Cabron - Prieten Vechi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cabron - Prieten Vechi

Prieten Vechi
Old Friends
Hai sa-ti zic eu cum sta treaba
Let me tell you how things are
Omul asta ti-a dat suflet cu gramada
This man gave you his heart
Si-ai inviat cand a inviat baiatul
And you came to life when he did
Adica-i om peste bani peste teatru
In other words, he's more important than money or theater
Peste tovarasii mai buni
Or your so-called friends
De care nu stii nimic de cateva luni
Whom you haven't seen in months
De cateva saptamani te vad cam intors
I have noticed that for the past few weeks you have been acting strange
Si-o iei pe aratura fix ca soferul prost
And you've been taking risks like a reckless driver
Dar nu-i nimic stiu ca timpu-i contra cost
But I know time is of the essence
Dar timpul ti-era ieftin dar erai pierdut ca-n Lost
And time was cheap for you, but you were lost like in Lost
Si ai ales pervers sa rascolesti morti
And you chose to dig up the past
Sriu ca ti-a fost greu jocul asta nu e pentru toti
I know it was hard, this game is not for everyone
E pentru cei care mereu aici au fost
It's for those who have always been there
Ti-o arzi periculos las-o in p*la mea esti prost
You're playing with fire, let go, you're stupid
Nu intelegi ca palma pe care ti-am dat-o
Don't you understand that the slap I gave you
Nu ti-am dat-o sa-mi iei toata mana ca o depravata
Was not for you to take my whole hand like a pervert
Mi-ai fi fost ca un frate
You could have been like a brother to me
Dar tu m-ai rupt pe jumate
But you tore me in half
Si cand imi dadeai dreptate
And when you agreed with me
M-ai aruncat ca pe-o carte
You threw me away like a book
Dar eu nu cad asa usor
But I'm not going down that easily
Am aripi mari sa pot sa zbor
I have big wings so I can fly
La distanta mare de sol
Far away from the ground
De lumea asta de decor
From this world of make-believe
Uite-o vorba ar trebui sa te feresti
Here's a piece of advice, watch out
De baiatul bun care te ghiceste ce fel esti
For the so-called "good guys" who can see through you
Si te lasa sa crezi ca ai sa reusesti
And let you believe that you can do it
Ca tu meriti sa te tavalesti sa te milogesti
That you deserve to wallow in self-pity
Imi placeai dar ai ars-o prea ca la Ploiesti
I liked you, but you burned yourself like Ploiesti
Si ca niciodata nu m-am gandit ce gandesti
And I never thought about what you were thinking
Cine vrea sa te omoare te omoara pana moare
Those who want to kill you, will kill you until they die
Prieten drag asta-i ultima scrisoare
My dear friend, this is the last letter
Ultima urare de bine in viata
The last wish in life
Subiectu-i sensibil si deja imi provoaca greata
The subject is sensitive and it already makes me sick
Dimineata vreau sa ma trezesc gandind
In the morning I want to wake up thinking
Ca mai bine ca s-a sfarsit inainte de timp
That it's better that it ended prematurely
Deci prieten drag iti doresc prieteni lasi
So my dear friend, I wish you cowardly friends
Prieten fals vorbea lumea prin oras
A false friend, people used to say in the city
Mai bine legat la garda cu borfasi
Rather be stuck with thugs
Ca tu ma dai pe faras cand nu mai ai cash
Because you're just going to throw me away when you run out of money
Mi-ai fi fost ca un frate
You could have been like a brother to me
Dar tu m-ai rupt pe jumate
But you tore me in half
Si cand imi dadeai dreptate
And when you agreed with me
M-ai aruncat ca pe-o carte
You threw me away like a book
Dar eu nu cad asa usor
But I'm not going down that easily
Am aripi mari sa pot sa zbor
I have big wings so I can fly
La distanta mare de sol
Far away from the ground
De lumea asta de decor
From this world of make-believe

Writer(s): Chisaru Maxim, Alexandru Minculescu

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