Camela - No Te Acerques a Mi (Radio Edit, Fangoria) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Camela - No Te Acerques a Mi (Radio Edit, Fangoria)

No Te Acerques a Mi (Radio Edit, Fangoria)
Don't Come Near Me (Radio Edit, Fangoria)
Siempre pasas con él de la mano
You always walk hand in hand with him
Para que yo te esté mirando
So that I can watch you
Y es lo que te gusta a ti,
And that's what you like,
Piensas que porque me hayas dejado,
You think that because you left me,
Todo se me irá nublando,
Everything will become clouded to me,
No lo pienses, no es así.
Don't think so, it's not like that.
No quiero ni que me mires
I don't even want you to look at me
Ni siquiera en mi retrato,
Not even in my portrait,
No me daba cuenta
I didn't realize
Que tu amor era falso.
That your love was false.
te has burlado de
You made fun of me
Y pasas por mi lado para hacerme sufrir,
And you walk by my side to make me suffer,
El daño que estás haciendo un día lo pagarás
The damage you're doing you'll pay for one day
Porque el amor que tienes un día te dejará
Because the love you have will leave you one day
Y entonces yo te diré que no te acerques a
And then I'll tell you not to come near me
Me quedaré sonriendo para verte sufrir.
I'll stand there smiling to watch you suffer.
te has burlado de mí...
You made fun of me...
No dejas de ser siempre la misma,
You never stop being the same,
Yo te perdonaba todo creyendo que me querías
I forgave you for everything, believing that you loved me
Todo era falso y embustero,
It was all false and a lie,
Me tenías ilusionado,
You had me fooled,
Pero ahora ya no te quiero.
But now I don't love you anymore.
Yo quiero que te vayas
I want you to go away
Con el hombre de tu encanto,
With the man of your dreams,
Vivirá contigo,
He'll live with you,
Le estarás engañando.
You'll be cheating on him.
te has burlado de mí.
You made fun of me.

Writer(s): M.a.cabrera

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