- ベルサッサ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais - ベルサッサ

頭がそこまでたどり着く あなたはここから旅に出る
My mind will get you there You're going on a trip from here
助走 I know I know たまにソワついちゃって憤りを買う
Take off I know I know sometimes I get restless and buy my wrath
太陽が沈むまで距離I know I know 5minutes
The distance before the sun goes down, I know I know, five minutes
分刻みに反応し あがる心拍数にカモミール
React every minute, increase your heart rate, and get chamomile
肌に貫通させて楽しむ はんなりはんなりはんなり沈める毒
Let it penetrate your skin It's fragrant It's fragrant It's fragrant Submerges the poison
Wait until the curse, which is a spectacle, is healed. Worship respectfully respectfully
あなたはとうとうたどり着く 今からそこへと旅に出る
You're finally going to get there You're going out there from now
瞳閉じて身を委ね 表向きは無害だね
Close your eyes and surrender. It's harmless on the surface.
一途なことほのめかす 裏腹そして小手先だわ
Pretending to be devoted, it's the opposite, and it's just a tactic.
スルメみたいに噛めば噛むほどに 味わいはあれど干からびたカタチは
The more you chew it, like dried squid, the more you taste it, but the dried shape is
興味はないと理想語り出せば 見せ物それはニセモノ
If you talk about ideals with no concern, what you show is a fake
分刻みに反応し あがる心拍数にカモミール
React every minute, increase your heart rate, and get chamomile
肌に貫通させて楽しむ はんなりはんなりはんなり沈める毒
Let it penetrate your skin It's fragrant It's fragrant It's fragrant Submerges the poison
Wait until the curse, which is a spectacle, is healed. Worship respectfully respectfully
たちまちしつこく 脳内かけめぐるトーン 淡い桃の気ダンスfor me
The tone that immediately lingers in my mind is a pale peach dance for me
真面目装ってハイヒール 人の眼溶かしてみせる
Wearing high heels with a serious look, I'll melt people's eyes
大枚はたいてI相合止まんない にせ物で見せ物その場しのぎのファイト
I spent a lot of money, and the mutual understanding doesn't stop. It's a fake show and a makeshift fight
調子狂う常識通 理想の狭間で乱痴気ブルー
Common sense goes awry, and the blues are in turmoil between ideals
つべこべ言わずともやってくる その時あんたは狂ってる
Without hesitation, it will come That time you're crazy
序章 I know I know たまに ザワついちゃって憤りを巻く
Prologue I know I know sometimes I get restless and get angry
退屈が沈むまで距離 I know I know 3minutes
The distance before boredom sets in, I know I know, three minutes
あなたはいよいよ旅に出る 明日はここへと戻らない
You're finally going on a trip. You won't be back here tomorrow.
1秒が5分に勝手に感じるセンス 意気込んで5秒で忘れちゃうくせに
One second feels like five minutes. I'm enthusiastic about it and forget about it in five seconds
よしなにどうぞ 人づてに聞いた しなしなのカイワレダイコンの様
Well, please do it. I heard from someone that it's like a wilted radish sprout
待ちきれず鉛の首もたげる 生ける屍 涙目 見た目は乞う
I can't wait. My lead neck raises a living corpse. My eyes are teary. My appearance is a beggar
退屈から解放され最高の瞬間 抵抗はもろく笑みは溢れる
Free from boredom is the perfect moment. Resistance is fragile and smiles overflow
I know I know ベルサッサ
I know I know Bellsaza
分刻みに反応し あがる心拍数にカモミール
React every minute, increase your heart rate, and get chamomile
肌に貫通させて楽しむ はんなりはんなりはんなり痺れる
Let it penetrate your skin It's fragrant It's fragrant It's fragrant Numbs
I know I know ベルサッサ
I know I know Bellsaza

Writer(s): いつか, Yasuhito Yamada, yasuhito yamada

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