Canserbero - Cara Vemos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Cara Vemos - Canserberotraduction en anglais

Cara Vemos
The Way We See
Les suplico no se asusten si no me reconocen
I beg you, don't be scared if you don't recognize me,
Si mi gesto es diferente
If my expression is different,
O si mi voz varía
Or if my voice varies.
No estoy poseído, ni estoy loco, ni oigo voces...
I'm not possessed, nor am I crazy, nor do I hear voices...
Júzguenme por mi discurso que no desvaría
Judge me by my speech, which doesn't ramble.
No se preocupen por la marihuana que he fumado,
Don't worry about the marijuana I've smoked,
Ni por las noches en vigilia leyendo poesía
Nor the nights spent awake reading poetry.
Preocúpense por sus defectos que no son menos malos
Worry about your own flaws, which are no less bad,
Y cuando quieran comparamos la estantería
And when you want, we can compare our bookshelves.
He sido acusado de NASI, de racista,
I've been accused of being a Nazi, a racist,
De cristiano, de budista,
A Christian, a Buddhist,
De asesino, de loco, de traidor,
A murderer, a madman, a traitor,
Hasta de artista...
Even an artist...
De extraterrestre y terrorista
An alien and a terrorist,
De mesías del demonio
The devil's messiah,
De portador de amor o de microbios
A carrier of love or microbes,
De satánico, de pederasta, de homofóbico, de plasta
Satanic, a pedophile, homophobic, a pain,
Y yo los escuche sin decir basta.
And I listened to them without saying enough.
Pero lo que para es obvio para otros no
But what is obvious to me is not to others,
Y al contrario, por eso es que considero necesario
And vice versa, that's why I consider it necessary,
Que así como yo sonriendo soporte sus argumentos
Just as I endure their arguments with a smile,
Les recuerdo que ahora ustedes no pueden descartar estos
I remind you that now you cannot dismiss these.
Los acuso de pendejos, todos llenos de complejos,
I accuse you of being fools, all full of complexes,
Influenciables, ciegos, dominados por sus egos
Impressionable, blind, dominated by your egos,
Egoístas, masoquistas, egotistas, inflexibles
Selfish, masochistic, egotistical, inflexible,
Fanáticos, parásitos, rateros corruptibles
Fanatics, parasites, thieves, corruptible.
Ni siquiera pueden soportar cuatro verdades dime.
You can't even handle four truths, tell me,
Como coño se razona con cañones que reprimen
How the hell do you reason with cannons that repress?
Traicioneros, envidiosos, embusteros, mentirosos,
Treacherous, envious, liars, deceitful,
Que no ven más realidad que la de sus datos
Seeing no reality beyond their own data.
No se creen su mentira por mas que se la plantean
They don't believe their own lies, no matter how much they try to convince themselves,
Alardean, el orgullo los arrastrara a la hoguera
They boast, their pride will drag them to the fire.
En el fondo lo saben pero no quieren creerlo
Deep down they know it, but they don't want to believe it,
Como el tema OVNI, primero tienen que verlo
Like the UFO subject, they have to see it first.
Me han acusado de brujo y que de la confianza abuso
They've accused me of being a witch and abusing trust,
Cuando me han robado, y dedicado tabacos incluso
When they've stolen from me, and even dedicated tobacco to me.
Dicen que son paranoias lo que pa' mi son fobias
They say what are paranoias for me are phobias,
Y hasta tontas las acciones que han orquestado en mi contra
And even silly actions they've orchestrated against me,
Espionajes, chantajes, difamaciones, visajes
Spying, blackmail, defamation, mirages,
Pero me hago el loco para vacilarme sus disfraces
But I play the fool to laugh at their disguises.
Pocos los que son serios y los que tienen criterio
Few are those who are serious and have criteria,
Y los que van... con la conciencia limpia al cementerio
And those who go... with a clean conscience to the cemetery.
Se también quienes son falsos pero igual les doy la mano
I also know who is fake, but I still shake their hand,
Porque aunque me digan hippie
Because even if they call me a hippie,
En el fondo todos somos hermanos
Deep down, we are all brothers and sisters.
He buscado en libros y en el extranjero alguna cura
I've searched in books and abroad for a cure,
Poniendo en peligro incluso hasta mi propia cordura
Even putting my own sanity at risk,
Para decir algo noble
To say something noble,
Para mujeres y hombres
For women and men,
Para ricos, para pobres, habitantes de este orbe
For the rich, for the poor, inhabitants of this world.
He visto el abismo enorme de la matriz multiforme
I've seen the enormous abyss of the multiform matrix,
Que te absorbe y no conforme las esperanzas te rompe
That absorbs you and breaks your hopes without satisfaction.
A la par he vuelto al barrio, he padecido lo precario
At the same time, I've returned to the neighborhood, I've suffered the precarious,
Porque si no sufro como todos no podre cantarlo
Because if I don't suffer like everyone else, I won't be able to sing about it.
Me han ofrecido, mil pieles y mil joyas y mil mieles
They've offered me a thousand skins, a thousand jewels, and a thousand honeys,
Y les duele que soy fiel a mis principios y mujeres
And it hurts them that I'm faithful to my principles and women.
Mujeres que me inspiran a cantarles cantaletas con siluetas...
Women who inspire me to sing them serenades with silhouettes...
Que me hacen suspirar como cometas
That make me sigh like comets.
Polvo somos y el polvo nos convertiremos
We are dust and to dust we shall return.
En la calle nos vemos
We'll see each other on the street,
Caras vemos corazones no sabemos
We see faces, we don't know hearts.
Todo cambia pero al menos tu llevas volantes y frenos
Everything changes, but at least you have a steering wheel and brakes.
Polvo somos y el polvo nos convertiremos
We are dust and to dust we shall return.
En la calle nos vemos
We'll see each other on the street,
Caras vemos corazones no sabemos
We see faces, we don't know hearts.
Todo cambia pero al menos llevas volantes y frenos
Everything changes, but at least you have a steering wheel and brakes.
Así es como yo la dreno con la musa estreno
This is how I drain it with the muse's premiere,
Saboreo mis estrenos pa' no abusar de lo bueno
I savor my premieres so as not to abuse the good.
Me temo que sueno pleno y algunos conciertos lleno
I fear I sound full and some concerts are packed,
Por eso me tienen puesto el ojo en el lapicero
That's why they have their eye on my pen.
Bolígrafos, micrófonos, audífonos, tinteros
Pens, microphones, headphones, inkwells,
Pendiente con los párrafos que escribe canserbero
Watch out for the paragraphs that Canserbero writes.
No les parece patético que les moleste tanto
Don't you find it pathetic that they are so bothered
Un raperito decrepito, raquítico, excéntrico
By a decrepit, skinny, eccentric rapper?
No sea tan entre pito, tampoco tan estúpidos, evite los estrépitos,
Don't be so foolish, nor so stupid, avoid the uproar,
Dándosela de intrépidos
Acting all fearless.
Los dioses no dan créditos al que gana sin meritos
The gods don't give credit to those who win without merit.
Los dioses no dan créditos al que gana sin meritos
The gods don't give credit to those who win without merit.
Polvo somos y el polvo nos convertiremos
We are dust and to dust we shall return.
En la calle nos vemos
We'll see each other on the street,
Caras vemos corazones no sabemos
We see faces, we don't know hearts.
Todo cambia pero al menos tu llevas volantes y frenos
Everything changes, but at least you have a steering wheel and brakes.
Caras vemos corazones no sabemos
We see faces, we don't know hearts.
En la calle nos vemos
We'll see each other on the street,
Polvo somos y el polvo nos convertiremos
We are dust and to dust we shall return.
Todo cambia pero tu llevas volantes y frenos
Everything changes, but you have a steering wheel and brakes.
Al menos no...
At least not...
Al menos no...
At least not...
Can Can en el mic...
Can Can on the mic...

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