Cesk Freixas - Amiga - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cesk Freixas - Amiga

He trobat la cançó
I've found the song
A la boca del meu poble,
In my village's mouth,
Aquell que comença a Xàtiva
The one that begins in Xàtiva
I m′ha dut la veu de Filio.
And brought me the voice of Filio.
He passat per Vilafranca
I passed through Vilafranca
On he crescut amb els companys,
Where I grew up with my friends,
I he tornat a la meva vall,
And I returned to my valley,
A les arrels, amb els records.
To my roots, with my memories.
L'aigua fosca d′aquest riu
The dark water of this river
M'ha ensenyat a respectar-lo,
Has taught me to respect it,
A entendre què vol dir amor,
To understand what love means,
I també tenir enemics.
And also to have enemies.
Estimo tant la font
I love the spring so much
Que sovint canto per ella,
That I often sing for it,
Com tot allò que vull
Like everything I want
I necessito per aprendre.
And I need to learn.
La cançó em salvarà com un escut
The song will save me like a shield
I cantaré amb la veu
And I will sing with the voice
D'aquells a qui no deixen dir res.
Of those who are not allowed to speak.
He trobat una amiga
I have found a friend
En la cançó,
In the song,
Que m′acompanya
Who accompanies me
I m′alimenta les raons.
And feeds my reasons.
L'amiga que no s′asseu
The friend who doesn't sit down
Davant d'aquells
In front of those
Que parlen amb la boca plena
Who speak with their mouths full
I tenyeixen el futur de submissió.
And dye the future with submission.
Ella m′ha alimentat
She has fed me
Fins despertar-me,
To the point of waking me up,
I no hi haurà treva
And there will be no truce
En aquestes veus i el cant.
In these voices and the song.
Et dono una cançó
I give you a song
Per tot el que comença,
For all that begins,
I posaré a les teves mans
And I will put in your hands
El valor, la il·lusió i un somriure.
Courage, hope and a smile.
La cançó em salvarà com un escut
The song will save me like a shield
I cantaré amb la veu
And I will sing with the voice
D'aquells a qui no deixen dir res.
Of those who are not allowed to speak.
Per tots aquells companys que m′han robat,
For all those friends who have been stolen from me,
I en el combat han perdut vida...
And in the fight have lost their lives...
Però tornaran.
But they will return.

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