Chara - 片想い - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Chara - 片想い

Unrequited Love
今(いま)、ただ知(し)りたいの 永遠(えいえん)じゃない〖我不求永遠 只求多了解你一點〗
Currently, I just want to know; it's not about eternity〖I don't ask for eternity I just want to know you a little more〗
I want to keep looking at you like this forever〖Just want to continue gazing at you from afar〗
その空(そら)いっぱいの紙(かみ)ひこうきぐらいになって 〖當你仰望著 滿天飛舞的紙飛機〗
Like the paper airplanes that fill the sky, 〖When you look up at the sky filled with paper airplnes〗
Please just notice mine〖You could find mine among them〗
ありがとう 愛(あい)は必要(ひつよう)とされる〖好想謝謝你 正因為有你的需要〗
Thank you, love must be needed〖I'm glad your love needs me〗
This is how I've been able to keep going〖This is how my love for you has been able to last〗
笑(わら)って私(わたし)が2人(ふたり)の距離(きょり)を楽(たの)しめたらいいのに 〖為何我自己 卻不滿足這份距離〗
I wish I could smile and enjoy the distance between us〖Why am I not satisfied with this distance?〗
「分(わ)からない」 それが答(こた)えなんだって 〖煩擾的問題 自己卻說不出原因〗
「I don't know」 That's what I'll answer〖There's no clear reason, even I don't know〗
シャボン玉(だま)飛(と)ばそう 空(そら)までは〖就好像美麗的肥皂泡〗
Let's blow bubbles; let's send them up to the sky〖Just like a beautiful bubble〗
きっと屆(とど)かないうちに壊(こわ)れちゃう〖卻早已注定 遲早會破裂的命運〗
They'll surely break and be gone before they reach〖But it's fate that we'll end up bursting, that we'll be gone〗
今(いま)、ただ知(し)りたいの 永遠(えいえん)じゃない〖我不求永遠 只求多了解你一點〗
Currently, I just want to know; it's not about eternity〖I don't ask for eternity I just want to know you a little more〗
I want to keep looking at you like this forever〖Just want to continue gazing at you from afar〗
その空(そら)いっぱいの紙(かみ)ひこうきぐらいになって〖當你仰望著 滿天飛舞的紙飛機〗
Like the paper airplanes that fill the sky, 〖When you look up at the sky filled with paper airplnes〗
Please just notice mine〖You could find mine among them〗
伝(つた)えたい 彼(かれ)が積(つ)み上(あ)げた想(おも)いの頂上(ちょうじょう)〖只想告訴你 這份思念漸漸堆積〗
I want to tell him that his feelings have piled up〖I just want to tell you the longing that has piled up〗
Because you can't see me〖I've become so invisible〗
その世界(せかい)の中(なか)で私(わたし)は何(なん)になれるの? 〖在你的心里 是否有我一席之地?〗
What can I be in that world of yours?〖Is there a place for me in your heart?〗
ただ知(し)りたいの 永遠(えいえん)じゃない〖我不求永遠 只求多了解你一點〗
I just want to know; it's not about eternity〖I don't ask for eternity I just want to know you a little more〗
このままずっと見(み)ていたいけど 〖就這樣默默地遠遠望著你〗
I want to keep looking at you like this forever〖Just want to continue gazing at you from afar〗
その空(そら)いっぱいの紙(かみ)ひこうきぐらいになって 〖當你仰望著 滿天飛舞的紙飛機〗
Like the paper airplanes that fill the sky, 〖When you look up at the sky filled with paper airplnes〗
I feel like crying〖Why do I suddenly want to cry〗
2人(ふたり)がもう少(すこ)し 認(みと)め合(あ)えば 〖其實只要我們 再多多正視彼此〗
If only we could acknowledge each other a bit more〖If only we could appreciate each other a little more〗
少(すこ)しだけ見(み)つめて〖轉過目光 便會發現〗
If we could just look at each other a bit more〖If we could just be honest〗
ゆれてる愛(あい)の花(はな) 〖愛的花朵 正微微搖曳〗
The flower of love is swaying〖The flower of love is swaying gently〗

Writer(s): Chara

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