Canserbero feat. Lil Zupa - Rialaif - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Canserbero feat. Lil Zupa - Rialaif

Real Life
Is Can
It's Can
from where you from, son
from where you from, girl?
Can, Can, Supa
Can, Can, Supa
¿Cuantas mas verdades hay que rimar
How many more truths must I rhyme
para que un animal entienda
for an animal to understand
que me sabe a mierda tus prendas, si no me aportan nada?
that your possessions mean nothing to me if they bring me nothing?
No puedes parar con riendas, no hay cuerdas para amarrar
You can't stop me with reins, there are no ropes to tie
La voz que sólo gobierna al Can, ni menos, ni más
The voice that only governs the Can, nothing more, nothing less
Never lie, never look back, just i can
Never lie, never look back, just I can
Hip- Hop; habilidad que ni con todo el dolor puedes comprar
Hip-Hop; a skill you can't buy even with all the pain
Esto es realidad hardcore, i'm lyrical hard
This is hardcore reality, I'm lyrical hard
Busca "respeto" en el diccionario y verás mi retrato
Look up "respect" in the dictionary and you'll see my portrait
Maldad indiscutible, sonrisa adorable
Undisputed wickedness, adorable smile
¿Tus rimas?; predecibles todas, es mejor que ni hables
Your rhymes? Predictable all, you better not even speak
¿Tus incontables temas?; ninguno impresiona
Your countless tracks? None impress
Yo en cambio hablo un sólo idioma, para no dejar al mundo en coma
I, on the other hand, speak only one language, so as not to leave the world in a coma
Straight for zona, con aroma a muerte
Straight for the zone, with the aroma of death
Aúnque mi corazón es fuerte y no doy lástima a la gente, no
Although my heart is strong and I don't pity people, no
Yo canto lo aprendido, no lo que he sufrido
I sing what I've learned, not what I've suffered
Para que un hijueputa venga a decirme que no he vivido
So some motherfucker can come and tell me I haven't lived
It's rialaif, from where you from, son
It's real life, from where you from, girl?
No tengo que hablar de pistolón, bro
I don't have to talk about big guns, baby
El hampa seria se desplaza, a paso el tigere
The serious underworld moves, at a tiger's pace
y si mato no amenaza Vivo mi rialaif, en [...]
and if I kill, I don't threaten... I live my real life, in [...]
Escribo en líneas la historia de maracay
I write the history of Maracay in lines
Ya me cansé de escuchar tus cuentos de atracos
I'm tired of hearing your robbery stories
Me subo a la tarima y es cuando empieza el asalto
I get on the stage and that's when the assault begins
He recorrido el asfalto y sus encantos
I have traveled the asphalt and its charms
Me enamoré del Hip-Hop y lo traduje en cantos
I fell in love with Hip-Hop and translated it into songs
Without a gun only in my zona
Without a gun only in my zone
From where you from ... de bellaflow
From where you from ... from bellaflow
Tu sólo piensas en hacer lo que hace un gangsta
You only think about doing what a gangsta does
Todos esos real gangstas no estan pensado en cantar
All those real gangstas aren't thinking about singing
Ya re conoce que nos sobra lo que te falta
You already know that we have plenty of what you lack
Coja consejo, deje quieto y echesé para allá
Take advice, leave it alone and get out of here
It's rialaif, from where you from, son
It's real life, from where you from, girl?
No tengo que hablar de pistolón, bro
I don't have to talk about big guns, baby
El ampa seria se desplaza, a paso el tigere
The serious underworld moves, at a tiger's pace
y si mato no amenaza... No mezcles este tema, nigga
and if I kill, I don't threaten... Don't mix this topic, girl
Quiero que suene obvio
I want it to sound obvious
Es dedicated para los haters que hablen y se esconden
It's dedicated to the haters who talk and hide
Que no conforme con mencionar nuestros nombres
Not satisfied with mentioning our names
Sólo se sienten hombres a padrina o a revolver
They only feel like men with a sponsor or a revolver
Ustedes son prostitutas, meh
You are prostitutes, meh
We are clásicos
We are classics
No se puede evolucionar sin pasar por lo básico
You can't evolve without going through the basics
Irónico que maquetas y mucha pelea
Ironic that mixtapes and a lot of fighting
Puedan callar a muchos discos que no dicen nada...
Can silence many albums that say nothing...
It's rialaif, from where you from, son
It's real life, from where you from, girl?
You know we are the bomb
You know we are the bomb
Es Can, Can, Supa
It's Can, Can, Supa
You don't really know who we are
You don't really know who we are
I suppose that
I suppose that
I suppose that...
I suppose that...
♥Q.E.P.D. Tyrone González♥
♥R.I.P. Tyrone González♥

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