Celo & Abdi - Duo numero uno - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Celo & Abdi - Duo numero uno

Duo numero uno
Duo Number One
Frankfurt, wir holen uns den coupe des coupes
Frankfurt, we're taking the Coupe des Coupes, baby.
Und du Schmock guckst nur dumm aus der Wäsche, sus!
And you, schmuck, are just staring blankly, sus!
Mit uns hat man net gerechnet
Nobody counted on us, sweetheart.
HDF Doppel-Gold, Halt die Fresse!
HDF Double Gold, Shut your mouth!
Das Beste vom Besten vom Besten vom Besten
The best of the best of the best of the best, darling.
Zwei mal Gold abgezockt, Action Jackson
Ripped off two times gold, Action Jackson.
Rap gestafft in Bestzeit, frag mal Mehmed
Rap stacked in record time, ask Mehmed, girl.
Real Motherfucking Gee, Sky's The Limit
Real Motherfucking Gee, Sky's The Limit.
Rap seit zwei null elf komplett umgekrempelt
Rap since two thousand eleven completely revamped.
Franzaforta, MWT umgerechnet
Franzaforta, MWT converted, honey.
900.000 Downloads, Blocksound
900,000 downloads, Blocksound.
Los, dreh ganz laut auf, Vollrausch, Ott-Rauch
Come on, turn it up loud, blackout, weed smoke.
In der Luft, Silver Kush, 17 Pfund siebener Kurs
In the air, Silver Kush, 17 pounds, seven course meal.
Der Preis ist heiß, weil dich der Richter bumst
The price is hot, because the judge is screwing you, babe.
Spricht der Punkt, das wir das Biz attackier'n, Halilović
Speaks the point, that we attack the biz, Halilović.
Habibo ich hol Gold ab - Olympionik
Habibo I pick up gold - Olympian.
Pogba, Juventus Turin
Pogba, Juventus Turin.
Ab-D-I Pseudonym Alessandro del Pierro
Ab-D-I Pseudonym Alessandro del Piero.
Bicycle Kick wie Rivaldo
Bicycle Kick like Rivaldo.
Numero un Duet, Azzlack Crew
Number one duet, Azzlack Crew, gorgeous.
Hip Hop gesdöft oder was sagst du?
Hip Hop doped or what do you say?
Nassrasur, Akupunktur Flow
Wet shave, acupuncture flow.
Der Maroq und Yugo
The Maroq and Yugo.
Duo numero uno
Duo number one.
Numero un Duet, Azzlack Crew
Number one duet, Azzlack Crew, beautiful.
Hip Hop gesdöft oder was sagst du?
Hip Hop doped or what do you say?
Nassrasur, Akupunktur Flow
Wet shave, acupuncture flow.
Der Maroq und Yugo
The Maroq and Yugo.
Duo numero uno
Duo number one.
A- double Z, die Primos im Game
A- double Z, the Primos in the game, sweetheart.
Rap-Diplomat, genieß' Immunität
Rap diplomat, enjoy immunity.
La Révolucion, mit Airmax im Bundestag
La Révolucion, with Airmax in the Bundestag.
Wie Joschka Fischer, Benz S500er
Like Joschka Fischer, Benz S500.
Oder im Hummer H deux dos
Or in the Hummer H two two.
Zum Tonträger in rosé-gold
To the sound carrier in rose gold.
Amazigh, Bosna Angriff
Amazigh, Bosna attack.
Abderrahim, fünf 29
Abderrahim, five 29.
Goldstein und Bornheim
Goldstein and Bornheim.
Frankfurts Anschrift für Flax-Tips, Traffic
Frankfurt's address for flax tips, traffic.
Schnapp mit Haschisch im Kaschmir-Pulli, Carlo Colucci
Snap with hashish in a cashmere sweater, Carlo Colucci.
Wie Sputnik hebst du ab, Narko für Fuffi
Like Sputnik you lift off, Narko for fifty.
Baseball Kappe von Gucci
Baseball cap from Gucci.
Fuck up in der Goethestraße mit Mundi
Fuck up in Goethestraße with Mundi.
Shoppen mit Loch in den Socken
Shopping with holes in your socks.
Yeah, Digga. Hin und wieder, gönnt sich man
Yeah, dude. Every now and then, you treat yourself, right?
Next Stop Frankfurt Airport-Terminal
Next stop Frankfurt Airport terminal.
Flight Emirates, Takeoff TXL
Flight Emirates, Takeoff TXL.
HJ auf Desktops von BND Laptops
HJ on desktops of BND laptops.
Akupunktur folgt, NSA hat's jetzt schon
Acupuncture follows, NSA already has it.
Numero un Duet, Azzlack Crew
Number one duet, Azzlack Crew, cutie.
Hip Hop gesdöft oder was sagst du?
Hip Hop doped or what do you say?
Nassrasur, Akupunktur Flow
Wet shave, acupuncture flow.
Der Maroq und Yugo
The Maroq and Yugo.
Duo numero uno
Duo number one.
Numero un Duet, Azzlack Crew
Number one duet, Azzlack Crew, dollface.
Hip Hop gesdöft oder was sagst du?
Hip Hop doped or what do you say?
Nassrasur, Akupunktur Flow
Wet shave, acupuncture flow.
Der Maroq und Yugo
The Maroq and Yugo.
Duo numero uno
Duo number one.

Writer(s): Erol Huseincehajic, Abderrahim El Ommali, Benjamin Bazzazian

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