Faydalan yalan dolanla kandiransan Buz daglarinda mahsur kaldi insan Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun 'al' san Yürekte körelir eger kalpazan misali dostsan Tokken kimse gelmez akla Parani sakla kimisi takmis aklini Mona Lisa Simdi bak yasli gözle.
You take advantage, deceive with lies, leaving humans stranded on icebergs. You think you'll escape with your lies at the last moment, but hearts go blind when faced with a deceitful friend like you. When you're broke, nobody remembers you. Hide your money, some are obsessed with Mona Lisa. Now look with aged eyes.
Hayal mi pizza?
Is pizza a dream?
Hayati karartmaya yeter sadece bir imza Problemler sanki egzama gibi büyür ve yayilir topluma Darilir insan oglu bayilir.
Just one signature is enough to darken life. Problems, like eczema, grow and spread throughout society. Man gets choked and faints.
Dagitilir koyun gibi Sayilir insan ama çok geç ayilir Bölünür ikiye ayrilir dikkat et!
Distributed like sheep, humans are counted but awaken too late. Divided in two, separated, be careful!
Kimine sefkat
3 boyutlu Kimine gösteris nasip olur Kiminin parasi boldur ama boynuzlari da öyle Kimisi domuzun eline vererek kazanacak bu dostlugu Kimisi sehire gömülecek bu kalabaliga Faydalan yalan dolanla kandiransan Buz daglarinda mahsur kaldi insan Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun 'al' san Yürekte körelir eger kalpazan misali dostsan Kadere ters baksam.
Some receive compassion in 3D, some get a show. Some have plenty of money, but also horns that match. Some will gain this friendship by giving it to the hands of a pig, some will be buried in this city's crowd. You take advantage, deceive with lies, leaving humans stranded on icebergs. You think you'll escape with your lies at the last moment, but hearts go blind when faced with a deceitful friend like you. If I looked at fate the wrong way...
yo dereyim aksam yo.
Yo, I'd cross the river tonight, yo.
Bozuluverir o aksam ve atesi yaksam Bir korsan olsam tek gözle aglasam FatalRhym!
That night would be ruined and I would light the fire. If I were a pirate, I'd cry with one eye. FatalRhyme!
keske tüm kötü gözü daglasam Yo!
I wish I could scatter all the evil eyes. Yo!
Ben bir lyrikal pandomimci O sen pespaye bos bir inci Yo anlama sen gözle is bitirici Çok itici var be sende gelme yanimaÇünkü ben bi bitirici (Ah!) Vaadedilen her güzel seyde Her özel seyde dogruluk payi azaldi Insanoglu iyice azdi 'ensest iliski' Hayvana tecavüz ayibi iyice artti Köleligi çikartana bir lanet okudu sair Sair örnek verebilirdim ben geçmise dair Mazi benzemekte sanki kana bulanmis bahir Zaman ne getirecektir acaba söyleyin bu ahir Silah üreten emekli profesör Insanligi seyrederken emekli maasini Rahatça yer mi?
I'm a lyrical pantomime artist, you're a worthless empty pearl. Yo, don't understand, you're just an eye finisher, so repulsive, don't come near me because I'm a finisher (Ah!). In every promised beautiful thing, in every special thing, the share of truth has decreased. Humans have gone wild, 'incestuous relationship', the shame of animal abuse has increased. The poet cursed the one who removed slavery. I could have given examples from the past, the past resembles a blood-stained sea. What will time bring, tell me, this end? The retired professor who produces weapons, while watching humanity, eats his retirement salary comfortably, doesn't he?
Atilan her mermi yaziliyor günah kitabina Söyle alim insan sence bunlara deger mi?
Every bullet fired is written in the book of sins. Tell me, wise one, are these things worth it?
Faydalan yalan dolanla kandiransan Buz daglarinda mahsur kaldi insan Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun 'al' san Yürekte körelir eger kalpazan misali dostsan Genelde görülen hersey sahtedir Sanma kahvedir 40 yil hatiri olan Ancak içi zehir dolu Post duvarda asili kaldi canini aldi Canini aldi avci Gün geçti artti sanci azalmadi Zengininde fakirinde gerçek dostu yoktur Varsa da çok azdir Pay edilen her parsada bir göz vardir Yasam kimine göre bir pazardir Ancak kimine göre hileli bir zardir Faydalanan köpek misali havlayansan Buz daglarinda aklim eridi Insan sen yalan dolanla isinirsin Aslan ve bende lanet okurum iste 'Cehennemde yansan!' Faydalan yalan dolanla kandiransan Buz daglarinda mahsur kaldi insan Sen yalan son anda kurtulursun 'al' san Yürekte körelir eger kalpazan misali dostsan
You take advantage, deceive with lies, leaving humans stranded on icebergs. You think you'll escape with your lies at the last moment, but hearts go blind when faced with a deceitful friend like you. Generally, everything seen is fake. Don't think it's coffee with a 40-year memory, but its inside is full of poison. The post stayed hanging on the wall, took your life, took your life, hunter. The day passed, the pain increased, it didn't decrease. Neither the rich nor the poor have true friends, and if they do, they are very few. There is an eye in every piece shared. Life is a market for some, but for others, it's a rigged dice. If you bark like a dog taking advantage, my mind melted on those icebergs. You, human, deal with lies and deceit, like a lion, and I curse you, 'May you burn in hell!' You take advantage, deceive with lies, leaving humans stranded on icebergs. You think you'll escape with your lies at the last moment, but hearts go blind when faced with a deceitful friend like you.
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