Ceca - Ime I Prezime - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ceca - Ime I Prezime

Ime I Prezime
Name and Surname
Hiljadu i jedan put za sebe sam se uplasila
A thousand and one times I've been scared for myself
Ljubili su me, a ja nista nisam osetila
They loved me, but I felt nothing
Od tih olosa postala sam i ja losa
From those jerks I became one myself
Volela sam jednom ja
I loved once
I prevarena ja sam bila
And I was deceived
Iz te bolesti i najjaci se ne izvuku
From that pain, not even the strongest can pull out
Od tada smejem se kad o moje srce slome ruku
Since then, I laugh when they break my heart
A onda si se ti pojavio
And then you appeared
Kao da si magija
As if you were magic
I za noc uradio
And in one night you did it
Da se opet rodim ja
To make me born again
A od sebe sam bila starija
But I was older than myself
Nemam ja godine
I have no age
Nemam ime ni prezime
I have no name or surname
S tobom krv sam promenila
With you, I changed my blood
Sebe sam pobedila
I defeated myself
Nek' mi se smeje svet
Let the world laugh at me
Lepo biti je razapet
It's beautiful to be crucified
Kada se telo ne protivi
When the body doesn't resist
S tobom zivim i kad mi se ne zivi
With you, I'm alive when I don't even want to live
Neka vreme prolazi
Let time pass
Ja verovacu u trenutke
I'll believe in the moments
Kad smo zajedno
When we are together
Kad pogledas me iz sve snage
When you look at me with all your strength
I vratis licu mom tu besmrtnu lepotu lutke
And give back to my face that immortal beauty of a doll
A onda si se ti pojavio
And then you appeared
Kao da si magija
As if you were magic
I za noc uradio
And in one night you did it
Da se opet rodim ja
To make me born again
A od sebe sam bila starija
But I was older than myself
Nemam ja godine
I have no age
Nemam ime ni prezime
I have no name or surname
S tobom krv sam promenila
With you, I changed my blood
Sebe sam pobedila
I defeated myself
Nek' mi se smeje svet
Let the world laugh at me
Lepo biti je razapet
It's beautiful to be crucified
Kada se telo ne protivi
When the body doesn't resist
S tobom zivim i kad mi se ne zivi
With you, I'm alive when I don't even want to live

Writer(s): Vladimir Graic, Aleksandar Milanovic, Marina Tucakovic-radulovic

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