Calagher - Hola - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Calagher - Hola

Calagher Pooh
Calagher Pooh
Pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh
Pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh pooh
Hola hola hola hola hola
Hello hello hello hello hello
Disparo flors amb una pistola
I shoot flowers with a gun
Si sempre fallo la em tremola
If I always miss, my hand trembles
Sempre vaig tard pero arribo a la hora
I'm always late but I arrive on time
M'ha dit que sóc mala persona
She told me I'm a bad person
Per haver-li dit que és una mandona
For telling her she's bossy
I que el cor fet de silicona pero era broma era broma
And that her heart is made of silicone, but it was a joke, it was a joke
Avagades dic adeu i avagades hola
Sometimes I say goodbye and sometimes hello
Jo vull unes ales qui no corre vola
I want wings, he who doesn't run, flies
Que lo que no trobu és el camí a Roma
What I can't find is the road to Rome
Dins del meu cap una batidora
Inside my head, a blender
Les veus em diuen hola les veus em diuen hola
The voices tell me hello, the voices tell me hello
M'he colat a la casa blanca i he matat el president
I snuck into the White House and killed the president
Les veus em diuen hola jo els hi dic que estic content
The voices tell me hello, I tell them I'm happy
Les veus em diuen hola pero jo els hi dic adeu
The voices tell me hello but I tell them goodbye
Portem parlant més d'una hora així que ara milllor calleu
We've been talking for over an hour so now it's better to shut up
Quan noto que tinc por es quan em surt més valent
When I feel fear is when I feel more brave
Diuen que tinc el cor fred pero jo me'l noto calent
They say I have a cold heart, but I feel it warm
Si no m'agrado ni jo que m'ha d'agradar l'altre gent
If I don't even like myself, why should other people like me?
Escric noms en una llista i després moren de repent
I write names on a list and then they suddenly die
Les veus em diuen hola les veus em diuen hola
The voices tell me hello, the voices tell me hello
Hola hola hola hola hola pero jo ja marxo crec que ja es hora
Hello hello hello hello hello but I'm leaving now, I think it's time
S'ha enfadat i no em perdona és una mimada pero sempre plora
She's angry and won't forgive me, she's spoiled but always cries
I esque jo ho intento si cola cola
And I try, if it works, it works
Tinc dos cigarros t'espero fora
I have two cigarettes, I'll wait for you outside
Veig un gat negre sota la farola i li dic hola
I see a black cat under the streetlight and I say hello

Writer(s): Charles Winki

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