Cejaz Negraz - History - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cejaz Negraz - History

Cada quien quien escoge su camino
Everyone chooses their own path
Estamos en el camino, donde trampa encontraras
We are on the road, where you will find traps
Que dulce te engomara y hasta donde te llevará
That sweet will stick you and to where it will take you
Cual mundo te porquerías
What world will you shit on
También fui victima del amor crecí en un
I was also a victim of love I grew up in a
Barrio de terror, me metí en drogas desde menor
Neighborhood of terror, I got into drugs since I was a minor
Y como no tenia dinero pero tenia la adicción
And since I didn't have money but I had the addiction
Y una liga diaria para comprarme un bareto
And a daily league to buy myself a joint
Con mis botas punta da cero, por que era muy destrozon
With my zero point boots, because I was very naughty
Me compre una 0.7, que era más grande que yo
I bought myself a 0.7, which was bigger than me
El yerbas, el socio que me prestaba, su roleiver blanca
The weed, the partner who lent me his white revolver
Y la pandera para que azarara
And the pan so that it would stir
Soñaba con olibech por que todo el barrio se perchaba
I dreamed of olibech because the whole neighborhood was perched
Y mi cuchita a duras penas, hacía plata para pagarla
And my little dog, barely made money to pay for it
Y como ya andaba en la calle, mi película eran las armas
And since I was already on the street, my movie was weapons
Sabia que era el poder y por eso aquí todos tenían plata
I knew it was power and that's why everyone here had money
Es muy temprano, se escuchan gritos desde mi casa
It's very early, screams are heard from my house
Ella es mi vecina, su hijo le salio rata
She is my neighbor, her son turned out to be a rat
Y le esta reprochando, mire lo que aprendió su hermana
And he is reproaching her, look what her sister learned
Ya se va a robar, es la canción de cada mañana
He's already going to steal, it's the song of every morning
Tenia un equipo viejo y como raro el fallaba
I had an old computer and it failed as weird
Y obvio de la rabo, le pegue violenta patada
And obvious from the tail, I hit a violent kick
Tengo la maleta vacía y estoy con mi socio de cobranza
I have an empty suitcase and I'm with my collection partner
El lleva una escopeta y ella es hechiza de una bala
He carries a shotgun and she is a homemade one-bullet
Me dice esa es la tienda, ya la atrapado con otra plaga
He tells me that's the store, I've already caught her with another plague
El monedero es un platon y ahí atracito tiene la grasa
The purse is a platter and there he has the fat
El cucho es un gil, copas que ahí no pasa nada
The dude is a gil, cups that nothing happens there
Eso solo escuche, de la automática que sonaba
That's all I heard, from the automatic that was playing
Y cuando mire, tirado en la mitad de la cuadra
And when I look, lying in the middle of the block
Yo seguí al flete y me les vire por una montaña
I followed the freight and turned them up a mountain
Nunca bote el platon, por que en billete no había nada
I never threw away the platter, because there was nothing in bills
Así por entre tejados y saltando por entre ventanas
Thus through roofs and jumping through windows
Mis respetos alma bendita por todas la vueltas que pasaban
My respects blessed soul for all the turns that happened
Pasaron años y la novia me balseaba
Years passed and my girlfriend was ballasting me
Y los pocos amigos, morían o se resbalaban
And the few friends, they died or slipped
Los otros conocidos, se mataban entre las bandas
The other acquaintances killed each other between the gangs
Y contados entre miles, hasta pocos se la encontraban
And counted among thousands, even few found it
Aquí estoy yo, contando la cinta en la que andaba
Here I am, counting the tape I was on
Con unas gafas de mentiras que mis vista bien funcionaba
With some fake glasses that my eyesight worked well
Ya picaba a grande, pero era un chamo que rebuscaba
I was already itching for greatness, but I was a kid who was searching
Y me salio un mosquito, típico del barrio ñanga
And I got a mosquito, typical of the ñanga neighborhood
Peor estaba rezando, que el tiempo breve se me pasara
Worse I was praying that the short time would pass me by
Por eso hablo de influencias, donde creces que te enseñaban
That's why I'm talking about influences, where you grow up that they taught you
Si en el barrio se aprende y lamentable a las patadas
If you learn in the neighborhood and unfortunately the kicks
Yo soy criterio sin visajes no payasadas
I am a criterion without grimaces, no clowns
Mi vuelta es real y si que traídos hasta por nada
My return is real and if they brought even for nothing
Ya es un poco de historietas de barrios, chismes y olletas
It's already a bit of neighborhood stories, gossip and pots
Y uno que otro amiguito, mirándole a mi novia las tetas
And the occasional friend, looking at my girlfriend's tits
Así es este mundo, el que menos corre vuela
This is the world, the one who runs the least flies
Y el que da la pata, va directo para la cazuela
And the one who gives the leg, goes straight to the casserole
El que se volvió fumón, se le pego la aguja y no freno
The one who became a stoner, stuck the needle and didn't brake
Siempre fue verdad lo del hueso y lo de la sirena
It was always true about the bone and the siren
Y los sueños que le comentaba, para tener una vida bien plena
And the dreams that I commented on, to have a very full life
Tendidos blancos y descalzos en la arena
White and barefoot stretches in the sand
Con una pista infinita y aun mejor si estoy con ella
With an infinite track and even better if I'm with her

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