Cactus - Em Sé d'un Lloc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cactus - Em Sé d'un Lloc

Em Sé d'un Lloc
I Know of a Place
Entra el sol per la finestra
The sun enters through the window
Ahir no vaig eixir de festa
I didn't go out to party yesterday
Un raig de llum a l'ull em desperta
A ray of light in my eye wakes me up
Que bona sensació, badalle i m'assome al balcó
What a good feeling, I yawn and lean out on the balcony
Aquesta deu ser la millor terreta del món
This must be the best little land in the world
Pense jo, mentre baixe l'escala m'incorpore a l'escaló
I think to myself, as I go down the stairs and join the step
Del portal, tot va guai, res pot anar mal
Of the portal, everything is cool, nothing can go wrong
Mire al cel pardalets volant tot és idílic man
I look at the sky, little birds flying, everything is idyllic, man
Mentre mire dalt el pas és ferm, una altra història baix
While I look up, the step is firm, another story below
Un peu segueix trajectòria natural del caminar
One foot follows the natural trajectory of walking
L'altre és testimoni del destí inevitable ja
The other is a witness to the inevitable destiny already
La sola de la sabata directa a la pasterà
The sole of the shoe directly on the dog poop
Torna negra la jornà, ara és quan me n'he adonat
The day turns black, now I've noticed it
Gire el cap, contenedor escarbat, és l'advocat?
I turn my head, a rummaged dumpster, is it the lawyer?
Ara sols fa companyia als gats
Now he only keeps company with cats
Està afonat, víctima de la precarietat
He is hoarse, victim of precariousness
El xiquet a casa menjant les sobres del supermercat
The boy at home eating supermarket leftovers
I de sobte, vora el riu de la ribera m'he trobat
And suddenly, near the riverbank I found
Una lluerna oberta, un record amagat
An open skylight, a hidden memory
Tenia unes sabates preparades per anar
I had some shoes ready to go
Paradís que m'alberga, el que vull estimar
Paradise that shelters me, what I want to love
Segona estrofa, continua la cosa
Second verse, the thing continues
No pinta tan hermosa com creiem, la vida no és de color rosa
It's not as beautiful as we think, life is not pink
A rengló seguit cride a un amic em dirigis callí
In a row I call a friend, I tell him to be quiet
Al bar a fer-se un got de vi un tros de pa en un poc de pernil
At the bar to have a glass of wine, a piece of bread with a little ham
I ho dic així: "xe! mos dones d'esmorzar xic?
And I say it like this: "Hey! Do we have breakfast, dude?"
"Háblame en cristiano a mi eixe desgraciat em diu
"Háblame en cristiano" that wretch tells me
Em cague en tot lo cagable m'alce d'eixe despreciable
I shit on everything shittable, I rise from that despicable
Lloc que em dóna ganes de pegar-li foc i anar-me'n
Place that makes me want to set it on fire and leave
La situació és infame, recorde el mal que està el país
The situation is infamous, I remember how bad the country is
Eixe enginyer que no ni pa el pis
That engineer who doesn't even have bread in his apartment
Posant cafés i que dos màsters
Serving coffees and having two master's degrees
Els màsters són pels rics al final ho volen així
Master's degrees are for the rich, in the end they want it that way
Vas al banc i la teua beca la tenen els seus fills
You go to the bank and their children have your scholarship
Açò està tot podrit, col·lega and we don't give a shit
This is all rotten, buddy, and we don't give a shit
No podem seguir aixina, tot no és tan bonic com este matí
We can't go on like this, everything is not as beautiful as this morning
Mostenen ofegats, no podem ni reaccionar
They show us drowning, we can't even react
Ens tenen ben nugats subsistint ja estem prou ocupats
They have us well tied up, subsisting, we are already busy enough
I de sobte, vora el riu de la ribera m'he trobat
And suddenly, near the riverbank I found
Una lluerna oberta un record amagat
An open skylight, a hidden memory
Tenia unes sabates preparades per a anar
I had some shoes ready to go
Paradis que m'alberga el que vull estimar
Paradise that shelters me, what I want to love
I de sobte, vora el riu de la ribera m'he trobat
And suddenly, near the riverbank I found
Una lluerna oberta, un record amagat
An open skylight, a hidden memory
Tenia unes sabates preparades per a anar
I had some shoes ready to go
País de l'olivera, el que vull estimar
Land of the olive tree, what I want to love
Jo em d'un lloc on tot ho pots portar
I know of a place where you can take everything
On pots anar nuet i caminar descalç
Where you can go naked and walk barefoot

Writer(s): David Pascual Pascual, Miquel Garcia Pérez

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