- 等身大グレー - traduction des paroles en anglais

等身大グレー - Charisma.comtraduction en anglais

Natural Grey
顔色何色? まだら模様手綱断ち切ろうと
What color is your face? Blotchy patterned reins I'll cut off
金招き猫 ヤワな鼓動孤独噛み切ろうと
Golden beckoning cat Soft heartbeat I'll bite off
The climax is the liver Who cares what
はち切れそうな白と黒の子は・・・ who′ that? numerouno
The kid who's gonna burst with white and black is... who' that? Number one
大概の流行のステップに 乗っかりがっつり周りと混じり
I jump on most of the latest dance steps and blend in with everyone around me
通りすがりのビッグなマウスをチェックしどっかに持ってくlike a bee
Checking out every big mouth that passes by and taking it somewhere like a bee
Harmless, no problem Existence in the air hiccuping nails
Super bold, synopsis. Nuisance.
チョーkawaii 超怖い・・・
Super cute Super scary...
紹介した女は整形 等身大が超グレー
The girl I introduced you to had plastic surgery She's super grey in real life
賞味期限が切れても販売 等身大が超グレー
Selling even after the expiration date She's super grey in real life
意図的に財布を忘れる習性 等身大が超グレー
Habit of intentionally forgetting her wallet She's super grey in real life
飄々として悪気ない仮病 等身大が超グレー
Feigning illness without malice She's super grey in real life
お任せよ 口からでまかせよ
Leave it to me Talk out of my ass
Anyone who suggests my real self is super clean is super sly
Actually, I'm a queen who jumps on anything
飛び出すお店をバーン 誰かのおごりでドーンと食べたりパーっとやらない
I jump into a flashy store and eat and drink everything for free
控えめにほくそ笑む 密かに1番の隣step by step by
I chuckle to myself secretly The best next step by step by
非難のダーツ BULLはme 後回しにして責任カモフラージュ見て
The dart of blame BULL is me Postpone and camouflage responsibility and see
どうにもならない同情売買 誰かの助けでお茶のこさいさい
Hopeless sympathy trading Trying to get by with someone else's help
Black and white I don't have WHY?
Black and white I don't have WHY?
白黒つけないで 価値上げる
Don't decide in black and white Increase your value
チョーkawaii 超怖い・・・
Super cute Super scary...
紹介した女は整形 等身大が超グレー
The girl I introduced you to had plastic surgery She's super grey in real life
賞味期限が切れても販売 等身大が超グレー
Selling even after the expiration date She's super grey in real life
意図的に財布を忘れる習性 等身大が超グレー
Habit of intentionally forgetting her wallet She's super grey in real life
飄々として悪気ない仮病 等身大が超グレー
Feigning illness without malice She's super grey in real life

Writer(s): mc itsuka

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