Cabron feat. Stefan Banica - La Masa Mea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Cabron feat. Stefan Banica - La Masa Mea

La Masa Mea
La Mesa Mea
Cine sta la masa mea
Who's sitting at my table,
Cu cine impart plapuma
Who am I sharing my bed with?
Cine poate sa-mi raspunda
Who can answer me?
L-as plati intr-o secunda
I would pay them in a second
Secunda din viata mea
A second of my life,
Cand raspunsul mi-l va da
When they give me the answer
Dar cine sta la masa mea
But who's sitting at my table,
Si bea o cafea fierbinte
And drinking hot coffee,
Nu stii daca azi e sincera sau daca minte
I don't know if she's sincere or if she's lying
Ai vrea sa ii citesti in minte
I would like to read her mind,
Dar stie cum sa faca sa te faca de te simte
But she knows how to make me feel like I'm crazy,
Cu o lacrima pe obraz
With a tear on her cheek,
Si cu rujul cel mai rosu de zici ca iti face necaz
And the reddest lipstick, like she's trying to make me jealous,
Ca noaptea asta arata senzational
That tonight she looks sensational,
Cu parul portocaliu, ca Olanda lui van Gaal
With orange hair, like van Gaal's Holland,
Si parca e alta femeie
And she seems like a different woman,
Si parca simti ca o sa ti se faca cheie
And I feel like I'm going to lose my mind,
Ca esti cu ea de mult si asta te suceste
That I've been with her for so long and this is twisting me,
Da' iti zic eu: ea e crva si tu mereu ai fost peste
But I'll tell you this: she's a whore and you've always been above that,
Si chiar asa, fara sa stii
And I don't even know it,
Tu te bucuri ca-i femeia ta in fiecare zi
I'm happy that she's my woman every day,
Da' sigur in oglinda daca te-ai vedea, te-ai intreba
But if you saw yourself in the mirror, you would wonder,
Cine sta la masa mea
Who's sitting at my table,
Cu cine impart plapuma
Who am I sharing my bed with?
Cine poate sa-mi raspunda
Who can answer me?
L-as plati intr-o secunda
I would pay them in a second
Secunda din viata mea
A second of my life,
Cand raspunsul mi-l va da
When they give me the answer
Dar cine sta la masa mea
But who's sitting at my table,
Si fumeaza din tigara
And smoking from a cigarette,
Atat de lent, de zici ca e prima oara
So slowly, it's as if it's her first time,
Da' in scrumiera sunt doar chistoace cu ruj
But in the ashtray there are only butts with lipstick,
Si, in pahar, Busuioaca roz de Husi
And, in the glass, Busuioaca rose from Husi,
Sa nu mai zici ca n-are haz
Not to mention that she has fun
Cand ea te trimite de la agonie, la extaz
When she sends you from agony to ecstasy,
De la bucurie, la necaz
From joy to sorrow,
Tu-ti cauti drumul, da' ea trage bine de macaz
You search for your path, but she pulls the lever,
Si-ai vrea sa-i spui ca te-ai prins
And you want to tell her you caught her,
Da' pune o fata plansa cand vede ca te-ai aprins
But she puts on a crying face when she sees you're angry,
Te apuca mila si dai un pas inapoi
You feel sorry for her and take a step back,
Ea, un pas inainte, pana incepi sa dai chiar doi
She takes a step forward, maybe even two,
Joaca perfect in filmul asta
She plays her role in this film perfectly
Si tu te intrebi daca e actuala sau e fosta
And you wonder if she's your current or your ex
Si chiar si ea, daca ar fi in pielea ta, s-ar intreba
And even she if she were you she would wonder,
Cine sta la masa mea
Who's sitting at my table,
Cu cine impart plapuma
Who am I sharing my bed with?
Cine poate sa-mi raspunda
Who can answer me?
L-as plati intr-o secunda
I would pay them in a second
Secunda din viata mea
A second of my life,
Cand raspunsul mi-l va da
When they give me the answer
Dar cine sta la masa mea
But who's sitting at my table,
Cine sta la masa mea
Who's sitting at my table,
Cu cine impart plapuma
Who am I sharing my bed with?
Cine poate sa-mi raspunda
Who can answer me?
L-as plati intr-o secunda
I would pay them in a second
Secunda din viata mea
A second of my life,
Cand raspunsul mi-l va da
When they give me the answer
Dar cine sta la masa mea
But who's sitting at my table,

Writer(s): Marius Alexandru Pop, Alexandru Minculescu, Chisaru Maxim

Cabron feat. Stefan Banica - La masa mea
La masa mea
date de sortie

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