Caprice feat. MeerFly & TUJULOCA - Kau Hade (feat. MeerFly & TujuLoca) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Caprice feat. MeerFly & TUJULOCA - Kau Hade (feat. MeerFly & TujuLoca)

Kau Hade (feat. MeerFly & TujuLoca)
You Got Nothing (feat. MeerFly & TujuLoca)
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Boleh melancong ke Dubai bawa keluarga
Can fly to Dubai, bring the whole fam along
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Semua ku sapu rata
I'm taking it all
Aku tak nak cuci mata
No window shopping for me
Wei ada cerita dulu kat kampung
Yo, remember back in the village
Tak ada duit ay poket kosong
No money, pockets empty
Sifulan tanya, belajar kat mana?
Nosy folks asking, "Where you studying?"
Kerja kat mana?
"Where you working?"
Gaji berapa?
"How much you earning?"
Tak dapat jawab
Couldn't answer
Tak sambung belajar
Didn't continue studying
Kerja pun apa
What kind of work?
Ku bukan kerja mewah
Not some fancy job
Gaji berapa, aaa tak banyak
How much I earn? Ah, not much
Cuma buat lagu views pun tak banyak
Just making music, views ain't that hot
Tapi sekarang dah lain
But now things are different
Ilmu dah lain
Knowledge is different
Kerja dah lain
Work is different
Mewah bukan main
Living lavishly, no joke
Nak hidup sihat
Want a healthy life
Bahagia dan senang
Happy and comfortable
Amir tengah doa
Amir is praying
Korang kata lah amin
Y'all better say amen
Yang dulu suka mengata
Those who used to talk trash
Suka menghina
Used to insult
Nak bagi jatuh
Tried to bring me down
You dekat mana?
Where you at?
Tinggal kat mana?
Where you living?
Bila boleh jumpa?
When can we meet?
Nak cakap kat muka
Wanna say it to your face
Aku trending number 1
I'm trending number 1
Dulu kau tanya aku ada apa
You used to ask what I had
Terdiam ku tak punya apa
I was silent, had nothing
Sekarang cubalah tanya
Now try asking
Wei kau apa ada?
Yo, what do you have?
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Boleh melancong ke Dubai bawa keluarga
Can fly to Dubai, bring the whole fam along
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Semua ku sapu rata
I'm taking it all
Aku tak nak cuci mata
No window shopping for me
Uh what you know about me?
Uh what you know about me?
Cash money i be drippin LV
Cash money i be drippin LV
I'm the reason why your girls don't call
I'm the reason why your girls don't call
Your gang just talk and your boys don't ball I'm a
Your gang just talk and your boys don't ball I'm a
Rockstar with a big bag dolla
Rockstar with a big bag dolla
Everyday is like hari hari raya
Everyday is like hari hari raya
My bread got kaya
My bread got kaya
And I ain't talking kaya
And I ain't talking kaya
Still got girls all the way in Subang Jaya uh
Still got girls all the way in Subang Jaya uh
Back with the attitude
Back with the attitude
Do what I gotta do
Do what I gotta do
You rappers talk a lot swear to god your time is over due
You rappers talk a lot swear to god your time is over due
Better check ya attitude
Better check ya attitude
You don't got the answer
You don't got the answer
You should ask about me
You should ask about me
I'm really really gangsta
I'm really really gangsta
Tengok sekarang sape boss
Look who's the boss now
Took a break for abit not loss
Took a break for a bit, not a loss
You know my boys got pop straight killer
You know my boys got pop, straight killer
Just one shot, Alhamdullilah
Just one shot, Alhamdullilah
Dulu kau tanya aku ada apa
You used to ask what I had
Terdiam ku tak punya apa
I was silent, had nothing
Sekarang cubalah tanya
Now try asking
Wei kau apa ada?
Yo, what do you have?
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Boleh melancong ke Dubai bawa keluarga
Can fly to Dubai, bring the whole fam along
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Semua ku sapu rata
I'm taking it all
Aku tak nak cuci mata
No window shopping for me
Woah, mata mereka terbuka
Woah, their eyes open wide
Bila terlihat sayapku ke Eropah
When they see my wings fly to Europe
Dulu ku pandu Wira
Used to drive a Wira
Cerita sekarang apa aku ada
Now let me tell you what I got
Dari mimpi ke realiti
From dreams to reality
Lebih memberi hari ke hari
Giving more every day
Dan kini pasti wooo
And now it's for sure, wooo
Sekarang ku kekalkan apa yang ku ada masih dalam kawalan
Now I maintain what I have, still in control
Kalau suruh eja cita-cita
If you ask me to spell out my ambition
Bunyinya kaya raya
It sounds like riches
Dengarnya susah payah
They say it's hard work
Dulu tak mampu milik
Couldn't afford it before
Sekarang nafsu aku puas beraya woo
Now my desires are satisfied, celebrating, woo
Sila jamu selera
Please, help yourself
Muka tebal sambut tangan ajak duduk semeja
Thick-skinned, welcoming hands, inviting you to the table
Kalau aku petik ada yang sentap
If I pick, some might be upset
Tapi tak dapat luah sebab aku kongsi makanan sedap
But they can't complain 'cause I share delicious food
Dulu kau tanya aku ada apa
You used to ask what I had
Terdiam ku tak punya apa
I was silent, had nothing
Sekarang cubalah tanya
Now try asking
Wei kau apa ada?
Yo, what do you have?
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Boleh melancong ke Dubai bawa keluarga
Can fly to Dubai, bring the whole fam along
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Semua ku sapu rata
I'm taking it all
Aku tak nak cuci mata
No window shopping for me
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Boleh melancong ke Dubai bawa keluarga
Can fly to Dubai, bring the whole fam along
Aku ada ni ada tu kau hade ha
I got this and that, you got nothing, ha
Semua ku sapu rata
I'm taking it all
Aku tak nak cuci mata
No window shopping for me

Writer(s): Amir Syafiq Hussin, Ariz Ramli, Meerfly

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