Cesk Freixas - Coses Nostres - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cesk Freixas - Coses Nostres

Coses Nostres
Our Things
Que la memòria no m′esborri el millor hivern
May my memory not erase the best winter
I el fred d'esperar-te,
And the cold of waiting for you,
Aquelles nit de dimecres a diumenge
Those Wednesday to Sunday nights
Quan sorties del teatre.
When you left the theater.
Com ens estimàvem
How we loved each other
I ens estimem encara.
And we still love each other.
I aquest ofici tan salvatge...
And this savage profession...
Les hores al cotxe,
The hours in the car,
Metros que no avancen,
Meters that don't advance,
Arribar al poble i respirar...
Arriving in town and breathing...
I així aforta alguna cosa al mig del pit,
And so something inside me gets stronger,
Com cremar una llar de foc.
Like burning a fire in the hearth.
I veiem casa a un futur immediat,
And we see home in the immediate future,
Viure junts aquesta sort.
Living together has this good fortune.
Quadres de l′Ovidi,
Paintings by Ovidi,
Els llums que no apago,
The lights I don't turn off,
Hi ha roba estesa a la terrassa,
There are clothes hanging on the terrace,
Els vespres de seria
The serious evenings
Com en Pere i na Laia.
Like Pere and Laia.
Que tu la vida et queda bé...
Life suits you so well...
Possiblement haurem d'aprendre tantes coses
Perhaps we will have to learn so many things
I tantes d'altres que no ens caldran.
And so many others we won't need.
Obrir les mans, agafar l′aire,
To open our hands, to take in the air,
Arribar al poble i respirar...
To arrive in town and breathe...
Vindrà el carter
The mailman will come
I no tocarà la nostra porta
And he won't knock on our door
Però no ens fan falta els seus petons.
But we don't need his kisses.
I quan m′enviïs un missatge amb una "T"
And when you send me a message with a "T"
Ja seràs a l'estació.
You'll already be at the station.
Pujo les escales,
I climb the stairs,
Busco la sortida,
I look for the exit,
Compro el diari a la botiga,
I buy the newspaper at the store,
Llegeix-ho "La Paraula",
Read it, "La Paraula",
Després te localitzo,
Then I locate you,
Hissar la vela i navegar.
Hoist the sail and sail.
Possiblement haurem d′aprendre tantes coses
Perhaps we will have to learn so many things
I tantes d'altres que no ens caldran.
And so many others we won't need.
Obrir les mans, agafar l′aire,
To open our hands, to take in the air,
Arribar al poble i respirar...
To arrive in town and breathe...
Possiblement haurem d'aprendre tantes coses
Perhaps we will have to learn so many things
Que serà fàcil enfrontar-nos al futur.
That it will be easy to face the future.
Obrir les mans, agafar l′aire,
To open our hands, to take in the air,
Hissar la vela i navegar.
To hoist the sail and sail.
Obrir les mans, agafar l'aire,
To open our hands, to take in the air,
Arribar al poble i respirar...
To arrive in town and breathe...

Writer(s): cesk freixas

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