Canserbero - Zkillz. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Canserbero - Zkillz.

Yo no se lo que tu esperabas mas
I don't know what you expected, but
pero aquí están rayones the fuking lil and can
here's Rayones, the fuking Lil and Can,
quienes serán los que te enseñaran a amar de acá
the ones who will teach you how to love from here on out,
quienes aportan siempre un grano de arena por el hiphop
the ones who always contribute a grain of sand to hip hop,
************** ***** que como yo no hallo
************** ***** that I can't find,
open your eyes pa que veas con clean
open your eyes so you can see clearly,
que ninguno de tus temas superan este ***** don try
that none of your tracks surpass this *****, don't even try,
agarro la misma *********************************
I grab the same *********************************
ahora paren orejas cuando suene el saxo y estén atentos
now pay attention when the saxophone plays and listen up,
al coro con las manos en alto
to the chorus with your hands up,
ando en guardia con rimas desde hace rato defendiendo a
I've been on guard with rhymes for a while now, defending
mis hermanos
my brothers,
de falsos de pacos de tanto enemigo que tienen un pacto
from fakes, from cops, from so many enemies who have a pact
con cantos en vano
with futile songs,
que si fuera necesario yo les daría la mano
if it were necessary, I would give them a hand,
pero suelto el veneno contra todos esos mama huevos de
but I release the venom against all those mama's boys made of
juguete como lego
toys like Lego,
atentando mi ego desteto me manifiesto honesto en este juego
attacking my ego, I wean myself, I manifest myself honestly in this game,
respeto el suelo el pavimento y las ganas de ser sincero
I respect the ground, the pavement, and the desire to be sincere,
pero tantas criticas pareciendo ***** yo prefiero par de
but with so many criticisms, looking like *****, I prefer a pair of
jordán y bien grande la camisa
Jordans and a big shirt,
actitud sumisa taggiando esquina y avenida
a submissive attitude, tagging corners and avenues,
esto es ccs y cualquiera te quita la vida
this is Caracas, and anyone can take your life,
pero así seguimos firmando de mendigo hasta que llegue un
but we keep signing from beggar to beggar until a
webonsito y por la cara 25
fool comes along and gets 25 to the face,
esto es lo que pasa una acción una causa y del velorio
this is what happens, an action, a cause, and from the wake
pa la casa
to the house,
pero violencia conciencia con actitud de competencia
but violence, awareness, with a competitive attitude,
son piezas enteras del hiphop en Venezuela
are whole pieces of hip hop in Venezuela,
entonces entiendan que las 2 somos cultura
so understand that both are culture,
entonces entiendan *****
so understand *****,
pero yo no te apoyo tu no me apoyas tu no te apoyas
but I don't support you, you don't support me, you don't support yourself,
y quien que te apoya el que se apoya a ti te roba
and who supports you? The one who supports you steals from you
todas las noches ************* y si después si te llama
every night ************* and if they call you afterwards,
es por que si eres un hiphapa
it's because you are a hip hopper,
amor al arte mis bolas no jodas prefiero ser músico de
love for the art, my balls, don't bother, I'd rather be a street musician
esquina a andar pagando payola
than go around paying payola,
aveces pienso ya no cantar mas y parar de escribir
Sometimes I think about not singing anymore and stopping writing,
pa que no salgan pajuos queriendo parecerse a mi diciendo ser mc
so that idiots don't come out wanting to be like me, saying they're MCs,
flow represent underground ñeros
flow represent underground, dudes,
y todas esas frases mas trivial que palabra eh misionero
and all those phrases more trivial than the word missionary,
que canserbero se contradijo en esa rola
that Canserbero contradicted himself in that song,
que se droga
that he does drugs,
que es falso
that he's fake,
que si se rasco una bola
that if he scratched his balls,
que ayer pase al lado de el y no dijo ni HOLA
that yesterday I passed by him and he didn't even say HI,
"yo no soy un artista men, yo soy una persona"
"I'm not an artist, man, I'm a person,"
ya casi no oigo rap, casi todo es vacio
I hardly listen to rap anymore, almost everything is empty,
sera que aparte debo ponerme a escuchar lo mio
maybe I should also start listening to my own stuff,
que puede ser aburrido por querer ayudar a gente?
what can be boring about wanting to help people?
diferente de lo que para pegarse son ahora conscientes
different from those who are now conscious to get famous,
bueno al menos han mejorado antes copiaban extranjeros
well at least they've improved, before they copied foreigners,
ahora copian venezolanos
now they copy Venezuelans,
ni hablar de los que luchan por los hermanos africanos
not to mention those who fight for our African brothers
con banderas de Jamaica y ritmos norteamericanos
with Jamaican flags and North American rhythms,
equivocado, equivocado, equivocado
mistaken, mistaken, mistaken,
yo si soy cara culo y canto así no hayan centavos
I am a pain in the ass and I sing like this even if there are no cents,
por que yo estoy cansado de aconsejar a esos panas
because I'm tired of advising those guys
que no pagan por mi entrada lo que si por marihuana
who don't pay for my ticket, but they do for marijuana,
**** de verdad tu si tienes solo tienes ganas,
**** really, you only have the desire,
te noto con dramas sobre-actuado buscando fama
I notice you with over-acted dramas, seeking fame,
no voy a grabar contigo ni que pichen a tu hermana
I'm not going to record with you even if they pitch your sister
con sus teticas operadas y si nada acostada en la cama
with her operated tits, and if she's lying naked in bed,
vengo de un barrio donde aveces combinan la misma patria
I come from a neighborhood where sometimes they combine the same homeland
todos los días
every day,
con agua bastante fría
with very cold water,
pero todavía hambre no eh pasado, nada me lo han regalado
but I've never gone hungry, they haven't given me anything,
por eso soy frio como un soldado
that's why I'm cold as a soldier,
hay quienes nacen para llevar la batuta
there are those who are born to lead,
y no me creo ese cuento de que no existe gente bruta
and I don't believe that story that there are no stupid people,
como no van a tener arrechera
how can they not be pissed off,
si estamos mas pegaos que celebrities con disqueras
if we're more stuck than celebrities with record companies,
apunta de letra y a de veraz sin bailadera
aiming for lyrics and truth without dancing,
como lo hizo miranda en su era
like Miranda did in her era,

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