Canserbero feat. Lil Zupa & Dann - Como Lo Quieras Llamar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Canserbero feat. Lil Zupa & Dann - Como Lo Quieras Llamar

Como Lo Quieras Llamar
Call It What You Want
Es que no sienten la superioridad cuando hablo
Can't you feel the superiority when I speak?
mas sentido rimando tengo que tu conversando
I have more sense rhyming than you do conversing
(...) ambo debio hacer rato aqui.
(...) ambo should have been here long ago.
si me creias novato es porque no sabias de mi
If you thought I was a rookie, it's because you didn't know about me
de rodillas kid!
On your knees, kid!
es lo mejor que harias
It's the best you could do
anque si no me lanzaras no me divertirias
Even if you didn't challenge me, you wouldn't amuse me
admite que ya sientes la jerarquia con que hablo
Admit that you already feel the hierarchy with which I speak
pues tu odio guia. a este corderito del diablo
Well, your hate guides this little lamb of the devil
Wont Stop
Won't Stop
Señores esto es rap y si ellos son reales
Gentlemen, this is rap, and if they're real
estonces me cago en el hip hop
Then I shit on hip hop
no quiero ser partidiario de una cultura de joyas y gafas oscuras
I don't want to be part of a culture of jewels and sunglasses
la noche en ves de escrituras
The night instead of writings
man yo soy quien veia mcs y reia pues sabia que esa mierda es una porqueria
Man, I'm the one who saw MCs and laughed because I knew that shit was crap
hasta que un dia les grabe una letra
Until one day I recorded a lyric for them
de la mia desde entonces mamam
One of mine, since then they suck
y no pienso acabar todabiaa!!
And I don't plan to stop yet!!
debe ser duro reconocer quien te aplasta
It must be hard to acknowledge who crushes you
pero la gente no es sorda
But people are not deaf
asi que ya basta mochadores Wuaa!
So enough already, posers Wuaa!
Aqui toh somos underground
Here we are all underground
pero hay rumores que si le canto
But there are rumors that if I sing
al comandante asi saldre en televisores (.)
To the commander like this I'll be on TV (.)
Aja que bueno suena como
Aha, that sounds good, like
nunca sonaran aunque copien mis temas
They will never sound, even if they copy my themes
Aveces digo lo mismo y sin querer tu lo tarareas
Sometimes I say the same thing and without wanting to, you hum it
No te repito la letra te recuerdoo la tareaa!!
I'm not repeating the lyrics, I'm reminding you of the homework!!
(Lil Supa):
(Lil Supa):
Somo los indigos con tan la supremasia con Can
We are the indigos with such supremacy with Can
Como lo quieras llamar igualmente
Call it what you want, equally
lo tienes que mamar tuky
You have to suck it, tuky
Soy aquel tuky al que tu llamas chikiluki
I'm that tuky you call chikiluki
Pero cuando habla el barrio
But when the neighborhood speaks
brinca mas que con tu flow de chuky
It jumps more than with your chucky flow
barato sal del zapato
Cheap, get out of the shoe
me cago en todos tus contratos
I shit on all your contracts
Prende el micro y pon los platos
Turn on the mic and put on the plates
para coserlos otro rato compay
To sew them up another time, buddy
(.) tu no puedes con maracay
(.) you can't handle maracay
Ni que se vengan cien cantantes
Not even if a hundred singers come
y vailen como las empicks
And dance like the empicks
Suban las manos pa que entiendan
Raise your hands so they understand
Cuando hablo en ingles yo se que ustedes
When I speak English, I know you guys
se ponen a hablar mierda
Start talking shit
pero me sabe a mierda tus pistolas
But your guns taste like shit to me
y prendas con prendan
And clothes with prenda
que pa tu contienda esta
That for your contention is
Supaa (para que lo reprendan)
Supaa (so they reprimand him)
y como no hay droga ni joyas
And since there are no drugs or jewels
que te hagan buen rapero (repite el maldito temaa)
That make you a good rapper (repeat the damn theme)
Y aprende de lo sincero
And learn from the sincere
Guerrero con el tintero Danigazz y Canserbero
Warrior with the inkwell Danigazz and Canserbero
Vinil H Records Records La cuna del Hip Hop Verdadero
Vinil H Records Records The cradle of True Hip Hop
sin Peros aqui no hay plan que nos tumbe lo que tenemos
Without buts here there is no plan that brings down what we have
No compares A los Dueños del Mic Con esos Mamaguebos
Don't compare The Owners of the Mic With those Mamaguebos
Colaboraaa Traigo la escritura pa quemar la basura Que en Tu Mende Deambula
Collaborate I bring the writing to burn the garbage That wanders in Your Mende
Estrangulado quedas tu (.) Mi Ejercision de Ortobelas lo que digas no vaa
Strangled you are (.) My Ortobelas Exercise what you say doesn't go
Risa me das tu quieres y no puedes pa tanto trapo de hace rato no estas en na
You make me laugh you want and you can't for so much rag you haven't been in anything for a while
Mucho nivel pa ti Aqui ante ti
A lot of level for you Here before you
Una fuerza indestructible Can y Dannigazz kill en estao de emergencia te vi! vengo a cortarle los cables a tu ego de raiz Supremacy y el Can anda ponle play mas hip-hop Vinil H record encandula tu neurona azota las zonas andra traga de mis sobras
An indestructible force Can and Dannigazz kill in a state of emergency I saw you! I come to cut the cables of your ego from the root Supremacy and the Can go on play more hip-hop Vinil H record enchants your neuron whips the areas andra swallow my leftovers

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