Casa de Leones - Intro (Pa' Mi Ponce) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Casa de Leones - Intro (Pa' Mi Ponce)

Intro (Pa' Mi Ponce)
Intro (For My Ponce)
Mi gente, mi gente...
My people, my people...
(De Ponce) ponce...
(From Ponce) Ponce...
Los Leones
The Lions
(De mis leones...)
(Of my Lions...)
De La India...
From India...
Y pa mi ponce dedico este soneo
And for my Ponce I dedicate this rhyme
Que viva Hector, que viva Tempo
Long live Hector, long live Tempo
Que acá estoy yo, que desde el cielo nos esta viendo
That I am here, that from heaven he is watching us
El esta viviendo rumbero con sueño
He is living a party animal with a dream
Rumba pa aquí, sandunga pa allá
Party over here, sandunga over there
Dale pa alante, y no eche pa atrás
Go forward, and don't back down
Oye muchacha vamo a bailar
Hey girl let's dance
Dale pa alante, y no eche pa atrás
Go forward, and don't back down
Desde ponce hasta Panamá
From Ponce to Panama
Dale pa alante, y no eche pa atrás
Go forward, and don't back down
Ohhh, ohhh... oye a ver quien da más
Ohhh, ohhh... hey let's see who gives more
Dale pa alante, y no eche pa atrás
Go forward, and don't back down
Y esto nace de Lavoe mi plena
And this is born from Lavoe my plena
Un bajo enséñame, las a sureñas
Teach me a bass, southern women
Pa que lo meneen las blanquitas y las trigueñas
For the white girls and the brown girls to shake it
Y pa que prendan, dale leña
And to light it up, give it firewood
Ya la sudas señora yo le canto pal soneo
You already sweat ma'am, I sing to you for the soneo
Va hasta abajo y de la manta conseño
It goes all the way down and from the blanket I design
Vamos que se vive, subestime este sonero
Come on, it's lived, underestimate this sonero
Con mucha espera, y ya llego mi tiempo
With a lot of waiting, and my time has come
Y ya nueva decora pa to lo Puertorriqueños
And a new decoration for all Puerto Ricans
Y los latinos del mundo entero
And Latinos around the world
Y esto va decora pa to lo Puertorriqueños
And this is going to be decorated for all Puerto Ricans
Y los latinos del mundo entero
And Latinos around the world
Ten cuida'o con ese pos-señor
Be careful with that mister
Vivirá hasta en la agarre, revelando tanto talento
He will live even in the grip, revealing so much talent
Leonisa pa que se enseñe brevo en el nombre de los muertos
Leonisa so that he can teach himself bravely in the name of the dead
Llego lagrimas y esfuerzos pudieron cumplir sus sueños
Tears and efforts arrived, they were able to fulfill their dreams
Que gran ciudad, que de acá brillar sin antes sufrirlo
What a great city, that from here shine without first suffering it
Hey... ya que ponce, ponce
Hey... since Ponce, Ponce
Y entonces me quiero quedar
And so I want to stay
Y cuando muere entonces
And when he dies then
Mi gente no olvide al Guelo Star
My people don't forget Guelo Star
Yo represento la pela, y lo sabes
I represent the fight, and you know it
Ando con los leones y la pela del sur
I walk with the lions and the fight of the south
Represento la pela, y lo sabes
I represent the fight, and you know it
Ando con los leones y la pela del sur
I walk with the lions and the fight of the south
(Arcangel pa)
(Arcangel pa)
Dale mete
Come on, put in
Arcangel al mambo sométele
Archangel to the mambo put it in
Esto si es de callejón, de vacilon
This is from the alley, from having fun
Dale mete
Come on, put in
Arcangel al mambo sométele
Archangel to the mambo put it in
Esto si es de callejón
This is from the alley
Put in
Tumba, ma cumba
Tomb, ma cumba
Que no me va a curar
That he will not cure me
Ehhhh, ey
Ehhhh, ey
Entre dos files negras darán
Between two black files they will give
Ohhhhh, oy
Ohhhhh, oy
Por que, la tierra del edén
Because, the land of Eden
Donde nací yo me asuste eh
Where I was born I was scared eh
Lalalalala, lala - lala
Lalalalala, lala - lala
Esa isla tan chiquita
That little island
Salio esa rumba de ponce
That rumba from Ponce came out
Puerto Rico de esa isla fue que salio el rumbon
Puerto Rico from that island was where the rumbon came out
Y le metimos el reggaeton
And we put reggaeton on it
Pa que goce
For you to enjoy
De esta isla tan chiquita
From this little island
Fue que, sale esta rumba
It was that, this rumba comes out
Nuestra sandunga de ponce
Our sandunga from Ponce
Puerto Rico de esa isla fue que salio el rumbon
Puerto Rico from that island was where the rumbon came out
Y le metimos el reggaeton
And we put reggaeton on it
Pa que goce
For you to enjoy
Desde la tierra donde nació el gran Hector Lavoe
From the land where the great Hector Lavoe was born
Bien orgullosos estamos todos de su gran convencer
We are all very proud of his great conviction
El es latino como amigo represento yo
He is Latino as a friend I represent
Con los leones y en la isla del encanto
With the lions and on the island of enchantment
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Desde la costa sureña
From the south coast
Con to'a la tuca de playa zarabanda
With all the tuca from Playa Zarabanda
De zarabanda la yuca jey
From Zarabanda the yuca jey
Que siga la rumba
Let the party continue
Y vamo a celebrar con plena a lo Churumba
And we are going to celebrate with plena a lo Churumba
El ponce pal mundo entero
Ponce for the whole world
Pa que sepas
So you know
Rico, como el café
Rich, like coffee
Dulce como la quenepa, Wepa
Sweet as quenepa, Wepa
De quien sepa, de quien sepa
From whoever knows, from whoever knows
Yo represento donde nació la plena
I represent where plena was born
vas a dar mas pena
You're going to give more pain
Que cuando he corta'o con Elena
Than when I cut with Elena
Todavía no sabe cuando vas al patio
You still don't know when you go to the patio
En el techo de tu casa vees la letra colora'o
On the roof of your house you see the colored letter
Con cecimen
With cement
Pa que se ponga factren
So that it gets factren
Junto los leones de black lion del Pachin Blisen
Together the black lion lions from Pachin Blisen
Hector Lavoe, ofreciendo la sonora, te esconde
Hector Lavoe, offering the sonora, you hide
Yo soy de ponce y a donde
I'm from Ponce and you where
Ponce, ponce
Ponce, Ponce
Y lo demás es pal king
And the rest is for the king
To'o el mundo reconoce el ranking
The whole world recognizes the ranking
Vamo allá que pajo con sur
Let's go there that pajo with south
Vamo hacer un homenaje a la pela del sur
Let's pay tribute to the fight of the south
Pa que lo goce y vacile trigueña
For him to enjoy and hesitate brunette
Con Tikin papi y sonora conseña
With Tikin papi and sonora design
El pueblo de Hector Lavoe y el de Tempo
The town of Hector Lavoe and Tempo's
La gente lo espera que este haciendo tiempo
People are waiting for him to be doing time
Soy de Carolina pero voy pa la Huancha
I'm from Carolina but I'm going to La Huancha
Vamo a dar un paseito en la lancha
Let's take a ride on the boat
Quiero ver a los leones jugando en la cancha
I want to see the lions playing on the court
Yo soy boricua aquí tengo la mancha
I'm Puerto Rican, I have the stain here
(Los Leones)
(The Lions)
Vaya mi gente nos fuimos pa ponce
Go my people we went to Ponce
(Puerto Rico)
(Puerto Rico)
Ya sabes
You know
El Pueblo de Churumba
Churumba's Town
Esta abusando el homenaje desde la tumba
He is abusing the tribute from the grave
(Pedrito Guzmán)
(Pedrito Guzmán)
Ya sabes mi gente
You know my people
A la pela de sur
To the fight of the south
Julio Voltio (Jowell)
Julio Voltio (Jowell)
Ya sabes los leones de ponce
You already know the lions of Ponce
Esto es... otra cosa
This is... something else

Writer(s): Linda Caballero, Willie Colon, Hector Lavoe Perez, Austin Santos, Rafi Torres, Hector Munoz, Randy Ortiz, Hector L. Padilla, Jaime Borges Bonilla, Julio Ramos, Miguel Antonio De Jesus, Rafael Castillo

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