Cesk Freixas - Imparables - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cesk Freixas - Imparables

He trobat una imatge
I found an image
Dins del cap
Inside my head
Es mou i va en veler
It moves and sails in a sailboat
Et robo mil nits
I steal a thousand nights
Per embarcar
To embark
Llevar l'àncora i navegar
To drop anchor and sail
Recordo amb nostàlgia
I remember with nostalgia
Els dies blaus
The blue days
Llavis de sal a Sant Llorenç
Salty lips in Saint Lloyd
Com un dard a la paret
Like a dart on the wall
Clavat damunt
Stuck on
D'una illa gran
A big island
Que sura només per treure el cap
That floats just to stick its head out
Empenyent cap enfora
Pushing outward
I respira amb la força de qui l'estima
And breathing with the force of someone who loves it
I mai no la destrueix
And never destroys it
Ens han obert les portes
They have opened the doors for us
Per somiar
To dream
Olors d'espècies d'un mercat
The smells of spices from a market
Carrers estrets
Narrow streets
I tes de menta
And mint teas
De qualsevol ciutat
From any city
En cada somni
In each dream
Hi hem trobat
We found
Tots els motius per caminar
All the reasons to walk
Arrels i paraules
Roots and words
Will grow
Per tornar-les a plantar
To replant them
I juro que rego cada dia
And I swear I water every day
La terra que trepitjo
The earth that I walk on
Hi ha un sol amb nom de dona
There is a sun with a woman's name
Que les mans plenes de justícia
Whose hands are full of justice
Vindrem de tot arreu
We'll come from everywhere
I farem el mateix pas que farà la llibertat
And we'll take the same step that freedom will take
Potser serem milers
Maybe we'll be thousands
Imparables, canviarem aquest hivern
Unstoppable, we will change this winter
Vindrem de tot arreu
We'll come from everywhere
I farem el mateix pas que farà la llibertat
And we'll take the same step that freedom will take
Potser serem milers
Maybe we'll be thousands
Imparables, farem caure el seu govern
Unstoppable, we'll bring down their government
Som tota la força que han desnonat
We are all the power that has been evicted
De la seva història
From its history
I decidim a les nostres places
And we decide in our squares
Que sigui pel poble tot el poder
That the people will have all the power
Estripem el contracte
We tear up the contract
Que inhabilita el nostre present
That disables our present
Som l'ull de l'Ester Quintana
We are the eye of the Ester Quintana
I milers de veus de persones migrades
And thousands of voices of migrants
Vindrem de tot arreu
We'll come from everywhere
I farem el mateix pas que farà la llibertat
And we'll take the same step that freedom will take
Potser serem milers
Maybe we'll be thousands
Imparables, canviarem aquest hivern
Unstoppable, we will change this winter
Vindrem de tot arreu
We'll come from everywhere
I farem el mateix pas que farà la llibertat
And we'll take the same step that freedom will take
Potser serem milers
Maybe we'll be thousands
Imparables, farem caure el seu govern
Unstoppable, we'll bring down their government

Writer(s): Cesk Freixas

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