Calinacho feat. Alex Bittman - Aproape/Departe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Calinacho feat. Alex Bittman - Aproape/Departe

Dă-o, dă-o, dă-o naiba
Damn it
Baby, e două noaptea (Noaptea)
Baby, it's two in the morning (At night)
Nu văd de ce-i necesar păstrez distanța (Nah)
I don't see why I have to keep my distance (Nope)
Dacă tu simți așa
If that's how you feel
Și poate, departe, o fii aproape, acum (Cum, cum, cum)
And maybe, far away, you'll be close, now (How, how, how)
O noapte, o noapte, yeah
One night, one night, yeah
Și-n spate am demoni pe drum
And I have demons on the road behind me
Aproape, departe, yeah
Close, far away, yeah
Nu tre′ s-ai vreun dubiu sunt șefu' lor
Don't you dare doubt that I'm their boss
chemi la tine și dau goană ca-n Aventador
Call me to your place and I'll speed over like an Aventador
Te-am luat de mână și te-am tras cu mine în viitor
I took you by the hand and pulled you into the future with me
nu tre′ dau cu picioru', deja am dat gol
'Cause I don't need to kick, I've already scored a goal
Baby, cântă cu mine, te văd ca stai-ia-ai
Baby, sing with me, I see you're in awe
Câtă iubire poți să-mi dai-ia-ai?
How much love can you give me?
Yeah, filme, vise, yeah
Yeah, movies, dreams, yeah
Nu sunt lucruri compromise
Those aren't compromised things
Suntem tineri, liberi, yeah
We're young, free, yeah
N-are ce zică nimeni
No one has anything to say
Nu, nu, nimeni, da' nimeni
No, no, nobody, nobody at all
Nimeni n-o zică nimic
Nobody's going to say anything
Nu știu cât mai po′ rezist
I don't know how much longer I can hold out
Trebuie vii pân′ aici
You have to come over here
Și poate, departe, o fii aproape, acum (Cum, cum, cum)
And maybe, far away, you'll be close, now (How, how, how)
O noapte, o noapte, yeah
One night, one night, yeah
Și-n spate am demoni pe drum
And I have demons on the road behind me
Aproape, departe, yeah
Close, far away, yeah
Dă-o, dă-o, dă-o naiba
Damn it
Baby, e două noaptea
Baby, it's two in the morning
Nu văd de ce-i necesar păstrez distanța
I don't see why I have to keep my distance
Dacă tu simți așa
If that's how you feel
Baby, când sunt cu tine zici că-s în rai-ia-ai
Baby, when I'm with you, it's like I'm in heaven
Nu vreau nimica, vreau doar stai-ia-ai
I don't want anything, I just want you to stay
Ca faci stau
To make me stay
Trebuie să-mi dai ce vreau
You have to give me what I want
Tot ce vreau e tot ce ai
All I want is everything you have
Chit e suflet sau sunt bani
Whether it's your soul or money
Și poate, departe, o fii aproape, acum (Cum, cum, cum)
And maybe, far away, you'll be close, now (How, how, how)
O noapte, o noapte, yeah
One night, one night, yeah
Și-n spate am demoni pe drum
And I have demons on the road behind me
Aproape, departe, yeah
Close, far away, yeah
Nu tre' s-ai vreun dubiu sunt șefu′ lor
Don't you dare doubt that I'm their boss
chemi la tine și dau goană ca-n Aventador
Call me to your place and I'll speed over like an Aventador
Te-am luat de mână și te-am tras cu mine în viitor
I took you by the hand and pulled you into the future with me
nu tre' dau cu picioru′, deja am dat gol
'Cause I don't need to kick, I've already scored a goal
Baby, cântă cu mine, te văd ca stai-ia-ai
Baby, sing with me, I see you're in awe
Câtă iubire poți să-mi dai-ia-ai?
How much love can you give me?
Yeah, filme, vise, yeah
Yeah, movies, dreams, yeah
Nu sunt lucruri compromise
Those aren't compromised things
Suntem tineri, liberi, yeah
We're young, free, yeah
N-are ce zică nimeni
No one has anything to say
Nu, nu, nimeni, da' nimeni
No, no, nobody, nobody at all
Nimeni n-o zică nimic
Nobody's going to say anything
Nu știu cât mai po′ rezist
I don't know how much longer I can hold out
Trebuie vii pân' aici
You have to come over here

Writer(s): Alex Bittman, Hasnas Calin Alexandru

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