Çukursuz yok yol yolumda çukurum bol yaşamsa sanki bir test ineklik kar etmeksizin çalışmak genede pes etme bu uzun bir hol boş lafın yeridir raf kırık kanat uçurmaz hareket gerekir kalk bal akmış hangi daldan bi bilsem harbi dalcam elalem olmuş hep han alemde kaç?
There is no pit if my pit is a lot of life on my way, it's like a test cow, working without profit, don't give up, it's a long hall, it's a place of empty words, the shelf is broken, as soon as you fly, you need to move, get up, honey has flowed, if I know which branch, I've really been diving, how many in the han world?
ki prof ben evin delisi kork aklımda birikmiş probs bir anda söndüler puf ve rap ten aldığım hazsa benim verdiğim gaz sonunda kupada yok enerjim bitmez ama taklit edildikçe değiştim bu çok do?
which, prof, I'm afraid of the house Junkie, the accumulated probs in my mind went out in an instant, the gas I give to the pleasure I get from the puff and rap is not in the cup at the end, my energy does not run out, but I changed as I was imitated, is that too much?
al bir de?
take one too?
im sineklik taktım canıma kulaklıktan ses geçmez sulak alanlar azaldıkça ve sular aktıkça bo?
im wearing a flapper, I can't get the sound through the headset, as the wetlands decrease and the waters flow, bo?
a ne yaparsa yapsın insan yeter ki gitsin ho?
no matter what a does, as long as a person leaves, ho?
a ister be?
does a want a?
en ister beğenme zaten benim hep koşan e??
do you like it the most, I'm always running e??
in anlamadı??
did you not understand??
tek şey değildir ho?
it's not the only thing, ho?
gigavat çarp?
multiply by gigawatts?
bin ton gel ye kabahat bende dost tozpembe toz pembe dosta acı kahve posta kandı dost gene ba?
come a thousand tons, it's my fault, friend tozpembe powder pink, friend, bitter coffee, did the mail bleed, friend again, ba?
gerilim çok yüksek ateşli her kitle bir kütle çarparsa dünyaya tam tertip ben mi katlettim ben mi bomba attım ormanları ben yakıp ben mi ağlattım savaş?
tension is very high, fever, if every mass is hit by a mass, did I completely organize the world, did I slaughter it, did I drop a bomb, did I burn the forests and make me cry war?
ben açıp acep ben mi mahvettim işkence yapıp insanlığımı terk ettim i?
did i open it and acep i ruined it, tortured and abandoned my humanity?
lemler üretip hayat mı zorla?
produce lemes and force life?
tırdım kitle imha silahları ben mi icat ettim şöyle icap etti ben hep rap yaptım her bir kifayetsiz ekip insan sattın kadrola?
did I invent weapons of mass destruction, did I invent weapons of mass destruction, did I always rap, did you sell people to every incompetent team?
tık iyice kadrola?
click on the staff thoroughly?
tırdıkar memleketi kablolarla bo?
do you live in the country with cables?
dular hep yüksek gerilim çemberi dertli gibi görünmekte usta olan şeytandır gerçek derdi olanı ezen ise insandır mercek altındayız gerçek üstü hayatlar ki gerçeklerden bahseden her düşünce hep mi bayatlar…
dular is always the devil who is adept at looking like a high voltage circle sufferer, and it is the human who crushes what is really wrong, we are under the lens of surreal lives that every thought that talks about the truth is always stale…
gigavat çarp?
multiply by gigawatts?
bin ton gel ye kabahat bende dost tozpembe toz pembe dosta acı kahve posta kandı dost gene ba?
come a thousand tons, it's my fault, friend tozpembe powder pink, friend, bitter coffee, did the mail bleed, friend again, ba?
70 milyonun vebalini almaya çalışan politikacılar kadar hevesim yok politikaya şarkıcılar kadar kim ne isterse yapsın bırak benim zaten andım var benim andım rapim zaten kaynayan bir kanım var sanat düzen kanunlar başka düzen mafyalar en iyi düzen insanlık ama bu nasıl bir düzen abiler bu nas?
i don't have as much enthusiasm as politicians who are trying to take the blame for 70 million, let whoever does what they want as much as singers, I already have an oath, my oath, rap, I already have boiling blood, art order laws other order mafias the best order humanity, but what kind of order is this, brothers, how is it?
bir düzen ablalar bu geli?
is there a scheme, sisters, this geli?
i güzel tablolarla olmaz işler baltalar keser acıkta tangalar yaptığım her besteden kendisine pay çıkartanlar oynadığı rollerle gerçek hayat arasında kalanlar yaraları çok büyük olanlarda sayemde kan ağlar kopya hayat haksız kazanç kahpe eser rüzgarlar bahçe kiraz doldu biraz bekle araz çıkmasın kin garez doldu kahpeler ki ceza nasıl yazmasın eza çeken dostun oldu görmedin ve oldu tu?
i can't do it with beautiful paintings, work axes, Decapitates thongs in hunger, those who take a share of every composition I make, those who fall between the roles they play and real life, their wounds are very big, they cry blood thanks to me, copy life, unfair earnings, bitch, work winds, the garden is full of cherries, wait a little, land let it not come out, the grudge is full of grudges, bitches, so how can the punishment not be written, you have a friend who suffered, you didn't see it, and it happened?
bakıpta görmemezlikten geldiysen bence sende suç.
if you ignored to look and see, I think it's your fault.
gigavat çarp?
multiply by gigawatts?
bin ton gel ye kabahat bende dost tozpembe toz pembe dosta acı kahve posta kandı dost gene ba?
come a thousand tons, it's my fault, friend tozpembe powder pink, friend, bitter coffee, did the mail bleed, friend again, ba?
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