Chada - Na Tych Osiedlach - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chada - Na Tych Osiedlach

Na Tych Osiedlach
In These Neighborhoods
Otwieram swoja poczte, czytam - wzywa kurator.
I open my mail, I read it - the probation officer is calling.
Drugi list, list z puchy od ziomka,
Second letter, a letter from a buddy from the slammer,
Pisze, ze jak juz odsiedzi swoje wroci i posprzata.
He writes that as soon as he serves his time, he'll come back and clean up.
Na tych osiedlach tu gdzie czarne slonce,
In these neighborhoods where the sun shines black,
Malolatki sie woza, jakby byly bijace.
The youngsters are strutting around like they're tough guys.
Tak miesiac za miesiacem, jakos sie kreci.
So month after month, it somehow goes round and round.
Dzieciaki? Dzieciaki nie maja dobrych intencji.
Kids? Kids don't have good intentions.
Wiem co jest grane, jestem z ulicy,
I know what's going on, I'm from the streets,
Sasiad jakos podejrzanie czesto schodzi do piwnicy.
My neighbor goes down to the basement suspiciously often.
W okolo bloki, czuje sie, jak w ringu,
Surrounded by blocks, I feel like I'm in the ring,
Ziomka fura juz dwa lata na policyjnym parkingu.
My buddy's car's been in the police parking lot for two years.
Jedna siostra drugiej sprzedala taka diete,
One sister sold the other one such a diet,
Ze dwa lata dzien w dzien zapierdalaja fete.
That for two years, day after day, they're pushing weight.
Ja przekaz puszczam w eter i wiem, ze wygram,
I put my message out there and I know I'll win,
Na tych osiedlach wpadamy we wlasne sidla.
In these neighborhoods, we fall into our own traps.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Tu gina samochody, a pierdolone psy ciagle zbieraja dowody.
Cars disappear here, and the goddamn cops are always collecting evidence.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Jak do tej pory, na kazdym rogu sledzi cie jebany monitoring.
As always, on every corner, the fucking CCTV is watching you.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Witam kolego, czy chcesz czy nie to uchodzisz za winnego.
Welcome buddy, whether you like it or not, you're considered guilty.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Wiem co jest ciete, to sa te miejsca, ktore darze sentymentem.
I know what's being cut, these are the places I hold dear.
Tutaj nie wygra, ten kto nie zagra,
Here, the one who doesn't play won't win,
Skurwysyny, narkomani wala na klatkach po kablach.
Motherfuckers, junkies are shooting up on the stairwells.
My wychowani na ulicznych patentach,
We were raised on street smarts,
Wiekszosc typow tu sie buja na nie swoich dokumentach.
Most of the guys here are rolling on fake IDs.
Tutaj dzieciaki spedzaja czas pod sklepem,
Here kids spend their time hanging out in front of the store,
Ciagle spekuluja, zeby w koncu bylo lepiej.
Constantly speculating about when things will finally get better.
Na klatkach CHWDP wrzucone czarna farba,
On the stairwells, "Fuck the Police" is sprayed in black paint,
Tu kazdy jest farciarzem dopoki go nie zgarna.
Here everyone's a lucky bastard until they get busted.
Praca na czarno, ciezko jest zarobic,
Working under the table, it's hard to make money,
Nie jeden ziomek stad wyjechal by stanac na nogi.
More than one buddy has left here to get back on his feet.
Na tych osiedlach wszystko pachnie szwindlem,
In these neighborhoods, everything smells like a scam,
Z okien slychac Dixonow, SSDI i 3Y.
From the windows you can hear Dixon37, SSDI, and 3Y.
To psy ruszaja w poscig,
That's the cops going on a chase,
A lzy na ktore patrzysz, to nie sa lzy radosci.
And the tears you're looking at are not tears of joy.
Otwierasz oczy i czujesz zycia ucisk,
You open your eyes and you feel the pressure of life,
Wychodzac z domu nie wiesz, czy w ogole wrocisz.
Leaving home, you don't know if you'll ever come back.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Tu gina samochody, a pierdolone psy ciagle zbieraja dowody.
Cars disappear here, and the goddamn cops are always collecting evidence.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Jak do tej pory, na kazdym rogu sledzi cie jebany monitoring.
As always, on every corner, the fucking CCTV is watching you.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Witam kolego, czy chcesz czy nie to uchodzisz za winnego.
Welcome buddy, whether you like it or not, you're considered guilty.
Na tych osieeeedlach...
In these neighborhoooods...
Wiem co jest ciete, to sa te miejsca, ktore darze sentymentem.
I know what's being cut, these are the places I hold dear.
Tu wiekszosc z nas widnieje w kartotekach,
Here most of us are in the police files,
Na psa nikt nie spojrzy tu jak czlowieka.
Nobody looks at a cop like he's a human being.
Chociaz bys krzyczal nikt nie uslyszy krzyku,
Even if you shout, no one will hear your scream,
Dzieciaki od malego probuja narkotykow.
Kids are trying drugs from a young age.
Na tych osiedlach bezsilnosc jest, jak wyrok.
In these neighborhoods, helplessness is like a sentence.
Kolezka ciagle siedzi za przerzut paru kilo.
My buddy's still in jail for moving a couple of kilos.
Wciaz jest, jak jest i malo co sie zmienia,
It's still the same, and not much is changing,
Rodzicom z dziecmi ciezko dojsc do porozumienia.
It's hard for parents and kids to understand each other.
Bol i samotnosc, jak kara za egoizm,
Pain and loneliness, like punishment for selfishness,
Poki tego nie poznasz, twierdzisz, ze sie nie boisz.
Until you experience it, you claim you're not afraid.
Otwierasz drzwi choc nie wiesz co za drzwiami,
You open the door even though you don't know what's behind it,
Anioly z dnia na dzien staja sie demonami.
Angels are turning into demons day by day.
Na tych osiedlach masz przyjaciol i wrogow,
In these neighborhoods you have friends and enemies,
Sa tacy co juz dawno pukaja w dno od spodu.
There are those who have been hitting rock bottom for a long time.
Ty dzieki Bogu wiazesz koniec z koncem,
Thank God you're making ends meet,
Pamietaj niektorzy cie oddadza za pieniadze.
Remember some people will sell you out for money.

Writer(s): Donatan

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