Cactus - Ho deixe tot - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cactus - Ho deixe tot

Ho deixe tot
I Leave Everything
Si tu me dices...
You say come,
I'll come!
Ho deixe tot i vaig
I'll leave everything and come
No importa ja la humiliació, no puc caure més baix
No matter the humiliation, I can't fall any lower
No importa que hages menyspreat lo que t'he donat
No matter that you've disdained what I've given you
M'hages patejat a lo més fons d'este forat
That you've kicked me down to the lowest depths of this hole
Negre, del que ja no eixiré mai
Of darkness, from which I'll never escape
L'autoestima ja és extinta en este flac
My self-esteem is now extinct in this flaccid body
Va! Remata'm ja!
Go on, finish me now!
Estic a l'altra banda online, esperant
I'm on the other side online, waiting
Estic més mort que viu
I'm more dead than alive
Someone please bring me back to life!
Someone please bring me back to life!
Ho deixe tot i vaig,
I leave everything and come,
Entrant al teu xat sols per vore si estàs online
Going into your chat just to see if you're online
I 1000 vegades al teu instagram
And I check your instagram 1000 times
Mire a vo' si m'has mirat el story i me l'has mirat!
Hoping you've looked at my story and you have!
Ho deixe tot i vaig
I leave everything and come
M'insufla placebo pa aguantar una altrà jornà
Insufflating myself with placebos to endure another day
En l'estacada emocional en la que m'has deixat
In the emotional stakeout in which you've left me
Si tu me dices ven, ho deixe tot i vaig...
If you say come, I leave everything and come...
Jo pense en tu i tu en tu
I think of you and you think of yourself
Ens ensenyen a voler i no a no ser volguts
They teach us to love but not to be unloved
Ja no si et vull o és el meu orgull
I no longer know if I love you or if it's my pride
De no poder tenir-te
Of not being able to have you
Et vas creure massa bona per a mi
You thought yourself too good for me
Et vaig donar algo real i ho vas canviar per focs d'artifici. (Vine!)
I gave you something real and you exchanged it for fireworks. (Come!)
Seguisc sense entendre
I still don't understand if
L'egoisme i falta d'humilitat que no vull veure
The selfishness and lack of humility I don't want to see
que no em convé, (eh!)
I know it's not good for me, (oh!)
Seguir excusant els
To keep excusing your
Teus comportaments en contra del meu benestar
Behavior against my well-being
Però aixina i tot ho faig, (-aig!)
But I do it anyway, (-go!)
Dis-me "vine" i vaig, (-aig!)
Tell me "come" and I will, (-go!)
M'has convertit en este pringat
You've turned me into this fool
Seguisc volent voler-te
I still want to love you
(Vine!) Ho deixe tot i vaig
(Come!) I leave everything and come
M'he sentit enganyat
I've felt cheated
Una puta decepció gegant, (...aaaagh!)
A giant fucking disappointment, (...aaaagh!)
I tornaria a tropessar de cap
And I'd stumble over again
Sempre ens quedarà Tenessee
We'll always have Tennessee
I'm so stupid, right?
I'm so stupid, right?
(Vine!) Ho deixe tot i vaig
(Come!) I leave everything and come
Ja sols em queda el rap
Now all I have left is rap
M'ha salvat la vida tantes voltes
It's saved my life so many times
I no és just veritat?
And it's not fair, is it?
Com esta cançó que no et mereixes
Like this song that you don't deserve
Però aixina i tot et faig...
But I still do it for you...
Jo pense en tu i tu en tu
I think of you and you think of yourself
Ens ensenyen a voler i no a no ser volguts
They teach us to love but not to be unloved
Ja no si et vull o és el meu orgull
I no longer know if I love you or if it's my pride
De no poder tenir-te
Of not being able to have you
Jo pense en tu i tu en tu
I think of you and you think of yourself
Ens ensenyen a voler i no a no ser volguts
They teach us to love but not to be unloved
Ja no si et vull o és el meu orgull
I no longer know if I love you or if it's my pride
De no poder tenir-te
Of not being able to have you
(Si tu me dices ven
(You say come
Lo dejo todo...)
I leave everything...)

Writer(s): David Pascual Pascual, Mark Dasousa, Miguel García Pérez

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