Moja obľúbená teta Zuzana, spievala mi deň čo deň, už od rána.
My beloved aunt Zuzana, sang to me day after day, from the morning.
Svetlo mojich očí, teplo v tvojom objatí, len vďaka tebe som začal mať rád hory.
The light of my eyes, the warmth in your embrace, only thanks to you I started to love the mountains.
Sánkovanie, lyžovanie v Tatrách, to boli najkrajšie veci, ty stavala si tie vleky aj v deň, keď buchol Černobyľ a prišli sem tie mraky, ale nikto poplach nerobil a vy ste v kopcoch makali, a tak nikto z vás milénia sa už nedožil.
Sledding, skiing in the Tatras, those were the most beautiful things, you were building those lifts even on the day when Chernobyl exploded and those clouds came here, but no one raised the alarm and you guys were working hard in the hills, and so none of you lived to see the millennium.
Pamätám si, jak sme sedávali okolo ohňa v kruhu, a na to, jak si mi dala facku, až mi stôl dal druhú.
I remember how we used to sit around the fire in a circle, and how you slapped me so hard that the table gave me a second one.
Potom si prišla za mnou, že ma ľúbiš a spolu sme si poplakali.
Then you came to me and said you loved me and we cried together.
Mal som desať, už dvadsať rokov, čo sme ťa pochovali.
I was ten, now it's been twenty years since we buried you.
- daj tie kvety ľuďom, kým ich môžu voňať, tak ja posielam ti túto, nech je navždy tvoja.
They say
- give those flowers to people while they can smell them, so I'm sending you this one, may it be yours forever.
Odpočívaj v pokoji, počkaj tam na nás doma, kým sa naše cesty znova navždy spoja.
Rest in peace, wait for us there at home, until our paths meet again forever.
Toto sú kvety.
These are flowers.
Môj dedko Dušička s láskou učil ma, viedol ma k športu, všetko od šachu až po futbal.
My grandfather Dušička lovingly taught me, led me to sports, everything from chess to football.
Bol si tak múdry a sčítaný, vedel si o všetkom niečo, o niečom všetko, ja nasával som to celé detstvo.
You were so wise and well-read, you knew something about everything, everything about something, I absorbed it all my childhood.
Vysvetlil si mi, jak mám kopať a chytať penalty, a tak som dával góly, jak brankár a chytal, jak malý Peter Schmeichel.
You explained to me how to kick and catch penalties, and so I scored goals like a goalkeeper and caught them like little Peter Schmeichel.
Múdry starec, no osud na starobu šancu nedal ti, a zobral ti to najviac, čo si mal.
Wise old man, but fate didn't give you a chance in your old age, and took the most precious thing you had.
Diagnóza Alzheimer, skúsenosť je vzácna, spomienka je krásna, tak vzácna a krásna, myseľ zrazu tak prázdna.
Diagnosis: Alzheimer's, experience is precious, memory is beautiful, so precious and beautiful, the mind suddenly so empty.
Vlastná hlava z teba spraví blázna a pre mňa si ostal kráľom, jak Šalamún dávno pred svätým kráľom.
Your own head turns you into a madman and for me you remained a king, like Solomon long before the holy king.
- daj tie kvety ľuďom, kým ich môžu voňať, tak ja posielam ti túto, nech je navždy tvoja.
They say
- give those flowers to people while they can smell them, so I'm sending you this one, may it be yours forever.
Odpočívaj v pokoji, počkaj tam na nás doma, kým sa naše cesty znova navždy spoja.
Rest in peace, wait for us there at home, until our paths meet again forever.
Toto sú kvety.
These are flowers.
Moja sestra Iwiss, Iwka, Iwuška, bola si moja najviac najlepšia kamoška.
My sister Iwiss, Iwka, Iwuška, you were my best friend.
Nákazlivý smiech a dobré, veľké, čisté srdiečko, občas zamračené, väčšinou vysmiate slniečko.
Contagious laughter and a good, big, pure heart, sometimes cloudy, mostly a smiling sun.
Bola si fanúšik už za čias Laverny, tam sme sa stretávali, pili, tancovali, svet bol nádherný.
You were a fan back in the days of Laverna, we used to meet there, drink, dance, the world was beautiful.
Dala si celú cestu s nami, videla si nás vyrásť, frajerky sa menili, ale ty si ostávala pri nás.
You came all the way with us, you saw us grow up, girlfriends changed, but you stayed with us.
Bola si jednou z nás, niečo z teba je stále v nás, a žiadna s nami zatiaľ viac si ešte neprežila.
You were one of us, something of you is still in us, and no one has experienced more with us yet.
Si tu navždy, ako my, '84-ka, ako my, no svoju 30.
You are here forever, like us, '84, like us, but your 30th.
Zimu si žiaľ už neprežila.
Winter, unfortunately, you did not survive.
- daj tie kvety ľuďom, kým ich môžu voňať, tak ja posielam ti túto, nech je navždy tvoja.
They say
- give those flowers to people while they can smell them, so I'm sending you this one, may it be yours forever.
Odpočívaj v pokoji, počkaj tam na nás doma, kým sa naše cesty znova navždy spoja.
Rest in peace, wait for us there at home, until our paths meet again forever.
Kvety, jé, toto sú kvety.
Flowers, yeah, these are flowers.
Môj brat Miško, pre mňa kikistroj, mali sme podobný vkus, milovali si ten život svoj.
My brother Miško, for me a kikistroj, we had similar tastes, you loved your life.
Hlasná hudba, rýchle autá, zaujímavé ženy, široký úsmev na tvojej tvári, ten si každý cenil.
Loud music, fast cars, interesting women, a wide smile on your face, everyone appreciated that.
Všetkým si plány zmenil, zo dňa na deň zrazu vyschol prameň, no rieka žije ďalej v tom oceáne.
You changed everyone's plans, from day to day the spring suddenly dried up, but the river lives on in that ocean.
Mám kérku tvojej tváre na srdci, si stále so mnou, pravý RHB bojovník, čo prvý odišiel domov.
I have a tattoo of your face on my heart, you are always with me, a true RHB warrior who was the first to go home.
Daj odtiaľ na nás pozor, priprav veľkú párty, ja lejem Hennessy a spomínam na tvoje freestyle-y.
Watch over us from there, prepare a big party, I pour Hennessy and remember your freestyles.
Čo som ťa nestihol zobrať do štúdia, to ma hrozne se*e, ale ver, že vždy keď rapujem, je to aj v tvojom mene.
That I didn't have time to take you to the studio, it pisses me off, but believe me, every time I rap, it's also in your name.
Kvety, toto sú kvety.
Flowers, these are flowers.
Kvety, toto sú kvety.
Flowers, these are flowers.
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