Cabron feat. What's Up & Jon Baiat Bun - Iarna Pe Val - Bonus Track - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Cabron feat. What's Up & Jon Baiat Bun - Iarna Pe Val - Bonus Track

Iarna Pe Val - Bonus Track
Winter On a Wave - Bonus Track
What's up
What's up
Eu si iarna sunt pe val, ie-a, ie-a
Me and winter are on a wave, yeah, yeah
N-astept sezonul estival, ie-a, ie-a
I don't wait for the summer season, yeah, yeah
Ca eu si iarna sunt pe val
Cause me and winter are on a wave
Iti semnez tot ce declar
I'll sign everything I declare
In orice club cu un pahar
In any club with a glass
Iar sunt pe val
I'm on a wave again
Eu si iarna pe val
Me and winter are on a wave
C A B R O N si-a luat placa
C A B R O N grabbed his board
Urca pe val si-ncepe sa-i placa
Rides the wave and starts to like it
Intra-n club vede numai verde
Enters the club sees only green
De zici ca-i hipodrom pe perete
You'd say it's a horse track on the wall
Si lumea se-ntreaba dac-a venit Mosu'
And people wonder if Santa has come
Nu, sunt doar eu, dar am hanorac rosu
No, it's just me, but I have a red hoodie
Si-mi place sa ma deghizez
And I like to disguise myself
In orice loc aterizez
I land in any place
Ma gasesti oriunde yo
You'll find me anywhere, you know
Ba la studio, ba la radio
Sometimes in the studio, sometimes on the radio
Ba-ntr-un mare show
Sometimes in a big show
Dar depinde de tine cum o ard yo (cum o ard yo)
But it depends on you how you do it (how you do it)
Si cu fratii mei
And with my brothers
Intru-n club stau pan' la
I enter the club I stay till
Ies din club c-o fata ok
I leave the club with a girl okay
What's up
What's up
Eu si iarna sunt pe val, ie-a, ie-a
Me and winter are on a wave, yeah, yeah
N-astept sezonul estival, ie-a, ie-a
I don't wait for the summer season, yeah, yeah
Ca eu si iarna sunt pe val
Cause me and winter are on a wave
Iti semnez tot ce declar
I'll sign everything I declare
In orice club cu un pahar
In any club with a glass
Iar sunt pe val
I'm on a wave again
Eu si iarna sunt pe val
Me and winter are on a wave
Mi se spune lazy man
They call me lazy man
Da-s ca Pacha crazi Man
But I'm a Pacha, you know, Man
Oamenii mei cand ii chemi
When you call my people
Sar mai sus de primul semn
They jump higher than the first sign
Ca vad lumea mai bine de acolo
Because they see the world better from there
Mai bine morti decat solo
Better dead than solo
Vad lumea mai mica de acolo
They see the world smaller from there
De zici ca sunt pe Apollo
You'd say they're on Apollo
, Lumea-n club inebuneste
, The crowd goes wild in the club
Tensiunea-n vene creste
The tension in their veins rises
Si creste si creste
And it keeps rising
Ein, zwei, fara dubii
Ein, zwei, no doubt
Cine-a stins lumina?! Ruby
Who turned off the lights? Ruby
Toamna, vara, primavara, dar
Autumn, summer, spring, but
What's up
What's up
Eu si iarna sunt pe val, ie-a, ie-a
Me and winter are on a wave, yeah, yeah
N-astept sezonul estival, ie-a, ie-a
I don't wait for the summer season, yeah, yeah
Ca eu si iarna sunt pe val
Cause me and winter are on a wave
Am inteles tot ce nu-i clar
I understood everything that's not clear
In orice club cu un pahar
In any club with a glass
Iar sunt pe val
I'm on a wave again
Eu si iarna sunt pe val
Me and winter are on a wave
Showuri, stouri, chestii trestii
Shows, stores, cane stuff
Delicii, vicii, marfa, bestii
Delights, vices, goods, beasts
Tot felul de fete, prajituri
All kinds of girls, cakes
Cireasa de pe torturi
The cherry on top
Vino cu noi ca suntem in ton
Come with us because we are in tune
Cu Debandada de sezon
With the season's Debauchery
John cu What's up, Ca bron
John with What's Up, Ca bron
Pana si haterii ne au la rington
Even the haters have us on their rington
What's up
What's up
Eu si iarna sunt pe val, ie-a, ie-a
Me and winter are on a wave, yeah, yeah
N-astept sezonul estival
I don't wait for the summer season
Ca eu si iarna sunt pe val
Cause me and winter are on a wave
Iti semnez tot ce declar
I'll sign everything I declare
In orice club cu un pahar
In any club with a glass
Iar sunt pe val
I'm on a wave again
Eu si iarna sunt pe val
Me and winter are on a wave

Writer(s): Rares Marian Mititean, Maxim Alexandru Chisaru, Marius Marian Ivancea, Razvan Mircea Ion, Alexandru Minculescu

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