Carmen Serban feat. Marian Cozma - 7 Inimi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Carmen Serban feat. Marian Cozma - 7 Inimi

7 Inimi
7 Hearts
Mândro sapte inimi de-as avea în mine
If I had seven hearts in my chest
Eu cu toate sapte te-as iubi pe tine.
I would love you with all seven.
Pentru altcineva nu ar fi loc în ele
There would not be room for anyone else
Doar tu esti comoara scumpā a vietii mele.
You alone are the precious treasure of my life.
Dragoste curatā si mare credintā
Pure love and great faith
Eu port pentru tine în suflet bāditā
I carry for you in my soul, my love
Nu pot prin cuvinte sā-ti arāt iubirea
I can't show you my love with words
Tu îmi esti norocul, tu mi-esti fericirea.
You are my luck, you are my happiness.
Eu te-am închis în inima mea,
I have locked you in my heart,
De la mine, de la mine, nu mai poti pleca.
From me, from me, you can no longer leave.
Si nu mai stiu cui sā-i multumesc
And I no longer know who to thank
te am pe tine si te iubesc.
For having you and for loving you.
As vrea am aripi, zbor într-o noapte
I would like to have wings, to fly one night,
Din cer iau luna si stelele toate
From the sky to take the moon and all the stars
Flori din lumea-ntreagā, cât e ea de mare,
Flowers from all over the world, as big as it is
ti le pun mândro în bratele tale.
To put them in your arms, my love.
Nu vreau de la tine soarele si luna,
I don't want the sun and moon from you
Vreau din douã inimi facem doar una
I want to make only one of two hearts
Pentru amândoi ea mereu batā,
For both of us, let it always beat
Unul fārā altul, nu stām vreodatā.
One without the other, let us never be.
Eu te-am închis în inima mea
I have locked you in my heart,
De la mine, de la mine nu mai poti scāpa
From me, from me, you can no longer escape
Si nu mai stiu cui sā-i multumesc
And I no longer know who to thank
te am pe tine si te iubesc.
For having you and for loving you.
Tu esti ca o razā într-o dimineatā
You are like a ray of sunshine in the morning
Fārā tine viata mea nu ar mai fi viatā
Without you my life would no longer be life
Parcā pentru mine tu ai fost fācutā
You seem to have been created just for me
Dulce-i a ta gurā, care sārutā.
Your mouth is sweet, which kisses me.
Si tu māi bāditā, te-ai nāscut anume
And you, my love, were born on purpose
îmi fii pereche, în aceastā lume.
To be my mate in this world.
Inima mi-e-ntreagā si mi-e împlinitā
My heart is whole and fulfilled
Tu esti jumātatea cea mai potrivitā.
You are the most perfect half.
Eu te-am închis în inima mea
I have locked you in my heart,
De la mine, de la mine, nu mai poti pleca
From me, from me, you can no longer leave
Di nu mai stiu cui sā-i multumesc
Di I no longer know who to thank
te am pe tine si te iubesc.
For having you and for loving you.

Writer(s): carmen serban

Carmen Serban feat. Marian Cozma - 7 Inimi
7 Inimi
date de sortie

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