- YAJIUMA DANCE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction - YAJIUMA DANCE

腹ペコgood night どうでもいいことだけ崇拝
Goin' to bed hungry, obsessed only with trivialities
Thoughts are wandering again, frequencies filling the void of my mind
Yes, up side down 縦横無尽にお空を舞う
Yes, up side down dancing across the sky
状況に飢えたお猿が這う 最高にhotさ 今だNOW
Hungry monkeys are crawling on the ground, it's the hottest, NOW
情報網でダンシング 実際になんて興味nothing
Dancing in the network, nothing interesting in reality
心に響くものは無し 上っ面が楽しい話 yeah
Nothing resonates, just the superficial fun things
Well, maybe not, I have a habit of checking out traffic jams
滑稽な猿たちは痛快で愉快 独りよがりでIt's show time
The ridiculous monkeys are hilarious and entertaining, selfishly enjoying their show
本当なんてないよ 本当から目を背けたいよ
There's no such thing as truth, I just want to look away
見た感じと噂で迷子 踊り明かそうYAJIUMA DANCE all night
Lost in appearances and rumors, let's dance the YAJIUMA DANCE all night
Let me get you something fun
Let me get you something fun
I forgive you what you've done
I forgive you for what you've done
Cuz You are my only one
Cuz You are my only one
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
I wanna get your heart
I wanna get your heart
You can feel nothing's fun
You can feel nothing's fun
The world spins with something undone
The world spins with something undone
Cuz You are my only one
Cuz You are my only one
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
I wanna get your heart
I wanna get your heart
我が飛び出す珍プレー 他所の芝生でダンシング混沌プレー
Making absurd blunders, dancing chaotically in someone else's shoes
Here we go 集まれ卑怯 言うだけ見るだけ蚊帳の外のエゴ
Here we go, gather the cowards, just watching, talking, while others do the work
ソーシャルヘッドバンギング シビアな眼で嘘をジャグリング
Social headbanging, juggling lies with judgmental eyes
炎上わざわざ通り道してはメモ 興味のないもの真実の根っこ
Seeking controversy, fueling the flames, making note of the unimportant
安物買いのコメンテーター 胸踊る情報枯れ果て停滞
Cheap commentators craving sensationalism, your thirst for information is killing us
Bitch wants ネタ 不一致もっと願う
Bitches want ネタ inconsistency, an insatiable desire
腹ペコgood night どうでもいいことだけ崇拝
Goin' to bed hungry, obsessed only with trivialities
Thoughts are wandering again, frequencies filling the void of my mind
本当なんてないよ 本当から目を背けたいよ
There's no such thing as truth, I just want to look away
見た感じと噂で迷子 踊り明かそうYAJIUMA DANCE all night
Lost in appearances and rumors, let's dance the YAJIUMA DANCE all night
Let me get you something fun
Let me get you something fun
I forgive you what you've done
I forgive you for what you've done
Cuz You are my only one
Cuz You are my only one
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
I wanna get your heart
I wanna get your heart
You can feel nothing's fun
You can feel nothing's fun
The world spins with something undone
The world spins with something undone
Cuz You are my only one
Cuz You are my only one
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
I wanna get your heart
I wanna get your heart
I've stumbled upon something I shouldn't have
Countless garbage radars
A story where I'm left in the dark
The universe's garbage radars

Writer(s): Cibo Matto, Mc Itsuka

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