burning, but no regrets,
どれだけの時間 費やしてきたろう
How much time have I spent,
どれだけの歌を 歌ってきただろう
How many songs have I sung?
でもI still play the game 離れ離れ
But I still play the game alone,
家族分までevery month 稼ぎ続けてゆく万券
Every month, I earn ten thousand dollars, enough for my family,
忘れかける本当のmy name No
But I'm forgetting my real name. No.
映る鏡いつも2 何偽り?何をsinging
The mirror always shows two of me. What's fake? What am I singing?
ドア開けたら1 気づいてるMy dream kills me
When I open the door, I'm alone. I realize my dream is killing me.
忘れられない 今は終われない
Unforgettable, I can't give up now.
まだまだ始まり 心震えたあの日
It's still the beginning, the day my heart trembled.
忘れられない 今は終われない
Unforgettable, I can't give up now.
まだまだ始まり もう一度あの瞬間を探し歌う
It's still the beginning. Once more, I'll search for that moment and sing.
冷静と情熱 刻む16小節
Composure and passion, I etch into 16 bars.
名声かホームレス? 俺だけは特別?
Fame or homelessness? Am I really special?
Ah 同じ目をしてた あいつは今どこ
Ah, we used to have the same gaze. Where is that guy now?
次は俺の番か もしかしてtomorrow
Is it my turn next? Maybe tomorrow.
また君泣かせた 広げる傷跡
Another tear from you, another scar.
これが本当最後 何度目の最後
This is really the last time. How many last times have there been?
Everyone's a little crazy, that's just how people are.
飛んで会えたら 小さな俺のプリマドンナ
If I could fly and meet you, my little prima donna,
叶わぬから... まだ歌う
But it's out of reach... so I'll keep singing.
Dreams are like drugs, I don't know how to quit.
They make me dance until I lose everything.
But the city is too bright on these nights.
君を抱いて 眠りたいな
I want to hold you and fall asleep.
忘れられない 今は終われない
Unforgettable, I can't give up now.
まだまだ始まり 心震えたあの日
It's still the beginning, the day my heart trembled.
忘れられない 今は終われない
Unforgettable, I can't give up now.
まだまだ始まり もう一度あの瞬間を探し歌う
It's still the beginning. Once more, I'll search for that moment and sing.
悲しみが今さら 囁いてくるから
Sorrow whispers to me now.
イヤフォンねじ込みまた 今日も明日も書き殴る
I put on my earphones and keep writing, today and tomorrow.
悲しみが今さら 追いついてくるから
Sorrow catches up to me now.
今日もまたどこか 遠い街で潰れるまで歌う
Today, again, somewhere in a distant city, I'll sing until I collapse.

Writer(s): Chiva, Cimba, chiva, cimba

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