Ceza - Kalbim Reosta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ceza - Kalbim Reosta

Kalbim Reosta
My Heart is a Rheostat
Herkes oldu mafya, gelsin af ya, Sentez Asya, hoş geldiniz Ceza sahasına.
Everyone's become mafia, let there be amnesty, Synthesis Asia, welcome to Ceza's field.
Eğer sen bir boksan, iyi işte yoksan ya da korkuyorsan, belki yaşı doksan, genç de olsa noksan belki beynin.
If you're a coward, good if you're gone or scared, maybe you're ninety, even if young, your brain might be lacking.
Eğer sen de yolsuzluğa eşlik ediyorsan.
If you too are involved in corruption.
Rüşvet, torpil, deşifre olmuş sırlar.
Bribes, favoritism, exposed secrets.
Bana sorma nasıl geçti o güzelim yıllar.
Don't ask me how those beautiful years passed.
Devletin malı deniz, yemeyen keriz düşüncesiyle doldu keseler.
With the thought "The state's wealth is like the sea, those who don't eat are fools," pockets were filled.
Haram lokmalar geldi geçti boğazlardan.
Forbidden bites passed through throats.
Halkın hakkını yiyen, aldığı maaşın hakkını veremeyen peh!!
Those who eat the people's rights, who can't do justice to the salary they receive, pah!!
Bu da yetmezmiş gibi karşılıksız işe hayır diyen.
As if that wasn't enough, those who say no to work without return.
Allah hesabını soracaktır her şeyin.
God will hold everyone accountable.
Her şeyin yola girmesi için daha fazla yemeyin beyim.
To set things straight, stop eating so much, sir.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta, kanlı bir pasta kimin bu acaba?
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat, whose bloody cake is this?
Boynunda tasma, bana surat asma.
With a leash around your neck, don't give me that look.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta...
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat...
Bak kalbime benim kararttılar içini.
Look into my heart, they've darkened it.
Doldurdular nefreti ta ilkokuldan beri.
They filled it with hatred since elementary school.
Dayakla başladı bu saçma sapan yaşam.
This absurd life began with beatings.
Gözü dönmüş olana vuruyor şans topu paşam.
Luck favors the ruthless, my dear.
Çıkarını bekle ama gerçek kal deme.
Expect benefits, but don't ask me to stay true.
Memur da bekler ama ay sonu gelsin diye.
The civil servant also waits, but for the end of the month.
Noel Baba bir yalandır aldırmayın çocuklar, gerçekleri değil Noel Baba'yı kovun evinizden.
Santa Claus is a lie, don't pay attention, children, kick Santa, not the truth, out of your house.
Elinizden geleni ardınıza koymayın.
Don't hold back what you can do.
17 Ağustos 7.4 unutmayın.
August 17th, 7.4, don't forget.
Devleti soyanlar için sakın siz utanmayın.
Don't you dare feel ashamed for those who rob the state.
Bimini microphone'da her zaman gerçekler olmalı.
There should always be truth on Bimini microphone.
Benim sentez, kendini bilmezlere benzemez.
My synthesis, unlike those who don't know themselves.
Gerçekleri duymayı pek çok kişi istemez.
Many people don't want to hear the truth.
Ama geldi zaman boş konuşmayın silerim.
But the time has come, don't talk nonsense, I'll erase it.
Neden çünkü ben bir silgiyim.
Why? Because I'm an eraser.
Mikrofon kontrolü maksimum güçte, gölgelerin gücü adına güç bende.
Microphone control at maximum power, in the name of the power of shadows, the power is within me.
Hayat denen pastanın kanlı dilimi acı gerçekleri, tatlı olan yanı ise mecburiyet ve dayatma saltanatı tattırır insana aman.
The bloody slice of the cake called life, the bitter truths, the sweet side is the tyranny of obligation and imposition, it gives a taste to man, oh my.
Kalbimin direnci kalbimin direnci kalmadı, zaman aşımına uğradı.
My heart's resistance, my heart's resistance is gone, it has expired.
Yaman oldu dünya, kalbim oldu artık bir reosta.
The world has become harsh, my heart has become a rheostat.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta, kanlı bir pasta kimin bu acaba?
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat, whose bloody cake is this?
Boynunda tasma, bana surat asma.
With a leash around your neck, don't give me that look.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta...
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat...
Never ask me systematic questions all you do is talk I'm coming at you full speed walk on the sidewalk.
Never ask me systematic questions all you do is talk I'm coming at you full speed walk on the sidewalk.
I will smack your motherfuckin' face this is not a fuckin' race so don't make me chase and place in space and erase.
I will smack your motherfuckin' face this is not a fuckin' race so don't make me chase and place in space and erase.
Cut that freaky noise I sit on the white section with the black voice you don't have a choice my rap destroys.
Cut that freaky noise I sit on the white section with the black voice you don't have a choice my rap destroys.
I'll speak until you quit stop telling me how to do it because I can rap in both languages real fuckin' fluent.
I'll speak until you quit stop telling me how to do it because I can rap in both languages real fuckin' fluent.
I got black rap capacity coming from Narcotics so don't piss me off I bury you all with all your rap ethics.
I got black rap capacity coming from Narcotics so don't piss me off I bury you all with all your rap ethics.
I report you transport deport get your passport I escort you to export to take you to the supreme coart.
I report you transport deport get your passport I escort you to export to take you to the supreme coart.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta, kanlı bir pasta kimin bu acaba?
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat, whose bloody cake is this?
Boynunda tasma, bana surat asma.
With a leash around your neck, don't give me that look.
Bak bana usta kalbim reosta...
Look at me, master, my heart is a rheostat...

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