Capeccapa - Dimm' c' simm' - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Capeccapa - Dimm' c' simm'

Dimm' c' simm'
Dimm' c' simm'
Dimm' tu c' simm' n'copp' a 'sta terra 'e sfaccimma
Tell me what we are on this crumbling earth
Simm' 'e passaggio e sta vita sultanto 'nu viaggio
We are just passing through, and this life is just a journey
E forze allora, chi ce guarda quacche vota pure sbaglia
And maybe then, those who look at us sometimes are mistaken
Se no comme se spiega c' a mur so' semp' e meglie
Otherwise how can you explain that those who die are always the best
Sarrà chest 'a ricompenza pe' chi ha dato tutt cose
That will be the reward for those who have given everything
Ha faticato 'a vita sana e finalmente s'arreposa
Who have worked hard all their lives and finally rest
Ma n'ce a date sta' notizia
But the news never comes
Che dimman' a 'sti famiglie
What will happen to these families
N'ce a faccio a ved chiagnere 'a mugliera 'nzieme e figlie
I can't bear to see the wife and children crying
Ogni chianto nu curtiello, ogni lacrema nu taglio
Every cry a knife, every tear a cut
Ogni lamiento nu turmiento ca' po' dint' 'a capa saglie
Every lament a torment that rises into the head
E comm' faje a scurda' tutt' cose dint' o' giro e pochi juorne
And how can you forget about everything in the space of a few days
'Na mamma l'adda fa' ce adda penz a chi ten' atturno
A mother has to do it, she has to think about those around her
N' 'se po' dimman a guard stu munno 'e mmerda gira 'o stesso
You can't ask her to look at this shitty world that keeps on turning
Se ne fotte 'e che succieso e 'o cazzo che va' pure 'e pressa
It doesn't give a damn about what happened, and it's in such a hurry
Vulesse che me scetass' e riturnass' tutt' cose comm' 'a primm'
I wish I could wake up and everything would be like it was before
Ma sta vita n' nu film
But this life is a film
Nun se po' turn areta e nun se po' premmere stop
You can't go back and you can't press stop
'O telecomando 'o teneno sulo ll'a ncopp
Only those up there have the remote control
Ije tengo sulo 'o ricordo 'e chille che sta notte saglieno
I only have the memory of those who are going up tonight
Sulo nu' desiderio: Madonna mia accumpagnale.
Only one wish: My Madonna, guide them.
Dimm' tu c' simm' si nun decidimme nuje
Tell me what we are if we aren't the ones who decide
Dimme nuje chi simme e cc che ce facimme nuje
Tell me, who are we, and what are we doing here
Dimm' chi c' ha mannato, pecch e che va' truvann
Tell me who sent you, why, and what are you looking for
Dimm' pecch a troppa gente troppo ambress' 'e chiamm.
Tell me why too many people call you in too much of a hurry.
Pecch t' 'a piglie cu 'e cchiu' buone
Why do you pick on the good people
Cu chi po' camp ancora
Those who can still live
Pecch a vote si 'nfame
Why are you sometimes so heartless
E te puort cu 'a mano dint' 'o scuro
And you take them by the hand into the darkness
Addo' n'se vede niente e nun torna cchiu' nisciuno
Where nothing can be seen and no one ever returns
Ma facc' cap' e muro pecch nun capisco ancora
But I'm trying to understand the wall because I still don't get it
Nun cunusce pietà
It knows no mercy
Nun te ne 'mporta 'e chi sarrà
You don't care who it is
Chi scenn e pensa a faticà
Who goes down and tries to work
Notte e juorno pe' campà
Night and day to survive
Lass 'na famiglia sola
Leaves a family alone
Nu figlio ca' s'adda 'mparà a fa' l'omm' tropp ambress' cu sta vita ca gi triste pure si tal via pass
A son who has to learn to become a man too soon with this life that is sad even if you pass this way
Dint'o core te lassa
You leave it in your heart
Gruosso nu funno e amar fuoss' n'zerrate int' 'a na' cascia ne rimmaneno sulo ossa e forze sparze, nu' poco 'e povere
A big hole and bitter tears locked in a box there remain only bones and perhaps scattered, a few poor ones
E 'a terra attuorno n'fosa 'a 'na vrancata 'e lacreme
And the ground around it a pit dug with a handful of tears
Ma mo' inutile chiagnere
But it's no use crying now
A sa pigli c'a' morte troppo facile
Death takes it too easily
Ma ancora chi difficile a capì
But it's still hard to understand
Pecch Dio n'cielo l'ha fatte saglì nemmanco nu saluto l' 'e fatt lassà primm' 'e murì
Why God in heaven made them go up without even letting them say goodbye first
Ma forze accussì s'appacia 'a mente sapenno che lla n'copp tiene 'a chi te guarda
But perhaps that's how the mind is appeased knowing that up there someone is watching over you
E quanno iss te manca
And when you miss him
Basta ch' astrigne 'e mmane e gi sta pronto
Just clench your hands and he'll be there ready
Pe te aiut a crescere int' a stu munn malamente!
To help you grow up in this wicked world!
Dimm' tu c' simm' si nun decidimme nuje...
Tell me what we are if we aren't the ones who decide...

Writer(s): adriano coco

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