Canserbero - No no - traduction des paroles en anglais

No no - Canserberotraduction en anglais

No no
No no
No no es mi apariencia lo que los desespera
It's not my appearance that makes them desperate
es mi promedio en tarima y rimas callejeras
it's my average on stage and street rhymes
o como las quieran, manejo como play station
or however they want them, I handle them like I handle a play station
la situation, muy poco cielo para darte imagination
the situation, too little sky to give you inspiration
¡Atención! pay attention say
Attention! pay attention they say
los titulares en lugares donde daremos conciertos
the headlines in places where we're going to do concerts
apuesto, que por supuesto quieren nuestro puesto
I bet, that of course they want our place
la realidad es una mierda por eso al resto les apesto
the reality is shit that's why I stink to the rest
Espectacular flow
Spectacular flow
cardiobascular now
cardiovascular now
then of course
then of course
a the hip hop in the roar
to the hip hop in the roar
Enemigos copien este flow
Enemies, copy this flow
antes de que un convive lo copie
before a convict copies it
primero y luego el premio nos divide
first and then the prize divides us
A mi me late que son se anime, ni me impresionan
It seems to me that they are not brave, they don't impress me at all
son antónimos de lo que escriben
they are antonyms of what they write
venden su personalidad como adolescente vende el himen
they sell their personality like a teenager sells her hymen
solamente por subirse en un carro bien
just to get into a good car
A quién también le pasa que en su casa
Who else feels like in his house
agasajan al que no trabaja y el que trabaja le echan paja
they indulge the one who doesn't work and the one who works gets straw
así me pasa cuando regreso a mi tierra
that's what happens to me when I return to my land
y escucho un nuevo tema en contra de algún u otro hijo de perra
and I hear a new song against some son of a bitch
Envidiosos que me quieren ver muy mal
Envious people who want to see me very badly
que si no me fuese normal no lo pudiese asimilar
that if I were not normal I would not be able to assimilate it
pero da igual ¡da igual! que sea otra raya mas para el tigre
but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! that it is another stripe for the tiger
y ojala su rap los libre de mi rap de alto calibre
and hopefully his rap will free them from my high-caliber rap
Que paso Nico Littler
What happened Nico Littler
mira guevon la vaina es que
look dude the thing is
de nombre tiene que ponerle
that he has to put it in his name
Give Me Five guevon son 5
Give Me Five man, there are 5
¡Dame cinco baby!
Give me five baby!

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