Canserbero, Benzina, McKlopedia & Kaputo - Corre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Canserbero, Benzina, McKlopedia & Kaputo - Corre

hey you corre por tu vida
Hey you, run for your life
que el mundo se va acabar es el can
The world's about to end, it's the Can
incendio con benzina
Inferno with Benzina
ya no hay mas alternativas ni huidas
There are no more alternatives, no escapes
hey you corre por tu vida
Hey you, run for your life
que este mundo se acabo
This world is over
se juntaron las dos aplanadoras
The two steamrollers have come together
y en el medio de la canción yo
And in the middle of the song, I
hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
Ya yo no tengo na que demostrarle a nadie mas
I have nothing left to prove to anyone
quien camina por donde el can las manos en el aire ya
The one who walks where the Can is, hands in the air already
comi bastantes verdes no precisamente por gula
I've eaten enough greens, not exactly out of greed
y solo la muerte arrancara de mis manos la armadura
And only death will tear the armor from my hands
mintiera si les dijera que no naci pa' esto
I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't born for this
cierro los ojos veo textos
I close my eyes and see texts
que usan mi mente de aposentos
That use my mind as their dwelling place
siento que mis canciones aun no son del todo buenas
I feel like my songs aren't quite good enough yet
sin embargo compara con las tuyas suenan supremas
However, compared to yours, they sound supreme
ya no hay límites visibles mi rap élite
There are no more visible limits, my rap is elite
solamente imbéciles
Only imbeciles
podrian negar lo que aqui enseñan
Could deny what they learn here
me atrevería a decir que este es el nacimiento
I would dare to say that this is the birth
del subgénero de rap mas real en los últimos tiempos
Of the most real rap subgenre in recent times
fanaticos se confundirán con ejércitos
Fans will be mistaken for armies
estupidos caeran ante este rotundo éxito
Stupid people will fall before this resounding success
y les guste o no llevaran letra hasta por el culo
And like it or not, they'll carry lyrics even up their ass
Del pasado sabia que del presente seria el futuro
From the past, I knew that I would be the future of the present
cierro los ojos y escribo cual poseido
I close my eyes and write like a possessed man
el beat se rie conmigo mis rimas son puñales en tus oidos
The beat laughs with me, my rhymes are daggers in your ears
hoy es uno de esos dias en que no creo en amigos
Today is one of those days when I don't believe in friends
voy a mi en el beat que te voy a parti en menos de un chasquido
I'm coming at you on the beat, I'm going to break you in less than a snap
malditos no se cansan de ser pisoteados ah
The damned don't get tired of being trampled on, ah
no entienden que pa esto del hip hop no sirven pa na
They don't understand that they're good for nothing in hip hop
aveces pienso que su critica constante
Sometimes I think their constant criticism
es solamente para sentirse importante
Is just to make themselves feel important
pero que va acá territorio e caballo jamas ensayo
But what's up here, horse territory, I never rehearse
siempre hallo la forma de que mordas parezcan vasallos
I always find a way to make you biters look like vassals
llevamos años recordandoles que el rap es pa rapiar
We've been reminding them for years that rap is for rapping
y ellos se enfrascan en querer amenazar
And they get caught up in wanting to threaten
pero na que va eso no es aca
But nah, that's not how it is here
para bola y te explico
Stop it and I'll explain
esto no es reggeton de puerto rico
This isn't reggaeton from Puerto Rico
ni un videito e raperitos
Nor a little video of rappers
esto es rap de venezuela mijito
This is rap from Venezuela, baby
asi que o te adaptas o te acostumbras a cerra el hocico
So either you adapt or you get used to shutting your trap
tu no eres real haciendo ese rap irreal
You're not real making that unreal rap
por que sencillamente a mi no me da la gana de dejarte sonar
Because I simply don't feel like letting you sound off
kaputo en el instrumental
Kaputo on the instrumental
y que reales decidan
And let the real ones decide
su tu basura o mi disco vida rapea benzina
Your trash or my album, life rap, Benzina
rivales es benzina la musa con genitales
Rivals, it's Benzina, the muse with genitals
pa recordales mis cabales
To remind you of my talents
hace añales los perdi
I lost them years ago
haci que a my wanna by
So my wannabes
no me impresionan las personas que clonan el libreto
I'm not impressed by people who clone the notebook
que tienen guetthos de la tv
Who have ghettos from TV
por si no lo sabes me sabe a mierda tu odisea
In case you don't know, your odyssey tastes like shit to me
osea esto es rap rapea
I mean, this is rap, rap
es la idea maldita sea
That's the idea, damn it
pa que vean otra cancion de competencia por favor
So they can see another competition song, please
pero señor sin competencia no existiera el mejor
But sir, without competition, there wouldn't be the best
ve a tu alrededor y dime si no tengo razones
Look around you and tell me if I don't have reasons
pa hacer canciones que hablen de lo que hablan hampones
To make songs that talk about what thugs talk about
bocones pa muestra benzina y can dos botones
Big mouths, for example, Benzina and Can, two buttons
que ya tienen mas clones
That already have more clones
que balas los peines de sus cañones
Than bullets in the magazines of their guns
que lo que canto te la corta por que nada aporta
That what I sing cuts you off because it contributes nothing
¿y quien te dijo a ti que a mi la cultura me importa?
And who told you that culture matters to me?
asi que agarra tu escoba no es coba
So grab your broom, it's not flattery
la moda nos incomoda y todas las odas
Fashion bothers us, and all the odes
que ocasionan dos violas en euroras
That cause two violas in euros
otra rola de una rocola que no se apagara
Another song from a jukebox that won't turn off
y acabara con cascaras de pollos con mascara caracterizaciones
And will end with chicken shells with masks, characterizations
de buenas acciones hacen falta
Of good deeds are needed
respalda tus valores pa que valores lo que cantas
Back up your values so you value what you sing
que a mi la verdad en tanga me causa mas morbo
Because the truth in a thong causes me more excitement
que tu electrochanga levantando falda a tus oidos sordos
Than your electro-changa lifting skirts to your deaf ears
que este es solo un sorbo del mar lirical
That this is just a sip of the lyrical sea
que se avecina de pura benzina
That is coming, pure Benzina
que rima a rima por encima de cimas
That rhyme by rhyme, above the peaks
creada por el ego de lego que tienen tantos
Created by the Lego ego that so many have
y mientras cuento cuantos cuentos cantan canto mas malandro
And while I count how many stories they sing, I sing more thug
que tu hip hop malandro
Than your thug hip hop
ja ese mismo que le hace la manuela a manuel alejandro
Ha, the same one that gives a handjob to Manuel Alejandro
es que hay un bando con la mente en el norte y llena e pandillas
It's that there's a side with their minds in the north and full of gangs
tu rap no es rap y es venezolano entre comillas
Your rap isn't rap, and it's Venezuelan in quotes
ya ladilla sus rencillas no me impresionaron
Already annoying, your quarrels didn't impress me
sigue creyendo monstruo el rostro de monstruo que despertaron
Keep believing, monster, the face of the monster they awakened
su disparo calro aclaro no paro no parare
Their shot, of course, I clarify, I don't stop, I won't stop
versos acaparo deja el paro y busca amparo que reparare
I monopolize verses, stop the strike and seek shelter, I will repair
aproximadamente veinte mentes por segundo
Approximately twenty minds per second
para que tu cambies tu y no tu quieras cambia al mundo
So that you change yourself and don't try to change the world
hey you corre por tu vida
Hey you, run for your life
que el mundo se va acabar es el can
The world's about to end, it's the Can
incendio con benzina
Inferno with Benzina
ya no hay mas alternativas ni huidas
There are no more alternatives, no escapes
hey you corre por tu vidaaa
Hey you, run for your life
que este mundo se acabooo
This world is over
se juntaron las dos aplanadoras
The two steamrollers have come together
y en el medio de la cancion yo
And in the middle of the song, I

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