Cesk Freixas - Article 1.1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cesk Freixas - Article 1.1

Article 1.1
Article 1.1
Potser serà un dia ben clar, d'aquells que el Sol fa el cel més blau
Perhaps it'll be on a bright and clear day, one where the sun makes the sky bluer
No mirarem l'hora i ja ens haurem despertat
We won't watch the time and we'll have already awakened
El pare anirà a buscar el pa i portarà l'aire més fresc
Father will go to buy bread and bring home the freshest air
I les noves converses del veïnat
And the new conversations from the neighborhood
Tothom parlava del mateix
Everyone was talking about the same thing
Nois, vestiu-vos de pressa, que s'ha de celebrar
"Boys, get dressed quickly, because we have to celebrate"
A dins del cotxe, entrant a l'autopista
Inside the car, entering the highway
El pare ens dirà, "No oblideu mai aquest dia"
Father will tell us, "Never forget this day"
I nosaltres, envaint-lo de preguntes
And we, peppering him with questions
Voldrem saber el perquè de cada cosa
We'll want to know the reason for everything
És tanta gent la que ha lluitat
So many people have fought
Ara hi sou vosaltres, i no podeu fallar
Now you're here, and you can't fail
La ciutat serà un mar de persones
The city will be a sea of people
Avui lluïm somriures, però no oblidem la guerra
Today we wear smiles, but we don't forget the war
No haurem vist mai unes cares tan boniques
We've never seen such beautiful faces
Ni els carrers tan plens de convivència i dels nostres himnes
Nor the streets so full of harmony and our anthems
Com deixar a les teves mans
How to leave in your hands
I salpar quan surti el Sol, el teu propi govern
And set sail when the sun rises, your own government
Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes
People of the sea, rivers, and mountains
Ho tindran tot, i es parlarà de vida
They'll have everything, and life will be spoken of
Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes
People of the sea, rivers, and mountains
Ho tindran tot, i es parlarà de vida
They'll have everything, and life will be spoken of
Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes
People of the sea, rivers, and mountains
Ho tindran tot, i es parlarà de vida
They'll have everything, and life will be spoken of
Gent de mar, de rius i de muntanyes
People of the sea, rivers, and mountains
Ho tindran tot, i es parlarà de vida
They'll have everything, and life will be spoken of

Writer(s): Cesk Freixas

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