Cevlade - Confesiones de un Psicópata en la Dehesa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Cevlade - Confesiones de un Psicópata en la Dehesa

Confesiones de un Psicópata en la Dehesa
Confessions of a Psychopath in Dehesa
Nací un día cualquiera, sin que me quieran siquiera
I was born on any given day, without anyone even wanting me,
Nunca supe quién era mi padre y mi madre con esquizofrenia
I never knew who my father was, and my mother suffered from schizophrenia.
Yo tenía cinco años apenas y la pena ya era mi vida entera
I was barely five years old, and sorrow had already become my entire life.
No había nada que esperar sólo evadirse, irse,
There was nothing to look forward to, only escape, to leave,
Buscar morirse sin ser alguien jamás, ni desesperar
To seek death without ever being someone, nor to despair.
Buscar un "basta" en la pasta hasta que las más crueles castas
To search for an "enough" in the dough, until the cruelest castes
Me llamen con razón "lastra pa' la sociedad"
Rightfully call me "a burden to society".
Como no había posibilidad pa' mi inteligencia
As there was no possibility for my intelligence,
Me vi abrumado por la impotencia y mis carencias frente a la opulencia
I was overwhelmed by impotence and my shortcomings in the face of opulence.
Por tanta violencia caí a la delincuencia a muy corta edad
Due to so much violence, I fell into delinquency at a very young age.
Mis hermanos con faldas, yo con marcas en la espalda
My siblings in skirts, me with marks on my back.
La travesura se hizo maldad, la maldad delito y luego crimen
Mischief became evil, evil became crime, and then murder.
Mi mente abierta a que la contaminen de nada sirve que imagine
My mind open to contamination, it's useless for me to imagine.
Sentado en los ladrillos que arden buscando un orden,
Sitting on burning bricks searching for order,
Por deporte perder el norte
Losing my way for sport.
No había dónde expresar mi dolor, mi pesar
There was nowhere to express my pain, my sorrow.
Ni cuadernos pa' escribir, ni blocs pa' pintar
No notebooks to write on, no blocks to paint on.
¡Me quiero esconder!
I want to hide!
Quieren juzgarme, colgarme ¿ah?, no voy a hincarme
They want to judge me, hang me, huh? I'm not going to kneel.
Yo ya me armé, ya pasaron cinco años,
I'm already armed, five years have passed,
Ya olvidaron el daño, creen estar bien
They have forgotten the damage, they think they are fine.
Quieren juzgarme, colgarme ¿ah?, no voy a hincarme
They want to judge me, hang me, huh? I'm not going to kneel.
Incomunicarme, darme condena perpetua
Isolate me, give me life imprisonment.
a mí, tu amor jamás
Your love for me, never.
Yo tampoco, no te alarmes
Neither will I, don't be alarmed.
Soy el que acecha, el que anda por ahí merodeando,
I am the one who stalks, the one who walks around lurking,
Agazapado entre las sombras, oculto en lo más profundo de la noche
Hidden in the shadows, concealed in the deepest night.
Todos me rechazan, pero la droga me acepta
Everyone rejects me, but the drug accepts me.
Se opta por estar de fiesta
It chooses to party.
Yo pude haber sido grande, yo pude haber sido el mejor
I could have been great, I could have been the best,
Un exitoso emprendedor, hoy sólo exijo mi encendedor
A successful entrepreneur, today I only demand my lighter.
Me llamaron de-lincuente, de-generado
They called me de-linquent, de-generate.
De un trabajo nunca y tampoco me amaron
Never had a job, nor did they ever love me.
Amarraron al hombre, lo adornaron con malos calificativos
They tied up the man, adorned him with bad labels
Y prejuicios malintencionados
And malicious prejudices.
Si a uno o dos de ustedes le hubiese tocado
If one or two of you had been touched,
No ser abogado, sino un drogado mal pagado
To not be a lawyer, but a poorly paid drug addict.
No hubiesen jugado ¿Quién les hubiese halagado?
They wouldn't have played. Who would have flattered them?
Está plagado de dejados sin tejado
It's plagued with homeless people without shelter.
No me jodan por favor, hagan dormir a un bebé que bebe
Don't fuck with me, please, put a drinking baby to sleep.
¿Ve que mi deber no tiene na' que ver?
See that my duty has nothing to do with it?
Allá será verde, aquí es gris mas no quieren saber
Over there it will be green, here it's gray but they don't want to know.
La verdad es que a mis 20 otra vez me atreveré a soñar con ser
The truth is that at my 20 I will dare to dream of being again.
Solo con ser, no con existir, yo ya no quiero sufrir, ni mi cerebro vivir
Just being, not existing, I don't want to suffer anymore, nor my brain to live,
Ni dirimir, solo redimirse, no medir
Nor to settle, only to redeem myself, not to measure.
Ya no voy a pedir piedad ni disculpas, se pueden morir!
I will no longer beg for mercy or apologies, they can die!
La sociedad siempre me puso los pies encima
Society always put its feet on me.
Encima si mantienen su puesto en la cima a uno lo lastiman
On top of that, if they keep their position at the top, they hurt one.
Sin lástima y la estima de uno sólo se imagina
Without mercy and the esteem of one can only imagine.
marginan y gritan, giman
Yes, they marginalize and shout, moan.
Mi mano está herida y el rencor que anida en mí, querida
My hand is wounded and the resentment that nests in me, my dear,
Al no ver salida está rompiendo su crisálida y la vida
Seeing no way out, it is breaking its chrysalis, and life
Ya ha perdido su valor al olvidar al amor
Has already lost its value by forgetting love
Y dejarme a la deriva del rencor y la ira
And leaving me adrift in resentment and anger.
Quieren juzgarme, colgarme ¿ah?, no voy a hincarme
They want to judge me, hang me, huh? I'm not going to kneel.
Yo ya me armé, ya pasaron cinco años,
I'm already armed, five years have passed,
Ya olvidaron el daño, creen estar bien
They have forgotten the damage, they think they are fine.
Quieren juzgarme, colgarme ¿ah?, no voy a hincarme
They want to judge me, hang me, huh? I'm not going to kneel.
Incomunicarme, darme condena perpetua
Isolate me, give me life imprisonment.
a mí, tu amor jamás
Your love for me, never.
Yo tampoco, no te alarmes
Neither will I, don't be alarmed.
El que vino a perturbar el sueño nunca más tranquilo
The one who came to disturb the dream, never again peaceful,
De las niñas inocentes, el monstruo, no podrán detenerme
Of innocent girls, the monster, you won't be able to stop me.
Vaya encanto de tanto tiempo sin estar con alguien solo
What a charm for so long without being with someone alone.
Solo con la droga y el alcohol
Alone with drugs and alcohol.
No me traten como insecto, tengo un gran intelecto
Don't treat me like an insect, I have a great intellect,
Pero nunca nadie lo aceptó
But no one ever accepted it.
Yo soy molesto pa' todos y detesto esto
I'm annoying to everyone, and I hate this,
Detesto que no pueda entrar
I hate that I can't get in
Si no es con terno, sino estoy contento
If it's not with a suit, but I'm happy
Es porque tengo un dolor que sostengo
It's because I have a pain that I hold.
De hace años el daño solo quiero devolver yo
For years, the damage I just want to return myself,
Con un revólver, volver y envolver en fuego
With a revolver, return and wrap in fire,
Un cadáver para ver si me pueden entender
A corpse to see if they can understand me.
Solo quieren para mi cuerpo un encierro
They only want confinement for my body,
Romper el hielo de mi mirada de hierro, mierda
Break the ice from my iron gaze, shit.
Mi alma nació presa y con cadenas mi cabeza y todo pesa
My soul was born imprisoned and with chains my head, and everything weighs.
Y mi saliva ya es espesa, el corazón actúa con torpeza
And my saliva is already thick, the heart acts clumsily,
Y voy en busca de una presa
And I go in search of prey.
Que saque esto que quema con una furia de esas
To take out this burning with one of those furies.
En la Dehesa ellos, tan bellos, se besan
In the Dehesa, they, so beautiful, kiss.
Veloz voy a apagar los destellos de esos cabellos
Swiftly I will extinguish the sparkles of that hair.
¿Qué saben de mí? No cesan de saciarse
What do they know about me? They don't stop satiating themselves.
Atacaré por sorpresa, hijos de puta, ¡pa' que rezan!
I will attack by surprise, sons of bitches, why do they pray!
Llámenme asesino porque así no hay cargo en la conciencia
Call me a murderer because that way there is no guilt.
Si no gozo para todos, si yo caigo, es mi destino
If I don't enjoy it for everyone, if I fall, it's my destiny.
Ser inolvidable por intimar con víctimas
To be unforgettable for being intimate with victims.
Vecinos vayan, sigan su camino
Neighbors go, continue on your way.

Writer(s): Cevlade

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