Carlos y José - Mi Despedida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Carlos y José - Mi Despedida

Mi Despedida
My Farewell
En el Cielo estare bien
I'll be alright in Heaven,
No te preocupes que siempre te cantare
Don't worry, I'll always sing to you.
Mi voz al viento tu oído relajare
My voice on the wind will soothe your ears,
Porque te quiero yo siempre
Because I love you always,
Te cuidare.
I will take care of you.
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are my enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are my enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Junto a ti...
Next to you...
Aquellos momentos contigo mi amor
Those moments with you, my love,
Lo que te entregue de este corazón
What I gave you from this heart,
Te juro que yo sin ti no puedo mas
I swear I can't live without you,
Que aunque esto me duela la verdad sabras
Even though this hurts me, you will know the truth,
Es duro lo se
It's hard, I know,
Pero nunca olvides que desde aya arriba yo te cuidare
But never forget that from up there I will take care of you,
Contigo estare guiando tus pasos
I will be with you, guiding your steps,
Y jamas pienses que este amor fue fracaso
And never think that this love was a failure,
Y solo te pido no llores por mi
And I only ask you not to cry for me,
Porque aunque yo muera siempre estare ahí
Because even though I die, I will always be there,
Mi amor se feliz con quien te valore
My love, be happy with someone who values you,
El no sere yo y espero te enamore
It won't be me, and I hope he makes you fall in love,
Como yo lo hize, pero no me borres
Like I did, but don't erase me,
De esos recuerdos de tu corazón
From those memories of your heart,
Me voy tranquilo
I leave in peace,
Se que me amaste, fuiste mi todo y
I know you loved me, you were my everything and
Todo lo entregaste, mi suerte eras tu
You gave everything, you were my luck,
Y yo me pregunto porque ahora tu sufres si
And I wonder why you suffer now if
Eso no era justo
That wasn't fair,
Quisiera sentir lo que ahora
I wish I could feel what now
Tu sientes
You feel,
Sanar el dolor que deja mi partida
To heal the pain that my departure leaves,
Es mi despedida que el cielo reclama
It is my farewell that heaven claims,
Déjame abrazarte que no habrá mañana
Let me hug you, there will be no tomorrow,
Y pido al señor que desde tu vientre
And I ask the Lord that from your womb,
Cuide a nuestro niño porque estare ausente.
Take care of our child because I will be absent.
En el Cielo estare bien
I'll be alright in Heaven,
No te preocupes que siempre te cantare
Don't worry, I'll always sing to you.
Mi voz al viento tu oído relajare
My voice on the wind will soothe your ears,
Porque te quiero yo siempre
Because I love you always,
Te cuidare.
I will take care of you.
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are my enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are your enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Junto a ti...
Next to you...
Suelta tu mano no quiero y el padre me
Let go of your hand, I don't want the father and me,
Instante que pasa la muerte me apresa
Every moment that passes, death seizes me,
Me desespero y en mi profundo
I despair and in my depths,
Maldigo el destino pero el daño esta hecho
I curse destiny, but the damage is done,
Y en este lecho
And in this bed,
El cáncer me mata
Cancer kills me,
Tus ojos me dicen no soy el culpable
Your eyes tell me I'm not to blame,
Tus lagrimas caen y te resignas con impotencia
Your tears fall and you resign yourself with impotence,
Porque tu mundo de cierto vacio
Because your world is truly empty,
No llores sere como angel del cielo
Don't cry, I will be like an angel from heaven,
Te protegeré
I will protect you,
Y hasta tus sueños yo velare y en tu tristeza
And even your dreams I will watch over and in your sadness,
Ahí estare
I will be there.
Cuanto quisiera vivir mas tiempo pero
How I would like to live longer, but
Asi es el destino
This is destiny,
En las arenas verán mis pasos cuando mi
In the sands they will see my steps when my
Alma se ira contigo
Soul will go with you.
En el Cielo estare bien
I'll be alright in Heaven,
No te preocupes que siempre te cantare
Don't worry, I'll always sing to you.
Mi voz al viento tu oído relajare
My voice on the wind will soothe your ears,
Porque te quiero yo siempre
Because I love you always,
Te cuidare.
I will take care of you.
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are my enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Si pudiera vivir tanto cada año contigo seria feliz
If I could live so long, every year with you would be bliss,
Mi amor eres mi encanto
My love, you are my enchantment,
Y no llores si hoy tu vieras morir
And don't cry if you see me die today,
Esta es mi despedida
This is my farewell,
Te confieso me quedan minutos de vida
I confess, I have minutes left to live,
Por vivir...
To live...
Junto a ti...
Next to you...
Toma mi mano no llores esto me hace
Take my hand, don't cry, this hurts me,
Daño ojala no perdones el dios
I hope you don't forgive the god
Que retoma las deciciones
Who takes back the decisions,
De separar dos corazones
To separate two hearts,
Espero que entiendas que cuando el corazón
I hope you understand that when the heart,
Deje de la latir
Stops beating,
Te juro mi amor que quiero vivir
I swear my love, that I want to live,
Minutos me quedan déjame mirarte
I have minutes left, let me look at you,
Porque dentro de un rato no podre tocarte
Because in a while I won't be able to touch you,
Déjame besarte y aconsejarte
Let me kiss you and advise you,
Y al niño que esperas cuidadalo bastante
And the child you are expecting, take good care of him,
Será como yo o sera un gran cantante
He will be like me or he will be a great singer,
De mil sentimientos que tu lo guardaste
Of a thousand feelings that you kept for him,
Y en mi despedida te digo mi vida
And in my farewell I tell you my life,
Que los tres juntitos estaremos arriba
That the three of us together will be up there,
Estaremos arriba...
We will be up there...
En el Cielo estare bien amor
I'll be alright in Heaven, my love,
No te preocupes que siempre te cantare. mi voz
Don't worry, I'll always sing to you. My voice
Al viento... Tu oído rejalare...
On the wind... Your ears will be soothed...
Porque yo te quiero yo siempre
Because I love you, I always will
Take care of you...

Writer(s): Figueroa Figueroa Jose Manuel

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